Anesthesia For Operative Delivery (Exam III) Flashcards
What is Macrosomia?
Fetus/Newborn w/ excessive birth weight
What is TOLAC?
Trial of Labor after Cesarean
What is VBAC?
Vaginal Birth after Cesarean
What is PPH?
Post-partum Hemorrhage
What is SAB?
Spontaneous Abortion
Or subarachnoid block.
What are indicators for operative vaginal delivery?
- Bad FHR variability
- Maternal exhaustion
- Arrested Descent
If a denser sensory block is necessary for operative vaginal delivery, what medications can be used?
- Lidocaine 2% 5-10mls
- 2-Chloroprocaine 2-3% 5-10mls
What is the most common majory surgery in the USA?
Maternal mortality is _____ times greater with a c-section vs vaginal delivery.
10x greater
What are anesthesia complications that can contribute to mortality in converting to a C-section from a vaginal birth?
- Pulmonary aspiration
- Edematous/friable airways
- Inadequate ventilation requiring GETA
What factors are contributing to an increased national rate of c-sections?
- ↑ maternal age
- Obesity
- Fetal macrosomia
- ↓ TOLAC attempts
- Fear of instrumented vaginal deliveries.
What are the maternal indications for c-section?
What are the fetal indications for c-section?
What type of c-section incision is used for emergencies?
Midline incisions
Umbilicial to pubic symphysis.
What are the three different types of c-section incisions?
- Low Transverse (best if possible)
- Vertical
- Classical (highest risk)
With what type of c-section incision is TOLAC contraindicated?
Classical incision
With what type of c-section incision is TOLAC possible?
Low-Transverse Incision
Why does GETA potentiate blood loss?
Due to GETA vasodilation.
What is the most common c-section complication?
Usually due to uterine atony → oozy uterus.
What complications (other than hemorrhage) can happen in c-sections?
- Infection
- Uterine/cervical lacerations
- Bladder damage
- Fetal damage
- Hysterectomy
What is the terminology for abnormal placental invasion of surrounding tissues?
Accreta → Increta → Percreta
_______ ______ is when the placenta develops in such a way that it blocks the baby’s ability to exit out of the cervix & vagina.
Placenta Previa
What risk occurs with external cephalic version?
↑ risk of uterine rupture
What is the preferred anesthetic technique for a c-section?
Neuraxial Anesthesia
Previous c-sections indicates an increased risk of ______.
What sensations are normal even with a spinal anesthetic?
pushing, pulling, tugging, & pressure
Which two drugs need to be stocked and ready to go in the OB operating room?
Propofol & Succinylcholine
Be ready to RSI.
What three medications are given to prevent (or diminish consequences) aspiration in parturients?
- Famotidine 20mg IV
- Metoclopramide 10mg IV
- Na⁺ Citrate (Bicitra) 30mLs PO
What type of drug is famotidine?
H2 receptor antagonist that decreases gastric acid production.
What is the onset & peak of famotidine?
Onset: 30 min
Peak: 60 - 90 min
How does metoclopramide work?
- ↓ stomach volume via increased motility.
- increased LES tone
- ↓ N/V
Dopamine D2 antagonist
When should metoclopramide be administered?
15-30 min prior to anesthesia start
What type of drug is Bicitra?
Non-particulate antacid that decreases gastric acidity to > 6pH
When should Bicitra be administered?
20-30 min before going to the OR.
What antibiotic given to parturients should be administered slowly due to risk of N/V?
What things/factors put a parturient at risk for higher blood loss?
- Abnormal placenta
- Unscheduled C-section after attempted vaginal
- Multiparous
- Multiple past c-sections
What monitoring equipment is necessary before spinal placement?
At minimum:
- Mom’s BP
- Pulse oximetry
Why is versed “discouraged” but not contraindicated?
- Crosses placenta & sedates baby
- Amnestic effects on bonding
Is oxygen necessary for an elective c-section?
Not necessarily (but is typically done).
What is an ideal spinal dose of morphine?
100 - 150mcg
What is an ideal spinal dose of Fentanyl?
5 - 10mcg
What is an ideal dose of epidural morphine?
What are some disadvantages to C-section?
- N/V
- Diaphragm stimulated
- HoTN
What causes referred shoulder/chest pain during a c-section?
Uterus being pulled out
How is the diaphragm stimulated during a c-section?
Irrigation can stimulate the diaphragm & cause N/V, cold, pain sensations.
What reflex can be activated during a c-section?
Bezold Jarisch Reflex
What are the triad of symptoms associated with the Bezold-Jarisch Reflex?
- Vasodilation
- Hypotension
- Bradycardia
What causes the Bezold-Jarisch reflex?
Mechanoreceptors sensing a hyperdynamic LV w/ low preload.
Which drug can be administered to prevent the bezold-jarisch reflex associated with a spinal block?
Ondansetron 4mg
Antagonizes 5HT-3 receptors & prevents activation of BJR.
What position should a patient be in after a spinal block?
Slight (10°) head up
Bed can also be tilted left for slight LUD.
Which colloid has an increased risk for anaphylaxis?
What is the IM dose of ephedrine for hypotension?
What acid-base imbalance of the umbilical artery can be caused by ephedrine?
Metabolic Acidosis
Which of the following readily crosses the placenta:
Hyperbaric Lidocaine (5%) is not commonly seen due to risk of ____.
Transient Neurologic Syndrome (leg & back pain 24-48 hrs after spinal).
We want our spinal anesthetic to reach what sensory level?
What is the most common local anesthetic used for spinals?
0.75% bupivacaine
Do spinally administered opioids increase or decrease PONV occurrence?
Can decrease occurrence due to decreased sensations that trigger PONV.
What is the dose of Fentanyl for SAB?
10 - 25mcg
Is early or late respiratory depression seen with fentanyl?
What is the dose of morphine for SAB?
100 - 150mcg
What is the onset and duration for morphine administered spinally?
Onset: 30 - 60 min
Duration: 12 - 24 hrs
Will respiratory depression be seen earlier or later with morphine administered via SAB?
Later (6-18 hrs after!)
How is the pruritus associated with SAB morphine treated?
Nalbuphine or Butorphanol
Naloxone or Naltrexone
What is the dose of an “epi wash”?
0.1 - 0.2mg epinephrine administered in a SAB.
What is the purpose of an “epi wash”?
Can prolong block by 15% or more
What dose of Precedex is utilized in spinals?
5-10 mcg
What is the purpose of spinally administered Precedex?
- Prolongs sensory & motor blockade
- Post-op pain control
- Minimizes shivering
What are the adverse effects associated with spinally administered dexmedetomidine?
Bradycardia & Hypotension
Epidural medication doses are approximately _____ times that of spinal doses.
5 - 10 x
Are spinals or epidurals better for C-sections?
Spinals (more reliable and dense)
What VAA can be added to a patient with an epidural who is undergoing an unplanned C-section?
IV anesthetics such as ______ or ______ are commonly used as adjuncts to epidurals for patients undergoing unplanned c-section.
ketamine ; precedex
2% Lidocaine is just as fast as chloroprocaine when what additive is added to it?
Na⁺ Bicarbonate
What dose of 1% Lidocaine is utilized for spinal blocks for c-sections?
Trick Question. Concentrations less than 2% Lidocaine are inadequate for c-section anesthetics.
What metabolized chloroprocaine?
What drug can decrease the efficacy of epidural morphine? Why?
Antagonizes μ and κ opioid receptors
Which dose of bupivacaine IS NOT utilized in epidurals?
↑ Only for spinals
What dosage of bupivacaine is used for epidurals?
What dosage of ropivacaine is common for epidurals?
Compare the cardiac toxicity profiles of ropivacaine & bupivacaine?
Ropivacaine is less cardiotoxic than bupivacaine
Between fentanyl and morphine, which opioid administered spinally provides for a more dense block?
What ratio of dexmedetomidine to LA is typically used in epidurals?
4-5 mcg/mL of precedex for each 1mL of LA.
Ex. 20mL of LA + 80 - 100mcg Precedex
How does Na⁺ bicarb helps speed up onset?
Shifts local anesthetic to more non-ionized state.
very useful speeding up epidural to avoid GETA.
Your patient has an epidural in place and is being converted from a normal labor to a c-section. The epidural is unilateral, how can this be fixed?
Replaced the catheter if possible
Your patient has an epidural in place and is being converted from a normal labor to a c-section. The epidural is patchy, how can this be fixed?
- Supplement w/ adjuncts (ex. 50mcg Fentanyl)
How much local anesthetic will you typically use to “top off” an epidural for a c-section?
10 - 15mls
What is the Allis Test?
Pinch patient with clamps to assess quality of epidural anesthesia.
- If the patient can’t feel clamps then you’re good for surgical incision.
Why should your epidural dosing be less with a combined spinal epidural (CSE) ?
Hole through dura mater can result in medication going from epidural to spinal space.
What are three reasons that one might have to convert to general anesthesia for a c-section?
- Fetal Distress
- Maternal Hemmorrhage w/ hypovolemia
- Neuraxial Anesthetic not possible
What are some reasons that neuraxial anesthesia may not be possible for c-section patients?
- Outright refusal
- Infection
- Coagulopathy / thrombocytopenia
Does GETA increase or decrease maternal mortality?
How does GETA affect apgar scores?
↓ Apgar scores associated with GETA
How can potential anesthesia recall occur with GETA for delivery?
- ↓ MAC for delivery due to loss of uterine tone & concurrent bleeding
What is the dose of succinylcholine?
1 - 1.5 mg/kg
What induction agents are used for emergent c-sections?
Propofol + Succ
What size ETT is used for c-sections?
6 - 7 mm ETT (remember that airway is friable & edematous)
What other tube is placed (other than ETT) for a GETA c-section?
orogastric tube (suction out the stomach)
In regards to a c-section delivery, when is pitocin/oxytocin started?
AFTER delivery
Needs to be announced to whole room that its being started.
Less VAA = _______ uterine tone.
increased (results in less bleeding)
What is MAC value decreased to after delivery of the baby?
0.5 - 0.75 MAC
Opioids are given ____ delivery in order to decrease risk of neonate respiratory depression.
What paralytic is used after Succinylcholine has worn off?
Trick question. Use VAA to drive muscle relaxation
Maternal hypocapnia results in what oxygenation change for the fetus?
↓ O₂ delivery due to leftward oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve shift.
Maternal hypercapnia results in bradycardia or tachycardia?
What would cause you to do a deep extubation on a parturient patient?
Trick Question. Extubate patient awake. Still considered a full stomach.
What are the three drugs used to treat uterine atony?
- Pitocin
- Methergine (methylergonovine)
- Hemabate (Carboprost)
What symptoms from a Pitocin drip would prompt you to slow the infusion?
Hypotension & flushing
When is Pitocin started after delivery?
What dosage is used?
- After umbilical cord is cut
- 20u in NS bag (drip in slowly)
What is the dose of Methergine (methylergonovine)?
0.2 mg IV/IM
________ would cause one to be very careful using Methergine (methylergonovine).
What is the dose of Carboprost (Hemabate)?
250mcg IM
What drug is given if a patient is still bleeding after Pitocin administration?
Carboprost (Hemabate)
What medical condition would make you cautious in giving Hemabate?
What factors associated with C-sections result in PONV?
- Hypotension
- Surgical Stimulation
- Uterotonics
How does hypotension result in PONV?
- Cerebral hypoperfusion → medullary vomiting center stimulation
- Gut ischemia → emetogenic substances released from intestines
Why does surgical stimulation result in PONV?
VAGAL Stimulation
- Uterine exteriorization
- Intra-abdominal manipulation
- Periotneal tract stimulation
GETA for emergent c-section results in a very high risk for ______.
recall / hemorrhage
What drug can be given to help prevent recall in emergent c-sections? When is this given?
2mg Midazolam as soon as the baby is out.
Is it better to have block that is too high or too low?
too high
Can supplement w/ O₂
What should anesthesia do if a block is excessively high? (loss of consciousness, loss of respiratory drive, refractory HoTN)
Convert to GETA