and then there were none - ch 1-2 Flashcards
Illegible (Adjective)
Difficult or impossible to read
Coroner (Noun):
An official responsible for investigating and determining the cause of death in cases
of sudden, suspicious, or unexplained deaths.
Lounging (Verb):
To sit or lie in a relaxed or lazy way.
Deportment (Noun):
A person’s behavior or manners, especially in terms of politeness and good conduct.
Lax (Adjective):
Not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful; relaxed or careless.
Triumphed (Verb):
To achieve a great victory or success; to be successful or victorious.
Aura (Noun):
A distinctive quality or atmosphere that surrounds or is associated with a person,
thing, or place.
Illegibly (Adverb):
In a way that is difficult to read or decipher.
Cronies (Noun):
Close friends or companions.
Venture (Noun):
A risky or daring journey or undertaking.
Bleary (Adjective):
Blurred or dimmed, especially as a result of tiredness or sleepiness.
Conscientiously (Adverb):
In a thorough, careful, and diligent manner.
Whims (Noun):
Sudden and capricious ideas or desires; fancies.
Recumbent (Adjective):
Lying down; reclining.
Surreptitious (Adjective):
Kept secret or done in a way that avoids notice, especially because it would not be
approved of.
Stuffy (Adjective):
Lacking fresh air or ventilation; oppressively warm; old-fashioned or conservative.
Assured (Adjective):
Certain and confident in manner.
Treacherous (Adjective):
Guilty of or involving betrayal or deception; dangerously unstable and
Imperceptibly (Adverb):
In a way that is so slight, gradual, or subtle as not to be perceived.
Prospect (Noun):
The possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring; the outlook or view,
especially over a large area.
Fraternizing (Verb):
To associate or form a friendship or close association with others, especially when
one is not supposed to do so.
Apparition (Noun):
A ghostly figure or supernatural appearance; something that appears unexpectedly
or in an extraordinary way.
Saga (Noun):
A long, detailed story of heroic exploits, often involving legendary characters and
adventures; a narrative of historical or biographical events.
Silhouetted (Verb):
Cast or show (someone or something) as a dark shape and outline against a lighter
Sinister (Adjective):
Giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen;
ominous; threatening or suggesting evil or harm.
Malevolence (Noun):
The state or condition of having a wish to do evil to others; a feeling or attitude of
intense ill will or hatred.
Constraint (Noun):
A limitation or restriction; a state of being forced to do something against one's will.