angle flash cards
lines that never cross and are the same distance apart and may go on forever (will not cross if they go on & on)
part of a circle that represents an angle between two intersecting lines
lines that form square corners when they intersect + they form right angles
when lines intersect they form angles and angles are the spaces or shapes that are formed between the intersecting lines.
right angles
lines that form it are perpendicular and the angle measures 90 degrees. (corner of a square)
when lines cross they cross at a point called an intersection (X with a dot in the middle)
acute angle
angles that are less then a right angle
obtuse angle
angles greater then a right angle
straight angle
two lines pointing in opposite directions, a straight line
complementary angles
two angles that come from a right angle are called complementary angles.
supplementary angles
two angles combined to make a straight line
the point where two rays meet
having the same measurement
having the same measurement
a measurement used to measure angles