Ancient Egyptian Flashcards
Order of Egyptian Eras
Predynastic Egypt
Early Dynastic
Old Kingdom
First Intermediate
Middle Kingdom
Second Intermediate
New Kingdom
Palette of King Narmer
Predynastic Egyptian
3000-2920 B.C.E.
-Utilitarian object: used to crush and prepare eye makeup worn to protect the eyes from the sun and irritation
-Document marking the transition from the prehistoric to the historical period in ancient Egypt
-Typical grave goods
-Carved with relief sculptures
-King Narmer wears the Red and White crowns, symbolizing the unification of Lower and Upper Egypt
Seated Statue of Khafre
Old Kingdom Egyptian
2575-2525 B.C.E.
-One of a series of similar statues carved for the pharaoh’s valley temple near the Great Sphinx
-Falcon god Horus perches on the back of the throne
-Symbols of lions, lotus, and papyrus
-Khafre wears the royal false beard and nemes headdress with the uraeus cobra
King Menkaure and his Queen
Old Kingdom Egyptian
2490-2472 B.C.E
Greywacke Slate
-Frontal dyad statue of figures standing side by side on a simple squared base supported by a shared back pillar
-Broad shouldered youthful king wearing his kilt and a nemes headdress
-A woman wraps her arm around him affectionately
-A break in tradition: the woman is roughly the same size as Menkaure and stands with one foot forward, suggesting she was powerful
-They both look beyond the present and into timeless eternity
Seated Scribe
Old Kingdom Egyptian
2620-2500 B.C.E
Painted limestone with inlaid eyes of rock crystal, calcite, and magnesite
-Scribe portrayed at work, which is unusual in Egyptian statuary
-Position originally used for members of the royal family (except for the king)
-Embodying the human spirit in stone or wood
-Holds a papyrus scroll partially unrolled and clasping a reed brush
-Lively intelligent expression with the inlaid eyes
-As a person’s importance decreases, formality is relaxed and realism increases
-Sagging chest muscles and a protruding belly
Stepped Pyramid of King Djoser
Early Dynastic Egyptian
2675-2625 B.C.E.
Saqqara, Egypt
-First mortuary structure in stone, the first stepped pyramid instead of a single mastaba, and the first to combine both mortuary and ritual buildings
-Six mastaba-like elements of decreasing size stacked on top of each other
-Resembles the ziggurats of Mesopotamia but differs in both meaning and purpose
-A solar reference and place of regeneration for the deceased ruler
Great Pyramids and Great Sphinx
Old Kingdom Egyptian
2550-2490 B.C.E.
Gizeh, Egypt
Cut Limestone
-Symbols of the sun: the sun rays are used as ladders for the pharaoh to ascend to the heavens
-Where the Egyptian kings were reborn in the afterlife
-Oriented to the cardinal points of the compass: funerary temples were located on the east side, facing the rising sun
-Not standalone structures: connected to valley temples
-Valley temples were active places of worship
-Khufu: three inner chambers, cantilevered blocks forming a pent roof, mortuary complex included seven large boat pits (for the afterlife boat journey)
-Khafre: simpler interior than Khufu’s, one small subsidiary chamber and two passageways, mortuary temple was more complex: filled with over 52 life-sized statues and images, valley temple is beautifully preserved: constructed of megalithic blocks
Sphinx: Maybe for Khafre? or Khufu, composite form suggests that the pharaoh combines human intelligence with strength and authority of the kings of beasts
-Menkaure: Smallest of the three, chambers were more complicated with decorative panels and six large niches, mortuary and valley temples were neither completed
Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut
New Kingdom Egyptian
1473-1458 B.C.E.
Sandstone, partially carved into rock cliff, red granite
-Carved directly out of the side of a massive sandstone cliff
-3 columned terraces connected by 2 ramps
-Decorated with extensive reliefs that celebrated Hatshepsut’s achievements as the pharaoh-queen
-As many as 200 statues decorated the temple
-Not meant to be her tomb
-Axial plan and hypostyle halls; direct axis with the Temple of Amun-Re
-Many statues of her kneeling, making offerings to the gods, and wearing typical male regalia
-Also took the name Maatkare
-Long ass ramp
-Her successor obliterated the name of Hatshepsut from stelae and walls, and defaced many statues
Temple of Ramses II
New Kingdom Egyptian
1290-1224 B.C.E.
Abu Simbel, Egypt
-Carved out of the face of a cliff in the manner of a rock-cut tomb
-Dedicated to the worship of the pharaoh’s divine essence and three chief gods: Amen-Re, Ptah, and Re-Horakhty
-Designed so at the summer or winter solstices, the rising sun illuminates the king’s image inside
-Ramses=Egypt’s last great warrior pharaoh
-Served to intimidate the Egyptians’ southern neighbor Nubia
-Flooded at some point and moved
-The rock-cut facade represents the front of a pylon
-Entrance is crowned by a bas-relief of the king worshipping Ra-Harakhti
Temple of Amun-Re and Hypostyle Hall
New Kingdom Egyptian
1550-1250 B.C.E.
Karnak, Egypt
-Built for the worship of the gods rather than a pharaoh or queen
-Light admitted through a clerestory illuminating the axial corridor
-Ten massive pylons creating axises
-Massive papyrus captals
-Columns with sunken-relief
-The statue of Amun-Re would be in the sanctuary, the central-most part of the building
-Symbol of the beginning of life
-Artificial sacred lake
-Texts suggest that the pylons symbolically represented two mountains on the horizon between which the sun rose to start life anew
each day
-Increased restriction of access as one moved toward the inner sanctum
New Kingdom Egyptian (Amarna Period)
1353-1335 B.C.E.
-Radical change of style: Akhenaten changed the religion (Aten), influencing a change of art
-Androgynous figure: a deliberate reaction against tradition
-Standard frontal pose
-Effeminate body with curving contours, long face with full lips, and heavy-lidded eyes
-Holds a flail and crook
Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and three daughters
New Kingdom Egyptian (Amarna Period)
1353-1335 B.C.E.
Limestone, sunken relief carving
-Sunken relief on a stele
-Intimate scene from the private lives of the king and queen (not common)
-Sun Disk god Aten with papyrus stalks/life-giving rays
-Sigmund Freud theorizes this religion pioneers Judaism
-Under Nefertiti’s throne are symbols of Upper and Lower Egypt, she is the queen of both
-Equal power between the king and queen
Tutankhamun’s Tomb (Innermost Coffin)
New Kingdom Egyptian
1323 B.C.E.
Gold with inlay of enamel and semiprecious stones
-17 when he died
-Repaired the damage from Akhenaten’s reign
-Ruled after the Amarna age
-Mummy mask portraying the teenaged pharaoh with idealized features and wearing a false beard and uraeus cobra headdress
-Outer two coffins were crafted in wood and covered in gold, inner coffin was solid gold
-Thick black layer of anointing liquid poured during the burial ceremony
-Holds the crook and flail
-Connected to the image of a god
-Back of the mask is covered with a spell from the Book of the Dead: a road map for the afterlife
Ti watching a hippopotamus hunt
Old Kingdom Egyptian
2450-2350 B.C.E.
Painted Limestone relief
-Ti: an royal official
-Found in a mastaba
-Daily life relief meant to send to the afterlife
-Vertical line patterns contrasting the figures in the painting
-Papyrus stalks = birth
-Hierarchy of scale: Ti is in a stiff pose while the little guys are in motion, emphasizing his sophistication
-On boats! on rivers! with fish!
Nebamun hunting fowl (from the Tomb chapel of Nebamun)
New Kingdom Egyptian
1350 B.C.E.
Fresco Secco
-Nebamun was a scribe/grain counter
-Paintings of scenes of daily life
-Cat! Sun god?
-Another family scene
-Contrasting Ti, Nebamun is in motion
-Huge ass fish
The Last Judgement of Hunefer
New Kingdom Egyptian
1300-1290 B.C.E
Painted Papyrus Scroll
-The Book of the Dead: magic spells assisting the journey to the afterlife
-Intended to be read by the dead
-If the heart is lighter than a feather: pure of soul
-Hunefer appears numerous times in the painting: a continuous narrative/passage through time
-Anubis guides Hunefer -> His heart his weighed by Maat -> Thoth writes -> Horus -> Osiris on a lifted platform -> Hunefer passes the test!\
-Top register depicting Hunefer praying and asking the gods for something
Axial Plan
The parts of a building are organized longitudinally, or along a given axis
Pylon Plan
Any monumental gateways or tower-like structures. Most often massive stone structures that flanked the doors to temples
A large interior space in which rows of large columns, often made of stone, support a solid, flat roof
An ancient Egyptian tomb rectangular in shape with sloping sides and a flat roof, standing to a height of 17–20 feet (5–6 m), consisting of an underground burial chamber with rooms above it (at ground level) in which to store offerings