Anglais daily Flashcards
J’aide de toutes les manières possibles
I help in any way I can
J’aide du mieux que je peux
I help as best I can
De quel matériau est faite cette chemise ?
What material is this shirt made of?
Je préfère les vêtements en coton ; c’est très confortable
I prefer clothes made of cotton; it’s very comfortable.
Cette veste est-elle en vrai cuir ou en cuir synthétique ?
Is this jacket real leather or faux leather?
La soie est très douce et lisse sur la peau.
Silk feels very soft and smooth on the skin.
J’aime porter des pulls en laine en hiver parce qu’ils me tiennent chaud.
I like wearing wool sweaters in winter because they keep me warm.
Le denim est très résistant, c’est pourquoi il est utilisé pour les jeans.
Denim is very strong, which is why it’s used for jeans
Le polyester est un matériau populaire parce qu’il est durable et facile à entretenir.
Polyester is a popular material because it’s durable and easy to care for.
Cette robe est en lin léger, parfait pour l’été.
This dress is made of a lightweight linen, perfect for summer.
Le poulet est bon ici
The chiken is good here
je ferai selon mon envie
I will do that i feel like doing
je n’ai pas classe le lundi
I don’t have class on monday
J’y passe la nuit
I stay there overnight
Si vous ne voulez pas utiliser celui-là…
You if don’t want to use that one…
à cause de la coupure d’électricité, vous êtes obligé de ne rien faire
because of the power cut, you are forced to do nothing
Le visage triste
the sad face
Je ne sais pas combien d’heures cela prendra là-bas
I don’t know how many hours it might take there
cela peut prendre assez temps
it’s might take quite long time
it can take quite some time
personnalité/caractère pétillant
bubbly personality/character
Je suis curieux de….
I’am curious about …..
respecté pour
respected for
Enchanté de vous rencontrer
Pleased to meet you
Elle suit les dernières tendances et porte toujours des chaussures et des vestes à la mode.
She follows the latest styles and always wears trendy shoes and jackets.
Lucy porte toujours des vêtements stylés qui la rendent élégante et séduisante.
Lucy always wears stylish clothes that make her look elegant and attractive.
Il portait des vêtements de marque à la mode lors de la soirée.
He was wearing fashionable designer clothes at the party.
Je mets toujours des vêtements confortables dès que je rentre à la maison.
I always change into comfortable clothes as soon as I get home.
Nous pouvons porter des vêtements décontractés à la fête, je porterai donc probablement un T-shirt et un jean.
We can wear casual clothes to the party, so I’ll probably wear a T-shirt and jeans.
We are going to an important business dinner, so we must wear formal clothes.
Elle portait une robe française très chic.
She was wearing a very chic French dress.
Même après de nombreuses années, son costume classique est toujours à la mode.
Even after many years, his classic suit still looked fashionable.
je prends la taille au-dessus
I take the next size up
Les jeans sont tellement serrés et extensibles qu’ils sont comme une seconde peau.
The jeans were so tight and stretchy that they felt like a second skin.
J’ai perdu du poids, et maintenant tous mes vêtements sont amples.
I’ve lost weight, and now all my clothes are loose.
Il porte un pantalon ample qui laisse apparaître son short.
He wears baggy trousers that show his boxers.
Lara portait une chemise à motifs de petites fleurs et de feuilles.
Lara was wearing a patterned shirt with small flowers and leaves.
J’ai décidé de porter une chemise blanche unie.
I decided to wear a plain white shirt.
J’adore les carrés verts et rouges du pantalon à carreaux de Sam.
Les prisonniers portent souvent des uniformes rayés.
I love the green and red squares on Sam’s checked trousers.
Prisoners often wear striped uniforms.
Elle portait une robe tachetée avec de petits points rouges partout.
She wore a spotted dress with small red dots all over it.
Il porte une veste en jean.
He is wearing a denim jacket.
J’adore les carrés verts et rouges sur le pantalon à carreaux de Sam.
Les prisonniers portent souvent des uniformes rayés.
I love the green and red squares on Sam’s checked trousers.
Prisoners often wear striped uniforms.
Elle porte un t-shirt blanc en coton
She’s wearing a white cotton T-shirt
Sa robe est en soie.
Her dress is made of silk.
Sa veste chaude est en polyester.
His warm jacket is made of polyester.
Je porte souvent des costumes en lin l’été.
I often wear linen suits in summer.
Il portait une veste en velours vert.
He was wearing a green velvet jacket.
Elle fait une nappe en dentelle blanche.
She’s making a white lace tablecloth.
Les manteaux de fourrure sont très chers et fabriqués à partir d’animaux.
Fur coats are very expensive and made from animals.
Il porte toujours une veste en cuir cool.
He always wears a cool leather jacket.
Il s’agissait d’un dîner officiel, nous avons donc dû nous habiller.
It was a formal dinner, so we had to dress up.
Je me suis déguisé en fantôme pour la fête costumée.
I dressed up as a ghost for the costume party.
Assurez-vous de mettre votre veste avant d’aller à l’extérieur.
Make sure you put on your jacket before you go outside.
J’ai enlevé mon manteau et l’ai accroché à un crochet.
I took off my coat and hung it on a hook.
Avant d’acheter les jeans, je les ai essayés dans la salle de montage.
Before purchasing the jeans, I tried them on in the fitting room.
Ces chaussures ne me vont pas. Elles sont trop petites.
These shoes don’t fit me. They’re too small.
Vous êtes superbe! Cette couleur vous va vraiment.
You look great! That colour really suits you.
Votre veste bleue correspond à vos bottes bleues.
Your blue jacket matches your blue boots.
Ces chaussures ne me vont pas. Elles sont trop petites.
These shoes don’t fit me. They’re too small.
Vous êtes superbe! Cette couleur vous va vraiment.
You look great! That colour really suits you.
Votre veste bleue correspond à vos bottes bleues.
Your blue jacket matches your blue boots.
Nous accrochons nos manteaux sur un crochet après les avoir enlevés.
we hang our coats on a hook after taking them off.
Nous accrochons aussi nos vêtements sur la corde après les avoir lavés pour qu’ils sèchent au soleil
We also hang our clothes on the line after washing them so that they dry in the sun
Après avoir plié mon jean, je le range dans le tiroir.
After folding my jeans, I put them away in the drawer.
Je mets toujours mes robes dans la penderie.
I always hang my dresses in the wardrobe.
Mary repasse les chemises de son mari.
Mary is ironing her husband’s shirts.
Fred boutonnait sa chemise.
Fred was buttoning up his shirt.
Avant de prendre votre chemise, vous devez la déboutonner.
Before you take of your shirt, you need to unbutton it.
Assurez-vous de fermer votre veste, il fait froid dehors.
Make sure you zip up your jacket, it’s cold outside.
Vous devez dézipper votre robe pour l’enlever.
You need to unzip your dress to take it off.
Veuillez enfiler votre chemise dans votre pantalon pour l’interview.
Please, tuck your shirt into your trousers for the interview.
elle a un oeil pour la mode
she has an eye for fashion
elle est très à la mode
she’s very fashionable
Je m’habillerai pour l’occasion
i will dress for the occasion
elle ne pense pas si les vêtements sont beaux sur eux
she doesn’t think if the clothes are look good on them
la plupart du temps
Le plus souvent
Most of time
nous ne pouvons pas dire ça
we can not said that
attendre une minute
Wait a minute
bienvenue à la maison
welcome home
Welcome back
Rappelez-vous d’aller de l’a avant.
Remember to move forward
je suis d’humeur assez lente
i’m in the mood quite slowly
Ce sont de petites cases en terre
They are small clay huts
Je risque de dire une bêtise chose si je ne vérifie pas
I risk saying something stupid if I don’t check
La fatigue n’est pas principalement physique, mais mentale. Donc, si vous choisissez d’être joyeux, vous réduisez votre fatigue de moitié. C’est un fait psychologique.
Fatigue is not primarily physical, but mental. So if you choose to be joyful, you halve your fatigue. It’s a psychological fact
ce n’est pas joli
it’s not look nice
ils ont beaucoup d’argent pour jouer ou faire quelque chose qui n’a aucun sens
they have a lot money to play or do something no sense
nous étions tellement ébahis (choqués)
we were so socked
comment ils se laissent devenir comme ça ……
how they let themselves become like this ……
quels aliments vous devriez manger pour rester en bonne santé
what food you should eat to staying healthy
Vous devenez un problème pour votre famille et votre société
You become a problem for your family and your society
To go shopping means that your intentions are to buy things because you want to or because you need a new version of something. There isn’t necessarily any routine aspect to this action.
example: I like to go shopping the weekend after payday. I need to go shopping for a new coat.
To do the shopping describes the regular process of going to the supermarket to buy food and the other necessary items we need to live on a day to day basis. There is an aspect of doing this regularly and it is more of an obligation than an enjoyable activity, for most.
example: My wife always does the shopping, and I do the cooking
le prix est raisonnable et la qualité est acceptable
the price is reasonable and the quality is acceptable
Où d’autre pourriez-vous faire vos achats ?
where else could you shop at?
Points de vente à l’extérieur de la ville
out of town retail outlets
if you shop for clothes here, you need to pay a lot of money
It might an arm and a leg
(be very expensive )
that would be very expensive
l love shopping for clothes. Where are you usually buy clothes from?
they are far away
what about local boutique? there are plenty of them around here
i don’t really like them, they don’t have many item of clothing
ceux-ci sont assez bon magasin
those are pretty good store
I’m just browsing
i’m only looking, if i see anything interesting i will let you know
Does this come in white?
i need to try it on
it does not fit me
it doesn’t suit you
It does not look good on you
This hat is on sale
It’s 80 $ marked down from 100$
I want to tack it back
that’s why you want to return it to tgr dtore
to exchange for another thing
you might want your money back
the shop will refund my money ( refund me)
I want to have a refund
The shop will issue a refund
the sleeve is torn
may i have a look?
I don’t wear according to trend
this been very hectic for you
i have errands to run ( to do) today
hopefully is not too busy
that is very good one
learning is what stimulates me
i’m taking it step by step
learning is what stimulates me
Breatch under the water
it’s horrible experience actually
let me make you this exemple
I’m still doing it even now not for money now
My father is the one
the nice one
My father plays a big in my life
I’ve been learning English since I was 8 years old
what’s stopping me from doing it now?
I owe everything I am today to my father. I wish i could have rewarded him before he died
Very enthusiastic and full of energy
Bright eyed and bushy tailed
to be very dedicated
To eat, sleep and breathe something
to try something
Give sth a shot
To lose energy or enthusiasm
run out of steam
I have a very long day
I’m not referring to the team
say that again
all of them
Organized myself
What do you do for a living?/
What do you do for work?
What do you work as?
you should be proud of yourself
Embraced your beauty
I match my style with my shape
Idescribed their meal planning process
I wear generally according to my shape
I’m highlighting the difference between weekday and weekend meals.
I did a lot of things, but I’m not sure I finished them.
I want to say we eat on Sundays much better and more elaborate than usual.
stay there overnight
I wear something that keep me warm during cold season, rainy season, wet season
Don’t rush yourself
I want to set myself some goals
set yourself goals
I’ve been awake for 2 hours
I woke up 2 hours ago.
Before the year ends
Before the end of this year
I can’t stand hot pepper
it’s elevate the dish
it’s more delicious
it’s take the meal to others level
Make the dish become nicer
we had a little party at home, and it was amazing.
my day was okay yesterday
un large sourire
nothing new has happened
it is safe to be woman in your country ?
you must buy everything on the list
there’s no country whose cuisine I’ve particularly enjoyed
My learning process are slower than others
encourage myself,
the things are not easy to get
Il ne sait pas parler avec tact
He doesn’t know how to speak tactfully
je comprends son désire de me voir progresser
I understand his desire to see me progress
cela a l’effet contraire sur moi
it has the opposite effect on me
Il attire l’attention des autres sur moi
He draws attention to me
you have something that AI doesn’t have a conscience
When I was a child, I didn’t eat many vegetables.
je suis très pensive ce matin
I’m very pensive this morning
I’m very thoughtful this morning
c’est facile de gérer les urgences
it’s easy to deal with emergencies
Je ne sais pas encore
I don’t know yet
I don’t know how to explain it in English, but I don’ t agree.
I don’t work much.
Not this morning, yet at noon.
After that, I will head to work.
i feel in the same way
i don’t like wear something that can math with someone
I don’t know if the word is accurate.
Let me verify the word.
I’m not sure if I comprehend your question.
One challenge I face in my service is that we don’t have much technical support.
It’s important that children give gifts to their parents to receive blessings from them.
When you say holidays, are you talking about Christmas or something specific?
I don’t know the path.
And regarding tennis, I just started.
I want to find an internship related to my recent certification.
I need to start running to help my body get used to playing sports.
This year, I want to work on my speaking, like I did in the past.
Because the last month, I learned that if I need to have a different result, I need to do things differently than I usually do.
I don’t have a fixed schedule
My time spot shifted a little bit this month
I have to cook something for my niece.
I’m not really sure if I’ve eaten yet.
To me, this word is an object.
Like, what is my aim, my goal?
Somewhere where you have tranquility.
…But to respond is difficult for me.
But to respond is challenging for me.
I’m not sure about this.
I’m not certain about this.
But responding is difficult for me.
Jesus changed wine into water according to the Christians
je me considere chance
I consider myself lucky/fortunate
Je suis chanceux/J’ai de la chance
i’m lucky.
tu as hâte de travailler la prochaine semaine
are you looking forward to working next week?
you have to look after some patients who are ungrateful or abusive.
I didn’t feel good yesterday.
I’m not sure which preposition to use.
Il est préférable de se fier à la consistance plutôt qu’à la motivation
It’s better to rely on consistency than motivation
Il travaille de l’aube au coucher du soleil
He works from dawn to sunset
La femme aux yeux bleus est là-bas
The woman with blue eyes is over there
Mon frère pouvait parler de l’âge de deux ans.
My brother could speak about at the age of two.
Malgré son échec, il n’a pas abandonné la formation.
in spite of his failure, he hasn’t given up training.
ma sœur est allée dans ma chambre quand je n’étais pas là !
my sister went into my bedroom when I wasn’t in !
je n’ai pas le mien
i don’t have my own
nous tous prenons soin d’elle
we all take care of her
i went to the clothes shop to exchange the items i had bought before.
what this term mean?
J’ai réussi à traverser cette période difficile.
I got through this tough time.
Il est devenu meilleur au piano.
He has gotten better at playing the piano.
Il est tard, on devrait y aller.
It’s late, we should get going.
After the breakup, it took him a long time to get over her.
I haven’t seen my friend in years; I should get in touch with her.
When you were squeezing the toothpaste out of the tub
Small parts of the paste landed on your eye and I rinsed your eyes with water
I have a large range of choices
It was raining cats and dogs.
There were many varieties of food.
I overslept that is why I was late
He is the person whose opinion matters most to me.
This restaurant is better than the one we went to last week.
That was the worst movie I have ever seen!
This test is more difficult than the one we did last week.
That was the funniest joke I’ve ever heard!
Ce film est plus intéressant que le précédent.
This movie is more interesting than the previous one.
Ce restaurant est meilleur que celui d’hier.
This restaurant is better than the one from yesterday.
Ce fut la pire journée de ma vie !
That was the worst day of my life!
Il n’y avait rien que je puisse faire pour aider
There was nothing I could do to help.
j’aurai voulu faire quelques chose
I would have liked to do something
a qui appartient ce sac
who owns this bag
a qui appartient ce sac
who this bag belongs to
Lequel de ces livres préfères-tu ?
Which of these books do you prefer?
repousser les frontières
push back the boundaries
repousser les limites
push back the limits
Je te dois…..
i owe you………..