Ancient Greek Objects (33) Flashcards
to learn the locaiton, time and significance of different greek objects
what were linear b tablets made of?
soft clay tablets with the written down version of early greek
where and when were linear B tablets from
the citadels of knossos and pylos from 1500-1200 bc
why were linear B tablets made
they were adminsitrative records
what is the wider historical significance of linear b tablets?
tells us the mycenaeans spoke greek and also worshipped the greek gods, and gives us a wider view at the complexity of the mycenaean society
what were the lion gates of hattusa and mycenae?
similarly built protective gateways with lions protecting the front
where/when are the lion gates from?
found at the palaces of knossos and pylos in 1300c
why were the lion gates made
to protect and preserve administrative records
why were the lion gates signficant?
they show a stronger connection between the mycenaean greeks and the greater power clubs, specifically the hittites and also a deep connection to the east (egpyt) where lions were a symbol of power
what was the uluburun shipwreck?
the shipwreck of a ship meant to deliver and retrieve trading materials from the east to the aegean
where/when is the shipwreck of uluburun from
along the coast of uluburun turkey in 1300 bc
what is the significance of the uluburun shipwreck?
it was full of copper oxhide ignots, tin and raw materials for glass (all of which were found in different locations around the world) and suggested a large intricate trading route/system between the mycenaean greeks and the other late bronze age nations
what was the inscription of ramses and why was it made?
an inscription in the tomb of ramses lll describing a funerary dedication to the pharoh and his greatness
where was the inscription of ramses lll found?
luxor, egypt in 1177-1186 bc
why is the inscription of ramses significant?
it tells us how during the fall of the late bronze age, the egyptians believe sea people were responsible for the destrution of the power even though the sea people were more likely to be refugees and the collapse of the lba was moreso a domino affect
what is the burial of heroon at lefkandi and why was it made
a filled in building used as a burial site for a rich aristocratic couple to show off their wealth, it consisted of 4 horses and several different types of heirloom pottery and jewelery
when/where was the heroon of lefkandi
Lefkandi in Euboea in the 9th and 10th bc
why is the heroon of lefkandai significant?
it showed that even after the collapse of the lba these people were rich enough to waist precious resources, showing thier status. furthermore the heirlooms were from past trade routes (and countries like syria) as trade routes had disappeared during their period of social hierarchy
what was nestors cup and why was it made?
a cup with inscriptions on it and euboean decorations, made to drink and pay homage to homer
when/where was nestors cup made?
pithekoussai in 740-720bc
why was nestors cup important?
it had a joke written on it in the form of a curse, which indicates the popularity of homer within this era of greece, especially as the cup comes from an area near italy which indicates the spreading of greek culture as they mobilized and developed mixed cities
what was homeric quote 1 and why was it written
a quote from the odyssey a poem about odysseus’s journey home
no idea ask kirah
why was homeric quote 1 important
evidence of interaction with other cultures + homer probably wasn’t just one guy
what was homeric quote 2 and why was it written
a quote from the illiad (story of the trojan wore) describing the helmet of odysseus that would have been from the mycenaean period
when was homeric quote 2
the helm was from mycenae in 1300 bc
why was homeric quote 2 important
the helm being described as a traditional mycenaean warrior helm suggests that the stories in homer were passed down orally for several centuries (homer is probably not just one person)
what was the dreros law decree? why was it made?
the earliest known law decree, which sets limits on the power of kosmos (a powerful official) and adds roles for the demoi (people), and sets a time limit for how long people can sit in a position of power with rules they must abide
when/where was the inscription of dreros made?
temple of apollo in crete in the 7th c bc
why was the dreros law decree important?
it depicts the transition of power between people in the city and the experiments with democracy
what was corinthian pottery and why was it made
pottery created by the corinthians in a pottery style adopted from eastern cultures called black-figure pottery which made the corinthians really famous and popular
where and when was corinthian pottery made?
corinth in 600-500 bc
why was corinthian pottery important
it shows a new style and connection to the near east as well as the thriving pottery trade of this era (trade is back!!)
what is archaic greek coinage and why was it made
coins made of naturally occuring gold/silver alloys used for trade
when/where did archaic greek coinage originate?
lydia in 7th c bc
why was archaic greek coinage important?
it introduced competition between the greek cities and their own coinage styles (new measurement of wealth)
what was colonisation and why did it happen?
greek ‘mother’ cities sending people out to defeat natives in order to spread greek culture
when and where did colonisation occur?
sicily, south italy, asia minor (9th c bc) , and places like france, spain and north africa (7th c bc)
why was colonisation significant?
the greeks were looking for resources for their mother cities and would go to the oracle of delphi for info on where to colonize, the colonies would maintin their connections with greek and its language and culture but somehow became more greek
what was the delphi charioteer and why was it made
a bronze chariot statue dedicated to Polyzalos commemorating his win of the pythian games (the charioteer driver was his slave)
when/where is the charioteer of delphi from
Gela, sicily in 466bc and kept in the panhellenic sanctuary of delphi 479/474 bc
why was the charioteer of delphi significant?
gave status to the victor in the panhellenic sanctuary and kept the fame of the victor alive for generations
what was the siphnian treasury and why was it made
treasuries built of marble to house offerings from the siphnans to show off their wealth
when/where were the siphnian treasuries from
sifnos before 525 bc
why were the siphnian treasuries important
built in the ionic style of its eastern home city, the treasuries displayed local myths for everyone to see and also showed off the wealth of the small island
what is the passage from tyrtaeos?
a passage of the consitution of tyrtaeos, used as contemporary evidence for the great rhetra (the consitution showed the significance of the oracle to governments)
when/where is the passage of tyrtaeos from
sparta in 7th c bc
why was the passage of tyrtaeos important
it showed the first signs of structured government (two hereditary kings, 30 statesmen, assembly of citizens) and ads debate to the validity of tyrataeos
what were the tyrannicides and why were the made
roman marble statues of harmodius and aristogetion (lovers) who “killed” a tyrant (they killed the wrong brother) but were revered anyways. the statue was made to replace the og (bronze) statue stolen by the persians
when/where were the tyrannicides made?
athenian agora 475bc
why are the tyrannicides important
showed the athenians shift away from tyranny, and the story was so famous there were drinking songs and they were famous in persia and rome (they were quoted on drinking cups and pottery and gravestones) and gave way to democracy in athens
what was the cyrus cylinder and why was it made?
clay cylinder encapsuating the way cyrus was remembered after conquering babylon
when/where was the cyrus cylander made?
temple of marduk, in babylon in 6th c bc
why is the cyrus cylander important
cyrus adopted the religion of the babylonians and used that to gain their trust and justify his overtake, showing himself as the chosen one and restoring babylonian tradition
what was the treasury of the athenians why was it made
treasury dedicated by the athenians to apollo after their victory against the persians in the battle of marathon, and diplays the exploits of theseus
where/when was the athenian treasury made
panhellenic sanctuary of delphi in 490 bc
why was the athenian treasury important
displays the exploits, wealth and prestige of athens, claims the credit of the win to athens and started an ideological battle between greeks and persians
what was the serpent column of delphi
serpent shaped coloumn from the spartans following their land battle against the persians. it was built to brag about their defeat
when/where is the serpent coloumn from?
panhellenic sanctuary of delphi, 5th c bc
why was the serpent coloumn important
procalims the newfound unity of greek cities and lists all the cities working together but also shows athens and spart claiming glory (limited to 31 cities)
what was ostraka (ostracism)
plates that would be inscribed with the name of politicians/generals and then smashed in order to symbollically exile them
when was ostraka made?
5c bc in the athenian agora
why was ostracism important?
gave everyday athenian citizens power over who was in charge of the city and helped them grow their political prowess
what were tribute lists
huge marble inscriptions with records of the yearly payed of aparchai taken from the tithe set of “allies” of the delian league after the league was moved to athens
when/where were tribute lists
athenian acropolis after 454bc
why were tribute lists significant
the money being taken was mostly used to strength athens (however 1/60th went to athena) and it marked the beginning of athenian control over the delian league
The parthenon
victory momument comission by pericles dedicated to athena, celebrating the athenian victory against the persians, trojans, and amazons. It was made in athens in 447-432 bc and it was a statement of power because of its cost
the athenian empire
two different speeches by thuycidides describing pericles discussing positives and negatives of the athenian empire in athens in 430s bc. the overbearing behaviour of the athenians incited people to leave and partner with sparta
the megarian decree
a trade embargo on the people of megara by athens in 432 bc, due to megaras betrayl of athens. megara is right between corinth and athens and if athens had removed their embargo the penopolesian war wouldn’t have happened
statue of nike
marble statue made by paionios in 425 bc olympia as an offering from the messenian after there exploit of sphakteria, showing that panhellenic sanctuaries were stil a place to brag even against other greeks (they didnt mention they beat sparta bc sparta was powerful)
funeral monument for a 10 yr old cavalry boy in the corinthian war, from athens in 494/3bc and shows that even after being beat by spartans 8 yrs prior they recovered finatially, anf the boy was the first recorded birth day
revolution of macedonian fighting
king phillip revamping his army by changing its structute by paying the army, introduced the sarissa, cavalry and new siege warfare in macedon around 359bc. intro of paid work made people wanr to loot and conquer enemy armies to pay their soldiers
tholos temple made at the panhellenic sanctuary of zeus at olympia, to celebrate the victory of the battle of chaeronea after 338 bc. alexander took over, finished it and put gold statues of his family, deifying them (shows the changing relationship with the gods)
Babylonian astronomical diary
daily astronomical diary made clay and written cuneiform, in babylon 11 june 323 bc and decribes the death of alexander, and also his acceptance of persian culture and local babylonian culture (rare examply of primary contemporary evidence)
hellenistic coin of lysimachus
silver tetradachum with the head of deified alexander (rams horms of the god amun) and athena holding nike on the other side. 305-281 bc and it claims connection to alexander and legitamized lysimachus’s sucsesstion to alexander.
the rosetta stone
fragment of a stele made of a slab granodite in memphis egypt, 196bc, it was a decree made by ptolemy the 5th about setting up a divine cult. it was written in greek, demotic egyptian, and hieroglyphic egyptian. show the mixing of cultures and the language and politics of egypt at the time. furthermore, it lead to the translation of hieroglyphics.
the alter of zeus at pergamon
outdoor model for burning sacrifices to zeus in pergamon 188bc. symbol of status and power and connection to the greek world as seen with the carvings of greek myths, while on the inside they connected pergamon to telephos, son of hercules similr to the way alexander worked to deify himself
Funerary athenian pots
amphora or krater shaped pottery decorated with human scenery (for the first time since lba) in athens in 750-730bc) because it cost less and was more standardized, byt also showed that people were more concerned with displaying their riches in sanctuaries