Anesthesia Flashcards
What is the induction and maintenance dose of propofol?
Induction 1-2.5 mg/kg iv
Maintenance 20-200 ug/kg/min
Half life = 2-8 minutes for redistrobution and 4-7H for elimination
What opiate is potently synergistic with propofol?
A drug that is 2.5 times stronger than fentanyl or 250 times stronger than morphine
What are the main side effects of propofol?
- greatest reduction in systolic and diastolic BP compared to other IV anesthetics (20-40%) due to reduced SVR and reduced stroke volume
- reduced baroreceptor response (decreased compensation
- reduced respiratory drive and periods of apnea in 25% of patients
- decreased CBF, CMR, ICP, IOP
What is the target of propofol?
Propofol is an alkylphenol GABA receptor agonist
What other sedation drugs are in the same class as propofol?
Barbituates- Thiopental
Benzodiazepines ( Midazolam, Diazepam, Lorazepam)
Imidazole derivatives- etomidate
What class of drugs is Ketamine?
NMDA receptor antagonist
What is the context sensitive half-time?
It is the time required for a drugs plasma concentration to decrease to level compatible with awakening following cessation of a continuous IV infusion
What is the MAC
The minimum alveolar concentration
This is the concentration necessary to prevent movement in 50% of people from a surgical stimulus
What is the typical total MAC that is aimed for?
1.2-1.3 MAC
What is the induction and maintenance dose of Ketamine?
Induction 0.5-2 mg/kg IV or 3-5 mg/kg IM
Maintenance 2-6mg/kg/hr
Analgesia 0.15-0.25 mg/kg iv
1/2 life to distribution is 11-16 minutes, to elimination is 2-4 hours
What are the side effects of Ketamine?
- causes impaired norepinephrine uptake–> increased sympathetic tone–> transient increase in BP, HR, CO, SVR
- can cause direct negative inotropic effect when sympathetic system is blocked or exhausted (shock, sepsis, prolonged illness)
- no significant respiratory depression
- induction may cause loss of airway reflexes–> increased risk of aspiration
- Increased cerebral vasodilation, increased CMR, increased CBF
- unpleasant dreams, hallucinations, frank delerium
- increased blood sugar due to increased sympathetic tone
What is the dose of midazolam?
sedation - 0.01-0.1 mg/kg IV
co-induction 0.02-0.04 mg/kg iv
What are the side effects of midazolam?
-minimally reduced cardiac output and blood pressure
- apnea and severe respiratory depression
- reduced CMR and CBF to a lesser extent than propofol
What is dexmedetomidine and what is the dose?
intravenous alpha 2 agonist
- 5-1 meg/kg over 10 minutes as bolus
- 2-0.7 meg/kg/hr
What are the side effects of demedotomidine over the other IV anaesthetics?
It has very little respiratory depression like ketamine, but does produce the hallucinations, dreams and other issues as in ketamine.
- biphasic cardiac curve with transient hypertension and reflex bradycardia with initial bolus followed by decrease in SVR
- can cause severe bradycardia, heart block, asystole (can reverse with atropine or glycopyrolate)
What are the ASA classification categories?
ASA 1- healthy patient, no medical problems
ASA 2-mild systemic disease with no functional limitation (treated hypertension)
ASA 3-severe functional disease with definite functional limitation (emphysema)
ASA 4- severe systemic disease a constant threat to life (unstable angina)
ASA 5- moribund patient that is not expected to survive for 24 hours with or without surgery
ASA 6- a clinically brain dead patient
E- emergency case
What are the components of the airway exam?
Thyromental distance
Cervical motion
Bitting upper lip
Malampati score
What are the malampati categories?
Class 1- can see the entire soft palate including the pillars, the uvula, fauces
Class 2- The entire uvula is visible, but not the pillars of the soft palate
Class 3- The base of the uvula visible, but not fauces
Class 4- soft palate not visible at all