Angels in America Part 1: Act 1: Scene 6 Bathroom Flashcards
Joe: Oh, um… Morning
Louis: Good morning, counselor.
Joe (He watches Louis cry): Sorry, I… I don’t know your name.
Louis: Don’t bother. Word processor. The lowest of the low.
Joe (Holding out hand): Joe Pitt. I’m with Justice Wilson…
Louis: Oh, I know that. Counselor Pitt. Chief Clerk.
Joe: Were you… are you okay?
Louis: Oh, yeah. Thanks. What a nice man.
Joe: Not so nice.
Louis: What?
Joe: Not so nice. Nothing. You sure you’re…
Louis: Life sucks shit. Life… just sucks shit.
Joe: What’s wrong?
Louis: Run in my nylons.
Joe: Sorry…?
Louis: Forget it. Look, thanks for asking.
Joe: Well…
Louis: I mean it really is nice of you.
(He starts to cry again)
Sorry, sorry, sick friend…
Joe: Oh, I’m sorry.
Louis: Yeah, yeah, well, that’s sweet.
Three of your colleagues have preceded you to this baleful sight and you’re the first one to ask. The others just opened the door, saw me, and fled. I hope they had to pee real bad.
Joe (Handing him a wad of toilet paper): They just didn’t want to intrude.
Louis: Hah. Reaganite heartless macho asshole lawyers.
Joe: Oh, that’s unfair.
Louis: What is? Heartless? Macho? Reaganite? Lawyer?
Joe: I voted for Reagan.
Louis: YOU did?
Joe: Twice.
Louis: Twice? Well, oh boy. A Gay Republican.
Joe: Excuse me?
Louis: Nothing.
Joe: I’m not… Forget it.
Louis: Republican? Not Republican? Or…
Joe: What?
Louis: What?
Joe: Not gay. I’m not gay.
Louis: Oh. Sorry.
(Blows his nose loudly)
It’s just…
Joe: Yes?
Louis: Well, sometimes you can tell from the way a person sounds that… I mean you sound like a…
Joe: NO I don’t. Like what?
Louis: Like a Republican.
Joe (Making sure no one else is around): Do I? Sound like a…?
Louis: What? Like a…? Republican, or…? Do I?
Joe: Do you what?
Louis: Sound like a…?
Joe: Like a…?
I’m… confused.
Louis: Yes.
My name is Louis. But all my friends call me Louise. I work in word processing. Thanks for the toilet paper.