Anemia Flashcards
What makes up hemoglobin?
- Hemoglobin is found in lab value by spinning down blood and separating from plastma. Formed elementts (45% RBC) also includes buffy coat is made up of WBC, PLT
- Hemoglobin is composed of :
- heme- iron and porphyrin ring
- globin- 2 alpha, 2 beta globins to make tetrameric hemoglobin
What are reticulocytes?
- “baby” RBC, look like RBC but it still has RNA/ribosomes and are still making Hgb
- not quite mature or finished making hgb
- useful for differential diagnosis of various anemias
- Circulate for 1 day (under normal conditions)
- 1% blood are reticulocytes (under normal conditions)
What are erythrocytes
- Mature RBC. No more hemoglobin synthesis
- Circulate for 100 days and recycled via the spleen
How does the spleen recycle RBC?
- Mostly get recycled in the spleen
- RBC comes in one end, has to go through sinusoidal capillary in order to get into red pulp. At other side of red pulp, squeezes through endothelial gap
- squeezes through endothelial cap to get into sinusoidal capillary(unclear on this exact mechanism, can’t find extra resources). BUT If RBC can’t make it through the gap( rbc is too old/stiff) and stays in red pulp, macrophage in the “red pulp” in the spleen will eat the RBC
- this is how we clear most of RBC (in spleen)
- quicker RBC can get out of pulp and into sinusoid will survive. old ones will get eaten
- Macrophages can also pluck out pieces of the RBC without destorying the whole thing
What is the trigger for making more RBC?
- Uncommitted pluripotential stem cell + erythropoietin–> commited proerythroblast (committed to eventually become RBC)
What is hypoxia? Hypoxemia?
- Hypoxia is reduced tissue oxygenation
- Hypoxemia is reduced partial pressure of oxygen in the blood
What does anemia result in, in relation to hypoxia and hypoxemia?
anemia results in hypoxia without hypoxemia
What is hypoxemia without hypoxia
What are some manifestations of anemia?
More or less what garman said about picture:
- Weakness/fatigue
- pallor
- increased RR, depth
Compensatory mechanisms from tissue hypoxia
- pump more blood (CV)
- increase SV
- Increase HR
- Capillary dilation
- kidney increases blood volume
- further increases CO
- little anemia is fine
- problem if very anemic, will get HUGE increase CO and then you run into high output cardiac failure (blood moving so fast that it doesn’t have time to unload oxygen at tissues)
- also get heart murmurs with High output cardiac failure
- this is seen at HCT in 20s
- further increase in CO won’t help because of decreased time in capillaries
- we need to make more RBC to fix the problem!! (kidney will kick in with more erythropoitin and signal body to make RBC)
What does tissue hypoxia in anemia cause?
- Ischemia
- claudication (muscle)
- weakeness, increase fatigue
- pallor (skin /mucous membrane)
- Respriatory: increase RR, depth, “exertional dyspnea”
- CNS - dizziness, faiting, lethargy
- Liver
- fatty changes. fatty changes also occur in heart and kidney
What are some compensatory mechanisms from anemia?
- Increase oxygen demands for work of heart
- heart (angina)
- increase erythropoietin
- stimulated bone marrow
- CV changes
- increase HR
- Capillary dilation
- increase SV
- Hyperdynamic ciruclation
- cardiac murmurs
- high-output cardiac failure
- Hyperdynamic ciruclation
- renal (he said this should be by increase erythropoietin)
- increase Renin-aldosterone response
- increase salt and h2o retention
- increase ECF (furhter causing hyperdynamic circualtion)
- Increase DPG in cells
- increase release of oxygen from hemoglobin in tissues
Will increasing CO in a severely anemic patient help with hypoxia?
No, need more RBC!
Blood already doesn’t have enough time to unload o2, so increasing CO does not help the situation
What is physio process behind stimulating RBC production?
Role of erythropoietin in regulation of erythropoiesis. Decreased arterial oxygen levels stimulate production of erythropoietin, which in turn stimulates red cell production and expansion of the erythron. The increase in red cells frequently corrects the problem of low oxygen levels (hypoxia). The restoration to normal oxygen level alerts the kidney to stop producing erythropoietin
What are 4 main categories of anemia?
- Macrocytic
- Microcytic
- Normocytic-normochromic from decreased erythrocyte production
- Normocytic-normochromic from increased erythrocyte turnover
What is macrocytic anemia? Causes?
- MCV >100 fL (megaloblastic anemia)
- problem with DNA syntehiss
- DNA syntehsis is slow d/t decreased amt of nucleotides but cell continues growing while it’s waiting on DNA to replicate
- B12 deficiency- lack of IF degrades the B12 before it can be absorbed in the GI tract
- Folate Deficiency- common in alcoholics, processing alcohol depeltes folate
- Any drug (ie chemo drugs) that inhibit DNA synthesis
What is microcytic anemia? Causes?
- MCV <80 fL
- problem with hemoglobin synthesis
- results in a small, pale cell (hypochromic)
- Iron deficiency- usually results from blood loss (adults) or nutritional deficiency (children)
Thalassemia- genetic defect in alpha globin or beta globin
- therefore can’t make the tetrameric heme we need ofr hemoglobin
What is normocytic-normochromic anemai caused by decreased in erythrocyte production? RI? Causes?
Normal size RBC, normal color. Just not making enough RBC. Low RI
- Anemia of chronic renal disease (EPO deficiency)
- anemia of chronic disease- attempt to keep iron away from bugs (also microcytic)
Sideroblastic anemia- defect in iron handling–> dysfunctional hemoglobin (also microcytic). Can’t put iron in porphyrin ring
- genetic
- acquired- lead poisoning
- Myelofibrosis- marrow replaced with fibrosis (w/pancytopenia)
Aplastic anemia- marrow repalced with fat
- gneetic- congenital aplastic anemia (fanconi anemia)
- Acquired- due to bone marrow toxicity, typically from drugs
What causes anemia of chronic disease?
- Heme is important in many enzymes (anyone that processees oxygen)
- Bacteria also need iron for much of the same reason (enzymatic processes)
- during anemia of chronic disease, our immune system (macrophages) keep iron away from bacteria
- keep iron locked away in macrophages
- looks iron deficient but different
- iron defiicent= give iron and fix
- anemia of chronic disease- iron does NOT fix problem
- occurs in infectious and chronic dx
normocytic-normochromic anemia d/e decreased erythroyte produciton (low RI)
What is sideroblastic anemia?
Defect in iron handling–> dysfuncitonal hemoglobin ( also microcytic)
- have iron, have porphyrin ring, but can’t put iron in porphyrin ring
- genetic
- acquired- lead poisoning
- lead looks like iron, enzyme picks up lead
- lead binds irreversibly
- now enzyme that puts iron in porphyrin, is blocked by the lead
normocytic-normochromic anemia d/e decreased erythroyte produciton (low RI)
What is myelofibrosis?
- marrow replaced with fibrosis (seen w/ pancytopenia- loosing bone marrow)
- normocytic-normochromic anemia d/e decreased erythroyte produciton (low RI)
What is aplastic anemia
- marrow repalced with fat (w/pancytopenia)
- genetic- congenital aplastic anemia (fanconi anemia)
- acquired- due to bone marrow toxicity, typically from drugs
normocytic-normochromic anemia d/e decreased erythroyte produciton (low RI)
What are causes of normocytic-normochromic anemia from increased erythrocyte turnover? RI?
- Normal cell size, nomal color. HIGH RI
- Hemolytic anemia
- membrane defect
- metabolic defect
- hemoglobin defect
- hemolytic disease of the newborn
- hemorrhagic anemia
What is reticulocyte index?
- Reticulocyte count corrected for degree of anemia
- the more anemic someone it, the more we expect them to make RBC
- Under normal conditions, reticulocytes exist for 1 day, BUT if someone is anemic, the reticulocytes will be released earlier and they’ll circulate longer as reticulocytes
- no anemia- RI should be 0.5-2%
- anemia- RI should be >2%
- Equation (unsure if we actually need to know)
- RI= [(reticulocyte count * HCT)/ normal HCT (45%)]/ day as reticulocyte
HCT % and days spent as reticulocyte?
- 36-45= 1 day as reticulocyte
- 26-35= 1.5 days as reticulocyte
- 16-25= 2 days as reticulocyte
- <15= 2.5 days as reticulocyte
What values do we look at to determine iron levels in blood?
- Most of free iron stored in liver,
- look at 4 things
- serum iron
transferrin- molecule that is used ot carry o2 from one place in body to another
- never want iron to be free, we want it bound to protein!
- free iron dangerous and can produce ROS or bacteria can pick it up
- transferin saturation- amount of iron moving to bone marrow
ferritin- amount of iron stored inside cells
- some ferritin will leak out of cells into blood
- this ferritin is good indicator of iron status
What does serum iron and total iron binding capacity look like in iron deficiency
- Serum iron- low
- transferrin- high
- trying to move what iron you do have around
- from kahn acadeomy- compensatory mechanism to increase transferrin when serum iron low. (but this is NOT the case in anemia of chronic dx_
- transferrin saturation -low
- have so little iron, that the transferrin isn’t getting filled up with iron
- ferritin- low
- (stores inside cell)
- no extra iron, so no iron stores inside cells
What does serum iron and total iron binding capcity look like in anemia of chronic disease?
- Serum iron- low
- because we are anemic and don’t have enough RBC
- transferrin- low
- from kahn academy video- anemia of chronic dx stops the normal response of increasing transferrin (part of the protective mechanism to keep iron away from bugs), so therefore transferrin is low.
- transferrin saturation- normal
- the transferrin that is present, has lots of iron
- ferritin- normal/high
- high concentraiton of iron inside cells (keeping it away from bacteria)
What causes right shift of hemoglobin dissociation curve?
right shift causes reduced affinity for o2
- increased temperature
- increased 2,3- DPG
- Increase H
^^ on slide
from before “cadet faces right”
C- hypercarbia
A- acidosis
D- 2.3 DPG
E- Exercise
What causes left shift on oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
Left= love= hold onto O2
- Decreased temperature
- decreased 2,3, DPG
- Decreased H
- CO (carbon monoxide)
How do we compensate for altitude changes quickly?
Increase 2,3 DPG to encourage offloading of O2 form hgb (right shift, release O2)
What are some other hemoglobin-related d/o?
- Hemoglobins with increased oxygen affinity (right shift)
- Hemoglobin with decreased oxygen affinity (left shift)
- Methemoglobin has lower affin for O2, but increases the affin of O2 for the other 3 hemes, resulting in greatly decreased O2 delivery
- You lose one O2, the other irons are not going to give up theirs
- polycytemia (erythrocytosis)
polycythemia vera (stem cell disorder)→ make too many RBC
- Vera=true. Nothing caused it, it just happened
- Can have hct ~ 48%, athletes.
- Up to 75%- prob → viscosity of blood high (heart has hard time pumping, can lead to HF *)
secondary polycythemia due to hypoxia- secondary to cardiac or pulmonary problem
- Ex: COPD -high Hct to comp for low oxygenation
- can have hypoxemia w/o hypoxia bc have such high Hct
- Ex: COPD -high Hct to comp for low oxygenation
- secondary polycythemia due to increased epo- kidney producign too much epo)
What is macrocytic anemia?
- Trouble making DNA, b/c of DNA synthesis, but don’t have trouble making cell, so the cell gets larger and larger while wait for DNA replicationà large RBC cell
- B12 deficiency and folate deficiency both impair DNA synthesis and produce macrocytic anemia.
- NOTE: B12 deficiency can also produce neurological symptoms, while folate deficiency does not.
- Also caused by drugs that impair DNA synthesis.
Causes: ↓IF ® B12 deficiency ® impaired DNA synthesis
- decreased¯IF due to autoimmune destruction of parietal cells
- Gastric parietal cells secrete IF
- deficiency may be genetic or acquired
- Deficiency may be genetic or acquired
- Loss of IF, can be genetic or acquired, decrease in IF, decreases B12 b/c need IF to protect B12 through digestive tract
- Can absorb B12 sublingually or take B12 injection
- Easy to treat, one injection per year probably
- We don’t use much B12, have a lot of it stored
- If have lack of IF or lack of B12 in body, and wait long enough will cause impaired DNA synthesis
- deficiency may be genetic or acquired
- Gastric parietal cells secrete IF
Alcoholism, resulting in folate depletion, is the most common cause of macrocytic anemia.
- Give folate or have person stop being an alcoholic
- Chemo can cause this, this is expcted
In general, having trouble making RBC bc have a hard time replicating DNA
- Neutropenia will also occur
What is hypochromic microcytic anemia of iron deficiency?
- pale and small cells from lack of iron
- (pic from lecture had microcytic cells mixed with normal RBC- a blood trasnfusion caused this)
- want to determine cause of iron deficiency
- 20 yo- likely mensturation
- 40yo postmenopausal- can be cancer, other issues, don’t just dismiss
How do we recycle iron?
- spleen digest RBC
- heme- iron and porphyrin
- recycle iron from heme- more valuable than gold
- porphyrin ring- waste and becomes bilirubin
- globin
- AA of globin also recycled
- heme- iron and porphyrin
- When we breakdown the RBC, we won’t ever lose iron
- in hemolytic anemias- don’t ever lose iron
- If bleeding from GI ulcer, then iron is lost
- iron absorbtion in GI tract is very very low and will ultimately result in iron deficient anemia
Text from picture:
- Iron (Fe) released from GI epithelial cells circulates in bloodstream assoc w/ its plasma carrier, transferring. It’s delivered to erythroblasts in bone marrow, where most of it’s incorporated into Hgb.
- Mature erythrocytes circulate for ~100-120 days, after they become senescent and are removed by the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS).
- Macrophages of MPS (mostly in spleen) break down ingested erythrocytes and return iron to bloodstream directly or after storing it as a ferritin or hemosiderin