Angel Experiment Flashcards
What is the lab where Max, Nudge, Angel, Fang, Iggy, and The Gasman grew up called?
The School
What is Max’s full name?
Maximum Ride
Which of the characters in this book is blind?
Iggy is blind
What are Angel’s powers?
Angel can read minds, control people with her mind, and breathe under water and also communicate with fish.
What genes do the Flock have mixed with their human genes that gives them light bones, bigger lungs, and enables them to fly?
Bird genes
What is Jeb’s son’s name?
What are erasers?
vicious kids with wolf genes often used as guards
Why is Max and the flock in New York?
to find the institute
What happens when they do find the institute?
They are chased out by an eraser
What do Angel and Max see when they are captured and taken to the school?
They find their old dad-like figure, Jeb.
Why did Angel and Gasman’s parents abandon them?
They did it for money.
How does Angel get the teddy bear she wants?
She uses her mind powers to manipulate a lady into buying it for her.
What did Dr. Martinez find about what’s inside of Max’s arm?
There was a tracking chip injected in it.
Who helps the Flock escape “The School” the first time?
Jeb felt sorry for the Flock, so he took them to a safe place and taught them how to survive.
After some of the Flock were recaptured, who stormed the school to get them out?
Iggy, The Gasman, and Hawks
While the group was hiding out, they saw some Hawks. The Flock started to mimic the Hawk’s flying patterns.
Gazzy, aka The Gasman, has a breakdown. The gang decides to go to a restaurant that Gazzy picks out, but problems arise with the staff. What does the Flock do that puts their picture in the newspaper?
Fly through a skylight. This is the first time people other than those from “The School” see their wings.
Who asks the Flock if they want a makeover?
Staff member of a barber shop. The Flock things it will be a good idea to change their appearance.
The Flock leaves New York and goes to the ocean. Which Flock member learns that she can breathe under water?
Angel (she also learned she can talk to fish)
Who almost gets killed by Ari?
Ari and Fang get into a fight on the beach and Ari smashes Fang’s head on a rock. After the fight is over, Max kisses Fang.
The Flock fly back to New York and crash for the night where?
The subway tunnel. While they were here the first time, they meet a boy that said Max’s chip was messing with his computer.
How do the Flock break into “The Institute”?
Through the sewers. Max’s voice inside her head told her there is always a pot of gold under the rainbow. This is how she figured out to use the sewers.
Once inside “The Institute” they find information on all the Flock’s real names and parents’ names and locations. What else do they find there?
Mutants locked up in cages. Nudge found that she could tap into computers, helping the gang into the system.
What happened to Ari during the fight while the Flock are escaping?
Max accidentally breaks Ari’s neck. When they fell, Ari hit his head on something.
After the fight, the Flock hear someone yell, “You killed your brother.” Who said this?
Jeb…we find out later that Ari was really Max’s half brother.
What did Angel take from one of the cages?
A dog. He becomes a member of the Flock.
What did Angel decide to name the mutant she rescued?
Total…she found the name on a dog tac he was wearing.