Ancient Greece Flashcards

Cycladic Figure of a woman
c. 2600-2400 BCE

Bull Leaping
Wall painting from palace complex, Knossos Crete
Late Minoan period
c. 1550-1450 BCE
Archaeological Museum, Crete

Harvester Rhyton
Hafia Triada, Crete
“New Palace” period
c. 1650-1450 BCE
Archaeological Musuem, Crete

Ajax and Achilles playing a game
- Exekias*
c. 450-530 BCE
Black figure painting on cermanic amphora
Vatican Museum

Funerary Krater
from Dipylon Cemetery
c. 750-700 BCE
Attributed: Hirschfeld Workshop
Cermaic, 42”

Greek Orders
Doric; Ionic; Corinthian

West Pediment at Temple of Aphaia, Aegina
c. 500-490 BCE
Staatlicje Antikensammlugen Glyptothek, Munich

Dying Warrior (West Pediment)
R of W. pediment: Temple of Aphaia, Aegina
c. 500-490 BCE
Staatliche Antikensamlungen und Glyptothek

Dying Warrior (East Pediment)
L of E. Pediment: Temple of Aphaia, Aegina
c. 500-490 BCE
Marble, 6’
Staatliche Antikensamlungen und Glyptothek

Metropolitan Kouros
c. 600 BCE

Berlin Kore
Cemetary at Keratea, near Athens
c. 570-560 BCE
Marble with red paint
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Anavysos Kouros
Cemetary at Anavysos, near Athens
c. 530 BCE
Marble with remains of paint
National Archaeological Museum, Athens
Peplos Kore
Acropolis, Athens
c. 530 BCE
Acropolis Museum, Athens

Euphronios Krater
by Euphronios (potter) and Euxitheos (painter)
‘Death of Sarpedon’
c. 515 BCE
Red-figure decoration on a calyx krater: Cermaic. 18”
Etruscan Museum
Krotios Boy
Acropolis, Athens.
c. 480 BCE
Marble, 3’10”
Acropolis Museum

Found in the sea of Riace, Italy
c. 460-450 BCE
Bone with bone and glass eyes, silver teeth, copper lips and nipples. 6’9”
National Archeological Museum, Italy.

c.447-432 BCE

Acropolis, Athens.
447-432 BCE
Pantelic marble.

E. Pediment of the Parthenon
c. 447-432 BCE
Acropolis, Athens

Lapith Fighting a Centaur
c. 447-432 BCE
metope relied from Doric freize on S. side of Parthenon
Marble; 56”
British Museum

c. 447-432 BCE
Procession, Ionic freize on N. side of Parthenon
Marble; 41”
British Museum

Spear Bearer (Doryphoros)
by Polykleitos
c.450-400 BCE
Roman copy of original bronze
True trunk and brace in Marble Roman copy
National Archeological Museum, Naples

Marshalls and Young Women
c. 447-432 BCE
Detail of the processon, from the ionic freize on E. side of Parthenon
Marble; 3’6”
Musée du Louvre

Nike adjusting her sandal
c.410-405 BCE
Fragments of relief from the parapet, Temple of Athena Nike at the Acropolis
Marble, 3’6”
Acropolis Museum

Hermes and the Infant Dionysos
by Praxiteles
c. 4 C. BCE
Most likely Roman or Hellenistic copy
Marble, with red paint remnants, 7’1”
Archaeological Museum, Olympia

Aphrodite of Knidos
by Praxiteles
c. 350 BCE
Marble, 6’8”
Vtaican Museum

Apoxyomenos (Man scrapping himself)
by Lysippos
c. 350-325 BCE
Roman copy in Marble of original bronze
Vatican Museums

Dying Gallic Trumpeter
by Epigonos
c. 220 BCE
Roman copy in Marble of original bronze
Capitoline Museum

Altar from Pergamon
c. 175-150 BCE
Originally in Turkey
Reconstruction in Berlin
Staatkuche Museen du Berlin

Lacoön and his sons
by Hagensandros, Polydoros, and Athendoros of Rhodes
c. 1 C. BCE
perhaps Roman copy in Marble
Musei Vaticani

Nike of Samothrace (Winged Victory)
c. 180 BCE
Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samothrace
Marble, 8’1”
Musée du Louvre