anatomy- upper limb Flashcards
bones of upper limb
clavicle and scapula-pectoral girdle
arm- clavicle, scapula and humerus
forearm- radius and ulna
features- medial and lateral end, shaft in the middle, conoid tubule- ligament attached to it
two articular surfaces- sternoclavicular joint and acriomioclavicular joint
muscular attached to clavicle
- sternocleidomastoid
- pectoralis major
- trapezuis
- deltoid
- subclavius
3 angles- superior, inferior and lateral
3 borders- superior, medial, lateral
features of scapula
- spine of scapula
- acromion
- coracoid process
- glenoid fosaa
- suprascapular notch
- supraspinous fossa
- infraspinous fossa
- subscapular fossa
- spinoglenoid notch
- supranglenoid tubercle
- infraglenoid tubercle
sternoclavicular joint
-synovial saddle joint with fibrocartilaginous articular disc
- minimal bony congruence
-articular disc and ligaments provide stability and movement
- only joint attaching upper limb to the axial skeleton
acromioclavicular joint
-synovial plane joint with firbocartilaginous articular disc
-minimal movement
-ligaments less robust
glenohumeral joint
-synovial multiaxial (ball and socket) joint
-little bony congruence
- movement comes at the cost of stability
joint stability mostly from soft tissue
elbow joint
-synovial complex hinge joint
- high congruence between humerus and ulna
- some congruence between humerus and radius
- capsule is weak anteriorly and posteriorly
- strong collateral ligament complexes medially and laterally
proximal radioulnar joint
-synovial, uniaxial pivot joint
- joint between the radial head and radial notch of ulna
- annular ligament holds joint in place
distal radioulnar joint
-synovial, uniaxial pivot joint
- joint between ulnar head and ulnar notch of radius
- articular disc between
-provides safety net
- spinal roots c5-t1
-sensory, motor and sympathetic supply
brichial plexus sections
roots (formed by anterior arm)–> trunks–> divisions–> cords–> terminal branches
fascial covering
-every muscle has a fascial covering
-thicker fascial coverings (deep fascia) form around muscle groups creating compartments
- limits the space available should any inflammation occur
muscle group- posterior axio
appendicular muscles
- superficial: trapezius and latissimus doris
- deep- levator scapulae and rhomboid major/minor
muscle group- anterior axio
-appendicular muslces
- pectrolaris major, pectrolaris minor, serratus anterior, subclavius
muscle group- scapulohumeral muscles
-teres major
- rotator cuff
anterior axio-appendiculat muslce, pectoralis major
- clavicle and sternum to intertubercular groove
-medial and lateral pectoral nerve C6-T1 - GH joint- adduction, medial rotation, flexion (clavicular head), extension (sternocostal head)
- scapulothoracic joint- draws scapula anteroinferiorly
anterior axio-appendicular muscle, pectoralis minor
- coracoid process to (costal cartilage of ribs 3-5)
-lateral pectoral nerve (c8-t1) - scapulothoracic joint- draws scapula anteroinferiorly
anterior axio-appendicular muscles, serratus anterior and subclavius
serratus anterior- medial border of scapula to ribs 1-9
long thoracic nerve (c5-7)
protraction and rotation of scapula
- clavicle to first rib
- nerve to subclavius (c5-6)
-anchors and depresses clavicle
scapulohumeral muscle- deltoid
-lateral clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula to deltoid tuberosity of humerus
- axillary nerve (C5-6)
-clavicular part- flexion, medial rotation of arm
- acromial part- abduction of arm
- spinal part- extension, lateral rotation of arm
scapulohumeral muscles, teres major
-inferior lateral border of scapula to intertubecular groove
-lower subscapular nerve (C5-6)
- anchors and depresses clavicle
incorrect info
scapulohumeral muscles- rotator cuff
- makes up of supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis and teres minor muscles
- forms tendinous cuff over GH joint capsule on 3 sides
- collective action to hold the humeral head in the glenoid cavity during all movements of the GH joint
scapulohumeral muscles, innervation
- supraspinatus/infraspinatus= surprascapular nerve C4-6
- subscapularis = subscapular nerve (C5-7)
- teres minor = axillary nerve (C5-6)
rotator cuff actions
supraspinatus- abduction to 15 degrees
infraspinatus/teres minor- lateral rotation
subscapularis- medial rotation
muscle groups- anterior/flexor compartment of the arm
-biceps branchi
- brachials
musculocutaneous nerve
muscle groups- posterior/extensor compartment of the arm
- triceps branchii
- anconeus
radial nerve
anterior forarm muscles- superficial layer
pronator teres
flexor carpi radialis
also abduction of hand
palmaris longis
flexor carpi ulnaris
also adduction of hand
common origin = medial epicondyle
to flex the wrist the muscles must cross the wrist
anterior forearm muscles- intermediate layer
intermediate layer
flexor digitorum superficialis
4 tendons: 1 to each middle phalanx of digits 2-5
flex all joints it crosses
anterior forearm muscles- deep
flexor digitorum profundus
distal phalanx of digits 2-5
flexor pollicis longus
pronator quadratus
posterior forearm muscles
flexor of mid-pronated forearm
extensor carpi radialis longus
also abduction of hand
extensor carpi radialis brevis
also abduction of hand
extensor digitorum
extensor digiti minimi
common origin = lateral epicondyle
extensors help extend all joints they cross
posterior forearm muscles- deep layer
extensor indicis
abductor pollicis longus
extensor pollicis longus
extensor pollicis brevis
extensors help extend all joints they cross