Ancient Times Flashcards
Urluga.. loc, spe, title
Father of veterinarians
Middle east - time, who, animal
Sheep herder
Dog and animal
Middle east - time, who, animal
Sheep herder
Dog and animal
Emperor fuxi
Way of domesticatation of animals
- animal husbandry vet med
Egypt -time, what they do
4000-3000 Bc
Medical treatment
First written Abt vet med, Abt?
Foursacred hindu texts
Outline human and animal med
What time, fragments of vet book , main focus
1850, horse
The code of Hammurabi
- serious ope for ass or ox
Cure it vs kills it
Cure- 1/6 shekel
Kills - 1/4 of the animals value
Rabies control measure?
Babylonia - eshua. Code
First vet
India, salihotra
First hospital
India , by king asoka
Vet pro class
70 bc in rome
Hippocrates Abt?
Humoral pathology
- not gods but the envir, diet …
Affect both human and anm for 2000 years
One health