Anesthesia Flashcards
What is the definition of anesthesia
Loss of sensation and usually of consciousness without loss of vital functions artifically
What are the types of anesthesia
General, regional, local
What are the provisional routes of general anesthesia
general endotracheal, total IV
What are the premedication medicines
anxiolysis i.e. benzos like midasolam, diazepam, lorazepam
What are potential induction techniques
inhalation, Intravenous
what medicines are administered in inhalational induction
nitrous oxide, sevoflurane
what medicines are commonly used IV in adults
propofol, ketamine
What are the adverse effects of nitrous oxide
post-op nausea and vomiting, cardio depression, absorption and expansion of air-filled spaces
What are contraindications of nitrous oxide
comprimised cardiac function, shock, pneumothorax, bowel obstruction
What is ketamine used for
sedation or induction of anesthesia
what are contraindications of ketamine
Intracranial HTN, psychosis or personality disorder
When is ketamine ideal
congenital heart disease, asthma, trauma, poor iv access
How long will pancuronium last
1.5-2 hours
when is pancuronium contraindicated
renal or hepatic failure
when is succinylcholine indicated
rapid onset of skeletal muscle paralysis to facilitate tracheal intubation
what are the side effects of succinylcholine
cardiac dysrhythmias, hyperkalemia, mayalgia, increased intraocular, intracranial and intragastric pressure
What is defined as a hypercatabolic state
high body temp, acidosis, increased CO2 production, increased O2 consumption, rigid muscles, rhabdomyolysis
What agents trigger malignant hyperthermia
inhaled general anesthesics, succinylcholine,
How to maintain anesthesia
volatile agents, msucle relaxants, opioids, NSAIDs, acetaminophen
Commonly used opoids
fentanyl, morphine, meperidine
What are the routes of administration of Fentanyl
IV, tablet, lollipop, patch
What are the side effects of fentanyl
high doses cause muscle rigidity, pruritus, respiratory depression, delayed gastric emptying and nausea vomiting
what are the side effects of morphine
respiratory depression, depressed cough reflex, muscle rigidity, nausea, and vomiting, increased tone of spincter of Oddi, urine retention, histamine release
what are the post anesthesia complications
pain, post op NV, delayed awakening, stridor, delirium
What is the specific antagonist for benzos
What are the types of neuraxial anesthesia
epidural anesthesia (caudal block) and spinal anesthesia
Contraindications of neuraxial anesthesia
infection, bleeding, degenerative CNS disease, allergy, refusal
Types of regional anesthesia
local, peripheral nerve block, Bier block
What are local anesthesias
lidocaine, bupivacaine, ropivacaine
What do local anesthetics do
block function of peripheral nerves via sodium channel blockade and attenuation of neural action potential formation
What are signs of anesthetic toxicity
tinnitus, HA, anxiety, HypoTN, ventricular arrhythmias, CV collapse, respiratory arrest
What is a Bier block
a form of selective IV regional anesthesia of the distal arm or leg in which a tourniquet is applied and local anesthesia is injected through a cannula in the distal extremity