Ancestry Flashcards
What does ancestry mean
Ones family or ethnic decent or genetic line of decent
How does SWGANTH (Scientific working group for Forensic Anthropology) define ancestry
Ancestry refers to an individuals ancestral geographic region of origin - No references to culture, behaviour, language or history
Why do we estimate ancestry
To establish a biological profile, narrows down a pool of people, different populations express different features and it is helpful to know this
Which methods do we still look at and use for ancestry estimation
Broca, Boas, Rhine, Hefner and fordisc
Brielf explain Broca
He used skull measurements to rank superiority plus mental capabilities and grouped these into ancestral groups
Briefly explain Boas
He wanted to include environmental and non metric factors. Looked at 18,000 individuals from 7 different populations
Briefly explain Rhine
He looked at only 87 skulls and classified these using traits (Mainly from the nose and skull) into American Caucasoid, A South Western, A Mongoloid and A Black
Briefly explain Hefner
He looked at visual traits from multiple populations and provided character states for 11 traits. He is an improvement from Rhine as he’s included intergroup variations and stated there is a relationship between trait expression and populations
Briefly explain fordisc
A program that determines ancestry through discriminant function analysis of cranial measurements (Mainly US data so still Biased)
What are some of the problems with ancestry estimation
It is highly controversial, can be harmful to some groups, bad methods, missing white woman syndrome etc