Anemia and Iron Flashcards
Most common hematologic disorder in the US affecting 3 million people
Is anemia a diagnosis or condition?
What is anemia?
-A deficiency and/or dysfunction involving RBC
Decreased # of RBCs
Decreased Hgb
What is considered to be anemia in females?
Hgb <12
What is considered to be anemia in males?
Hgb <14
4 sxs of severe anemia
- Fainting
- Chest Pain
- Angina
- Heart Attack
Jaundice Tachycardia Splengomegaly SOB Muscle weakness
Sxs of anemia
Of skin:
Sxs of anemia
2 other sxs of anemia
Koilonychia (spoon shaped nails)
Pica (eating dirt)
3 main causes of anemia
- Reduced production of RBCs
- Increased destruction of RBCs
- Loss of RBCs
-Deficiencies in B12, Folate, Iron
-Bone marrow failure
-Renal failure (decreased erythropoietin)
All cause what?
Reduced production of RBCs
All cause what?
Increased destruction of RBCs
Causes what?
Loss of RBCs
RBC indicies are part of a CBC and do what?
Aid in determining etiology of anemia
Measure of average RBC size
Weight/amount of Hgb per RBC
Hgb concentration
Can be hypochromic, normochromic, or hyperchromic
Measure of variation in RBC size
Indicated degree of anisocytosis
Large MCV/Large RBC
Macrocytic anemia
Normal MCV/normal RBC
Normocytic anemia
Small MCV/small RBC
Microcytic anemia
Bright color
MCH > 31
Hyperchromic anemia
Normal color
MCH 27-31
Pale color
MCH <27
Usually secondary to chronic blood loss such as a GI bleed/menstrual loss
Microcytic hypochromic
small MCV, MCH <27
Causes a mild microcytic hypochromic anemia w/basophilic stippling on peripheral smear
Lead poisoning
Hereditary disorder characterized by reduced synthesis of globin chains
What is low?
Thalassemia Small MCV (microcytic anemia)
- Small MCV
- Total RBC count normal/elevated
- Peripheral smear showing target cells and basophilic stippling
Thalassemia minor
- Detects abnormal forms of Hgb
- Can be used to diagnose sickle cell anemia
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
Hgb from lysed RBCs placed on paper, pattern of bands is created
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
Condition associated w/ particular patterns of bands