Anemias Flashcards
How are RBCs formed?
Stem cell→(Erythropoietin (EP))→proerythroblast
Proerythroblast→(Fe incorporated)→reticulocyte
reticulocyte→(loss of nucleus)→erythrocyte
Microcytic anemia
Cause, etiology, treatment
Cause-Relative lack of iron
RBCs small and pale
- Decrease iron intake-diet
- Takes years to occur
- Decrease absorption
- HCL low
- GI dysfunction
- Increase iron requirement
- Pregnancy–rapid growth
- Renal disease
- Excessive loss of iron-_chronic blood loss_
- Most common
- Iron-typically FeSO4
- Orally-may cause GI upset
- Parenteral-sever deficiency
Normal iron metabolism/storage
Highly conserved, no mech for removal
Ingest iron→solubilized by HCl in gut, absorbed as Fe++ (ferrous)
Fe++→(transferrin)→Fe+++ (ferric)
Fe+++ not readily absorbed but carried throughout body on transferrin
Transferrin increases during anemia
Excess iron bound to and stored as ferritin–in liver
Toxicity of iron
- Toxic-esp in children
- Lethal in as few as 10 tablets
- Sympt
- Nausea
- Severe abd pain-mucosal damage
- Drowsiness
- Cardiovascular collapse
- Convulsions
- Death
- Tx
- Iron chelator-Deferoxamine
- May pump stomach
- Too much iron stored-_Hemochromatosis_
- Tx=phlebotomy (bleeding)
Tx: Acute iron OD
Mech: Iron chelator
_De_toxes _Fer_rous overdose
Macrocytic anemia
- Large RBC precursors
- Multilobed nuclei due to inhibition of DNA syth
Cause: Folic acid deficiency
- Folic Acid necessary for DNA replication
- not enough FA→not enough thymadine→not enough RBCs
- Methionine deficiency may also be present
- Intake deficiency-mainly alcoholics (no green leafy veggies)
- Absorption is rapid
- Drugs can inhibit synth of active form
- Increased requirement
- 1) Infection
- 2) Pregnancy
- Folic Acid deficiency→neural tube defects
- Gov’t says all flour products must have FA
- 3) Renal dialysis
- Difference b/w macro- and micro here is infection-
- Oral therapy usually sufficient
- Parenteral if absorption abnormality
- No contraindications or toxicities
- Only indication is folic acid deficiency
B12 deficiency anemia
Function of B12: Ess for DNA synthesis (methionine)
- Megaloblastic anemia-_like folic acid_ def
- Lack of methionine→decrease in myelin synth→ neural damage
- Weakness
- Spasticity
- Abnormal gait
- Irreversible spinal cord damage
- Ataxia
- Note:
- B12 def=neural defects
- Folic acid def=neural tube defects
- Insufficient intake rare
Decrease absorption-most common cause
- Parietal cells make gastric intrinsic factor (GIF)
- B12 requires GIF for absorption
- Pt may lack ability to make GIF→pernicious anemia
- Looks like macrocytic anemia so add folic acid
- No effect because still no B12
- Fatal if not treated
- If deficiency is not due to lack of GIF, just add B12
- If pernicious anemia, B12 give by injection
Pernicious anemia does NOT describe any B12 deficiency, only B12 def. due to lack of GIF
“Poetin” and “Pegin”
Epoietin alfa
Tx: Anemia due to chronic renal failure or chemotherapy
Toxicities: Due to excess RBCs
- Increase BP
- Increase clotting
- MI
- Stoke
Hemolytic anemia
Cause and tx? Who is at risk?
Cause: Abnormal RBC lysis
Tx: EPO may be useful
Iron not useful
G6PDH deficient patients at risk
Sickle cell anemia
Cause and tx
Single nucleotide mutation
Abnormal flow–RBCs get stuck in small vessels
Severe joint pain
Tx: Hydroxyurea
Mech: Increase formation of fetal Hb (does not sickle)
SE: Mutagenic
Pregnancy category D