Ancient Rome Flashcards
What type of religion was the original Roman Religion?
The religion of ancient Rome polytheistic, in that they worshipped many gods.
After the Romans overthrew their Etruscan king, they created what type of government?
Wealthy politicians rebelled, overthrew the king of Rome, & established a republic (Rule by elected officials)
What was the Pax Romana?
The Pax Romana otherwise known as the “golden age” was a time of peace and wealth.
Who were Romulus and Remus?
The Legend of the She-Wolf saving the twins Romulus & Remus: After being thrown in the Tiber river, a she-wolf saved the twins, & Rome was founded on Palatine Hill and named after Romulus in 753 BC.
The Punic Wars were a long series of conflicts between which two city-states?
Punic Wars were between Rome & Carthage.
What was the name of the legal code in Rome called?
Twelve Tables.
What were the reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire?
An era of decline due to internal problems within Rome.
What was a group of five thousand (5,000) soldiers in the Roman army called?
Rome was protected by an advanced army that was divided into groups of 5,000 soldiers called legions.
What territories did Rome acquire because of their victories in the Punic Wars?
Rome gained control of Africa, Greece, Macedonia, & Spain.
This group was the top social class and made up 5% of citizens?
At the top were the nobles, called patricians.
The Romans were the first civilization to build and utilize large portions of thes?
The Romans were the first to build large scale aqueducts.
This group was made up of commoners and made up 95% of citizens?
Most people were commoners, called plebeians, who were farmers, shopkeepers, or peasants; Plebeians paid the majority of taxes (made up 95% of Roman citizens)
Name the Roman influences on Modern society?
Roman law had a significant influence over the modern-day laws of many countries. Legal ideas like trial by jury, civil rights, contracts, personal property, legal wills, and corporations all were influenced by Roman law and the Roman way of looking at things.
This person ended the Roman republic in 45 BCE and became dictator of Rome:
Julius Caesar
These were large structures that carried water to Roman Cities?