anesthesia breathing systems Flashcards
What is the breathing system?
links the patient to the anesthesia machine by delivering oxygen and anesthetic gases and eliminating carbon dioxide
what are the types of breathing systems?
- resuscitation
- insufflation (open)
- open drop (open)
- draw over (semi open)
- maplesons (semi open)
- circle (semi closed or closed)
all circuits have some resistance, how can circuit resistance be decreased?
- decrease in circuit length
- increase circuit diameter
- avoid sharp bends
- eliminating valves (cant totally eliminate, need unidirectional flow)
- maintaining laminar flow
what happens when you have increased gas flows?
- decreased rebreathing (of O2, CO2, N2O, and volatile agent)
- decreased equilibration time between “dialed-in” concentration and inspired concentration
when do you use high flows?
- for induction to denitrogenate and get inspired gas concentration up
- for emergence to “wash out” anesthetic gases
- to prevent rebreathing
when do you use low flows?
-for maintenance to conserve heat, humidity, volatile agent, and minimize OR contamination
describe resuscitation breathing system.
-use of ambu (artificial manual breathing unit) bag
-self refilling with O2 or room air
-valves help with one way flow
>pt valve opens on inspiration
>exhalation ports allow venting during exhalation
>nonrebreathing valve
>intake valve closes with compression allowing for + pressure
*needs high flows for high FiO2
what are some advantages and disadvantages of the resuscitation breathing system?
- advantage: simple, portable, can deliver almost 100% O2
- disadvantage: difficult to determine mask to face seal
- with anesthesia bag, if there is no seal, bag will go flat
describe open-drop anesthesia breathing system.
-used ether or chloroform
-dripped onto gauze over a mask
-pt inhales -> air passing through vaporizes the liquid
agent -> mask gets cold -> condensation and decreased
vapor pressure
**completely open method, not in circuit, not controlled
*no longer used, historically important
describe draw-over anesthesia breathing system.
- ambient air is inhaled (drawn over) liquid agent
- pt inhalation “draws over” the vaporizer
- can be fitted with valves for O2, positive pressure ventilation and passive scavenging
- *amt of O2 and gas given is dependent on flow and temp
- *semi open method
ex: copper kettle
how does flow affect amount of O2 and gas in draw-over anesthesia?
- 1 L/min O2- FiO2 30-40%
- 4 L/min O2- FiO2 60-80%
what are the advantages of draw-over anesthesia?
- simple
- portable
- can be used without compressed gas or ventilators
- can be used with room air
- used in war zones
what is insufflation?
blowing gas across the face
*more a technique than a breathing system
what are some uses of insufflation?
- preoxygenation
- manual ventilation
- inhalation inductions (peds)
- under drapes during sedation
- flushed out CO2 but caused fires from accumulating O2
- apneic techniques
- airway surgeries cant have something in airway, keeps O2
- blowing O2 over airway, like with jet ventilators
- does not help with CO2, just keeps Sat up
- still have to take breaks & insert tube to blow off CO2
describe Mapleson systems?
-breathing systems with components added
-location of components determines classification
*total nonrebreathing
*use high gas flows
-dangerous with potent gases
-flushes out pt. moisture and heat
-wastes gases and contaminates OR
**semi open
how are Mapleson systems total nonrebreathing?
fresh gas comes in to patient during inhalation, exhalation goes out to APL valve to go to scavenging
what are the components of the Mapleson system?
- breathing tube
- fresh gas inlet
- adjustable pressure-limiting (APL) valve
- reservoir bag
describe the Mapleson breathing tube.
- corrugated (rubber or disposable synthetic)
- large (22mm) diameter for low resistance
- long tubes and/or high compliance equal large gradient b/w gas delivery to circuit and gas delivery to pt (takes longer)
describe the Mapleson fresh gas inlet.
- anesthetic gases (volatiles, N2O, O2, air) from anesthesia machine enter the Mapleson through the FGI
- location of FGI determines class
describe the APL valve or “pop-off” of the Mapleson system.
- controls pressure build up in the circuit (vents/pops off when a set pressure is reached)
- APL vents from circuit to scavenging system
describe the reservoir bag in the Mapleson system.
- 2 functions
1) anesthetic gas reservoir
2) positive pressure ventilation manually - protective from barotrauma (as volume increases, compliance increases; wont keep getting bigger so won’t back up pressure to pt)
what are the Mapleson characteristics?
- high flows to prevent rebreathing
- with spontaneous ventilation: fgf MUST equal minute ventilation (have to match how much they are taking in)
- with controlled + pressure ventilation (mechanical or manual): fgf must be 3x minute ventilation
what is the Bain Circuit?
a type of Mapleson D with the fresh gas inlet tube inside the corrugated tubing
- “tube in a tube”
- preserves some heat
- still used in some peds for short cases
- adapter needed d/t lack of outer tubing
describe the circle system.
- most common used in US
- more components added than Mapleson
- semi closed or closed
what are the components of the circle system?
- CO2 absorber
- unidirectional limbs and valves (inspiratory and expiratory)
- Y- connector
- APL valve
- reservoir bag
describe the unidirectional valves.
- “check valves” keep flow moving forward, in one direction
- forward flow pushes valve up, reverse flow closes valve
- inhalation opens inspiratory valve to inhale fresh gas and exhaled gas from CO2 absorber
- simultaneously, expiratory valve closes to block rebreathing before it goes to CO2 absorber)
- keeps inhaled and exhaled separate
what happens with valve incompetency?
- may be a warped disk like with older valves allowing air to leak out backwards
- my be “stuck” in up position (can sometime tap on dome to make fall but need to check if due to condensation)
- condensation over time makes valve “sticky” and needs changing
- malfunction of either side can lead to CO2 rebreathing and hypercapnia
what might you see with valve incompetency during a case?
- end tidal CO2 waveform, during inhalation when the waveform drops, it will not drop all the way to 0
- should not rebreathe more than 2-3 mmHg CO2, if high around 9-10 definitely rebreathing CO2
what is the best circle system set up?
- valves near the patient preventing backflow when circuit leaks
- FGI b/w absorber and inspiratory valve (less wasted FG)
- APL b/w absorber and expiratory valve conserving absorbent and less venting of FG
- Reservoir bag in expiratory limb decreasing resistance to exhalation and conserves absorbent
what are the characteristics of circle systems?
- allows for rebreathing of all gases with CO2 elimination
- with absorber, CO2 rebreathing is prevented even at low flows (<1 L)
- with low flows, gradient increases b/w delivered and inspired
- increased flow leads to faster change in inspired concentration
- high flows are good for induction, emergence, compensating for leaks
what is dead space?
tidal volume that does not move into alveoli
- found distal to Y piece (ETT); due to valves, ends where inspiratory and expiratory flows divide
- breathing tube length does not affect dead space but does affect circuit compliance
what increases resistance in the circle system?
-valves and absorber (but still even neonates do well)
what controls contamination in the circle system?
bacterial filters often used to prevent patient cross-contamination
what affects heat and humidity in the circle system?
- medical gas is dehumidified
- exhaled gas is saturated at body temp
- low flows with circles keep humidity in the circuit
- absorbent adds heat and humidity
what are the disadvantages of the circle system?
- less portable
- increased risk of malfunction
- problems with absorber
- less predictability with low flows
know and label the flow through the circle system.
1) FG enters from the CGO of anesthesia machine
2) flows through the inspiratory limb one way valve
3) flows through inspiratory breathing tube
4) through the Y-piece to the patient
5) from the patient through the expiratory breathing tube
6) through the expiratory limb one way valve
7) in and out of the reservoir bag (excess gas is vented out through APL to scavenging
8) through the absorbent canister to remove CO2
9) then back towards the patient