Ancient Egypt And Nubia Flashcards
Which is the world’s longest river?
The Nile River is the world’s longest river.
What is a cataract?
A cataract is a group of rocky rapids.
What is the region upstream from the Mediterranean?
The region upstream from the Mediterranean is upper Egypt.
Define delta
A delta is an area of sediment-soil or minerals carried by water-deposited at the mouth of a river.
What is the Red Land?
The Red Land includes the deserts that lay on either side of the Black Land. The Red Land was a deadly place of hot, burning sands.
How could the soil of the Nile River Valley be best characterized?
The soil of the Nile River Valley is best characterized as fertile.
How were Egyptian farmers able to produce enough food to create a surplus?
Egyptian farmers learned to build earthen walls around fields to trap the Nile’s flood waters.
Define Artisans
Artisans are skilled workers who practice a handicraft
Who united the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt?
The kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt were United by Menes/Narmer.
Define Pharoah
A pharaoh is a king of a united Egypt
What is a dynasty?
A dynasty is a ruling family.
What does Environmental mean?
Environmental is having to do with natural surroundings.
In what order did the kingdoms arise?
The kingdoms arose with the old kingdom first, then the middle kingdom, and finally the new kingdom.
What is a bureaucracy?
A bureaucracy is a system of offices and officials that handle the business of government.
Who were the two great rulers who shaped Egyptian history?
Hatshepsut and Ramses II were two great pharaohs that shaped Egyptian history.
What does devotion mean?
Devotion is a strong feeling of love, loyalty, or commitment.
Define Mummy
A mummy is a body preserved by a special process.
How did Egyptians prepare for the afterlife?
To prepare for the afterlife Egyptian lived a good life to ensure that they would have an afterlife. Then they had their bodies preserved after death so that their mummy would have a home during the afterlife.
What are hieroglyphics?
Hieroglyphics are drawing or symbols that represent a word or a sound.
What were scribes and why were they important?
Scribes were officials who knew how to write and were valued for their knowledge. Scribes allowed Egyptians to share and preserve knowledge.
Define Papyrus
Papyrus was a material very similar to paper. It was made from the reed that grew along the Nile River.
Why was papyrus a great improvement over the clay tablet?
Papyrus was easier to carry, took up less storage space and didn’t take as long to make.
What was an important quality of papyrus?
An important quality of papyrus was that it could last a very long time in the dry environment of Egypt. This allowed many Egyptian literature written on papyrus to survive over time.
What does survive?
Survive is to continue to live, continue to exist.
What is a pyramid?
A pyramid is a structure with triangular sides.
What was the purpose of tomb paintings?
Tomb paintings were created to provide the_________
Define Sculpture
Sculpture is a _____
Describe the Egyptian Solar calendar
The Egyptian ____ calendar had ___days.
What did the Egyptians use to help them predict when the Nile would flood?
The Egyptians watched for the bright_____
What does construct mean?
Construct means to____ or put____
Define anatomy
Anatomy is the ___ of the structure of the ___ and its ___
How did Egyptians learn so much about anatomy?
Egyptians learned so much about ___ from their work with ___-
What is commerce
The buying and selling of goods
Why did Egypt need to trade with other countries
Because they needed to get goods they could not produce itself.
What is ivory
A hard white material made from elephant tusks
To depend,trust
Why would Egypt and Nubia be willing to depend on the other’s trade goods
They each had resources the other could not produce themselves, so they were willing to become interdependent.
What effect did the continued trading with Egypt have on nubian culture
The Nubian adopted many elements of egyptian culture, including religion.
to produce, create
What was the result of nubia having less land to farm than the Egyptians had
They were short of food, This made the nubians eager to trade with Egyptians
After which Pharaoh’s rule did the New kingdom grow weak
The rule of Ramses II
Why did nubia’s control of egypt end
Nubia’s control of Egypt ended because Nubia went to war with assyria which defeated them and drove them out of egypt.
Meroitic script
One of the world’s first alphabets created by the nubians
A black wood from west africa
What aspects of culture did nubia take from egypt
The nubians took the gods and the use of pyramids from egyptian culture