Angle's Classifications Flashcards
list the Angle’s Classifications
- Class I
- Class II
- Class III
what angle classification when the MB cusp of the Maxillary 1st molar occludes MESIAL to the buccal groove of the mandibular 1st molar and the Maxillary Canine cusp is MESIAL to the embrasure of the Mandibular Canine and premolar?
Class II
what angle classification is described as…MB cups of the maxillary 1st molar occludes with the BUCCAL groove of the mandibular 1st molar and the maxillary canine cusp is the facial embrasure b/w mandibular canine and 1st premolar?
Class I
what angle classification is described as…MB cusp of the maxillary 1st molar occludes DISTAL to the buccal groove of the mandibular 1st Molar and the Maxillary canine cusp is DISTAL to the embrasure of mandibular canine and 1st premolar?
Class III
Name the angles classification Profiles
- mesognathic
- retrognathic (chin pushed back)
- prognathic (chin pushed out–Jay Leno)
Prognathic profile goes with what angle classification?
Class III
Retrognathic Profile goes with what angle classification?
Class II
Mesognathic Profile goes with what angle classification?
Class I
what Angle Classification has additional divisions and name them?
Class II
Class II, division I
Class II, division II
what is the descriptions of Class II, division I?
excessive overjet
more than 3mm
what is the description of Class II, Division II?
retruded maxillary incisors
Angle’s classification is not for?
- pt’s with missing 1st molars/canines
- tendencies (half way in b/w)
- primary or mixed dentitions