Ang Voc 4 Flashcards
What is the English term for ‘acteur’?
What is the English term for ‘actrice’?
What is the English term for ‘célèbre’?
What is the English term for ‘radio’?
What is the English term for ‘star’?
What is the French term for ‘apartment’?
What is the French term for ‘date’?
What is the French term for ‘girlfriend’?
petite amie
What is the French term for ‘lite’?
What is the French term for ‘near’?
près de
What is the French term for ‘surname’?
nom de famille
What is the French term for ‘wife’?
How do you say ‘at (six o’clock)’ in French?
à (six heures)
How do you say ‘at night’ in French?
le soir
How do you say ‘at the weekend’ in French?
pendant le week-end
How do you say ‘in the morning’ in French?
le matin
How do you say ‘in the evening’ in French?
le soir
How do you say ‘in the afternoon’ in French?
How do you say ‘in (April)’ in French?
en (avril)
How do you say ‘in (1990)’ in French?
en (1990)
How do you say ‘on (Saturday)’ in French?
le (samedi)
How do you say ‘on (Sunday morning)’ in French?
le (dimanche matin)
How do you say ‘on (4th January)’ in French?
le (4 janvier)
How do you ask ‘How was (the concert)?’ in French?
Comment as-tu / avez-vous trouvé (le concert) ?
How do you say ‘I was born on (15th January).’ in French?
Je suis né le (15 janvier).
How do you ask ‘When (were you) born?’ in French?
Quand (es-tu / êtes-vous) né ?
How do you say ‘It’s a joke!’ in French?
C’est une plaisanterie !
How do you say ‘You’re welcome.’ in French?
De rien.
What is the English phrase for ‘Everyday English’?
Everyday English
How do you say ‘Cool!’ in French?
Super !
How do you say ‘I know.’ in French?
Je sais.
How do you say ‘I’m sorry.’ in French?
Je suis désolé.
How do you say ‘Of course!’ in French?
Bien sûr !
How do you say ‘Really?’ in French?
Vraiment ?
What is a band?
A group of musicians who perform together.
What is classical music?
A genre of music that is rooted in the traditions of Western culture.
What is a concert?
A live performance of music before an audience.
What does a drummer do?
A musician who plays the drums.
What is a hit song?
A song that is very popular and successful.
What is a musician?
A person who plays a musical instrument or sings.
What is pop music?
A genre of popular music that is characterized by a strong melody.
What is a singer?
A person who sings, especially professionally.
What is a song?
A musical composition with lyrics.
What is bass guitar?
A stringed instrument that plays low-pitched notes.
What are brass instruments?
Musical instruments made of brass that produce sound by vibrating air.
What is a choir?
A group of singers who perform together.
What is a keyboard?
A musical instrument with keys that produce sound when pressed.
What are percussion instruments?
Instruments that produce sound by being struck or shaken.
What is a saxophone?
A woodwind instrument made of brass, played with a single-reed mouthpiece.
What are string instruments?
Instruments that produce sound by vibrating strings.
What are woodwind instruments?
Instruments that produce sound by air vibrating in a tube.
What are past time expressions?
Phrases used to indicate when something happened in the past.
What does ‘last night’ refer to?
The night before today.
What does ‘last week’ refer to?
The week before the current week.
What does ‘last weekend’ refer to?
The weekend before the current one.
What does ‘last month’ refer to?
The month before the current month.
What does ‘last year’ refer to?
The year before the current year.
What does ‘yesterday’ refer to?
The day before today.
What does ‘yesterday morning’ refer to?
The morning of the day before today.
What does ‘yesterday afternoon’ refer to?
The afternoon of the day before today.
What does ‘yesterday evening’ refer to?
The evening of the day before today.
Translate ‘groupe’ to English.
Translate ‘musique classique’ to English.
Classical music.
Translate ‘concert’ to English.
Translate ‘batteur’ to English.
Translate ‘tube’ to English.
Hit song.
Translate ‘musicien’ to English.
Translate ‘musique pop’ to English.
Pop music.
Translate ‘chanteur’ to English.
Translate ‘chanson’ to English.
Translate ‘basse’ to English.
Bass guitar.
Translate ‘les cuivres’ to English.
Brass instruments.
Translate ‘chœur, chorale’ to English.
Translate ‘clavier’ to English.
Translate ‘les percussions’ to English.
Percussion instruments.
Translate ‘saxophone’ to English.
Translate ‘les cordes’ to English.
String instruments.
Translate ‘les bois’ to English.
Woodwind instruments.
Translate ‘la nuit dernière’ to English.
Last night.
Translate ‘la semaine dernière’ to English.
Last week.
Translate ‘le week-end dernier’ to English.
Last weekend.
Translate ‘le mois dernier’ to English.
Last month.
Translate ‘l’année dernière’ to English.
Last year.
Translate ‘hier’ to English.
Translate ‘hier matin’ to English.
Yesterday morning.
Translate ‘hier après-midi’ to English.
Yesterday afternoon.
Translate ‘hier soir’ to English.
Yesterday evening.