Anesthesia and Surgery – 28% Flashcards
What are the three main phases of general anesthesia?
Induction, maintenance, and emergence
What are the stages of of general aneshesia?
Stage I Analgesia State: Patient is conscious and rational, with decreased perception of pain
Stage II Delirium Stage: Patient is unconscious; body responds reflexively ; irregular breathing pattern with breath holding
Stage IIISurgical Anesthesia: Increasing degrees of muscle relaxation; unable to protect airway
Stage IVMedullary Depression: there is depression of cardiovascular and respiratory centers

Answer the following:
What is the suggested propofol induction dose for most patients?
Why can a patient go into anaphylaxis with propofol?
- 1 to 2.5 mg/kg
Patients may have allergies to the soybean oil emulsion with egg phosphatide
Answer the following:
Why would someone want to use etomadate for induction?
What is the suggested induction dose?
Does etomadate increase or decrease BP? HR? and CO?
Does etomadate have analgesic effects?
Etomadate is great for patients who are hemodynamically unstable
Induction dose: 0.15 - 0.3 mg/kg
Etomadate results in no changes of BP, HR, and CO
No etomadate does not have any analgesic effects
What type of agensts are used for induction during general anesthesia?
sedative hypnotic: propofol, etomadate, ketamine
Adjuvant IV: opiod, lidocaine, or benzodiazepine
Does MAC ensure pain control?
No, will need local anesthesia
According to 100 dry tali:
What is the average length of the Talus?
What is the average width of the Talus?
What is the
Sarrafians Anatomy pg 50
Length: 48 mm
Width 37 mm
WHat areteries provide the major blood supply to the Talus?
Anterior Tibial/ Dorsalis Pedis: Artery of Sinus Tarsi
Posterior Tibial Artery: Artery of Tarsal Canal and (Detoid Artery Branch of Tarsal Canal)
Peroneal Artery Posterior Direct Branches
Name the blood supply for the location?
Talar Head?
Talar Body?
Inferior Surface of the neck of Talus?
Head: Superior and medial 2/3 of neck supplied by superior neck vessels and inferior lateral 1/3 supplied by brancehes from sinus tarsi (DP)
Body: Anastomotic branches from tarsal canal, deltoid brancehs, and sinus tarsi ( author concluded that major artery was that of the tarsal canal.
Neck (Inferior): Artery of Tarsal Canal + Artery of Sinus Tarsi
- Admit to Dr.
- Diagnosis
- Condition
- Vitals
- Allergy
- Activity
- Nursing
- Diet
- In and out
- Lab
- Meds
- Ancillary
- X-Ray
Post Op-Note
- Surgeon
- Assistant
- Procedure
- Pre-op diagnosis
- Post-op Diagnosis
- Anesthesia
- Hemostasis
- Material
- Injectable
- Pathology
- Complications
- Condition
When should should a patient stop smoking prior to surgery?
2 weeks prior to the operation
Post op fever causes
Wonder Drugs
Largest amount of gapping for primary bone healing?
2mm or less
What is the pitch of a cancellous screw vs cortical?
Cancellous: 1.75mm
Cortical: 1.25mm