Anatomy - thigh and knee 2 Flashcards
name the expansions/insertions of semimembranosus
posteromedial tibial plateau (under MCL)oblique popliteal ligamentposterior capsule+posterior horn medial meniscusposterior oblique ligamentpopliteus aponeurosis(5 total)
what are the boundaries of Hunter’s canal?
vastus medialis (anterior/lateral)floor: adductor longus (sup) and magnus (inf)roof: sartorius
contents of hunter’s canal
superficial fem a and vfemoral n branch to vastus medialissaphenous n
what fibrous structure encapsulates the structures of hunter’s canal?
vastoadductor membrane
distal femur articular angle?proximal tibia articular angle?saggital slope of tibial plateau?
distal femur 9 degrees valgus relative to anatomic axisproximal tibia 3 degrees varus relative to anatomic axistibial plateau has 10 degree posterior slope (with menisci acounted for, more like 3 degrees)
which tibial plateau is concave/convex?
medial: concavelateral: convexremember the “medal pivot” TKA
how many facet(s) are on the patella? name them
7 facets3 medial3 lateral1 odd facet medial to medial facets
bipartite patella - usualy occurs where?
superolateral pole
the medial knee: list structures in the 3 layers
superficial:medial patellar retinaculum (ant)sartorial fascia (mid)gastroc fascia (post)middle:MPFL (ant)SMCL (mid)semi-M tendon (post)deep:capsuledeep MCL
the biceps femoris tendon inserts anterior or posterior to LCL on fibular head?
posterior.LCL is most anterior structure on fibular head
what structures comprise the posterolateral corner of the knee? PLC
ITBbiceps femorislateral retinaculumpopliteofibular ligamentlateral capsulepopliteusLCLarcuate ligament
describe the dial test and what a positive result is
ER legs with knees at 30 deg and 90 deg.>10 deg side to side difference at 30 deg knee flexion only is PLC injury. If occurs at both 30 and 90 deg knee flexion, then =PLC+PCL injury
ligament connecting the menisci to the tibial plateau is called what?
coronary ligament
What ligament lies anterior and posterior to the PCL insertion?
anterior: humphrey ligamentposterior: wrisberg ligament
ACL bundles: name them, and when are they tight?
anteromedial: tight in flexionposterolateral: tight in extension
blood supply to ACL
middle geniculate a
ACL insertion is in-line with what knee structure?
anterior horn of lateral meniscus
PCL bundles: name them, and when are they tight?
anterolateral: tight in flexionposteromedial: tight in extension
blood supply to PCL
middle geniculate artery
when does meniscal blood supply reach adult pattern?
age 10
articularis genu muscle: OINA
from anterior femur to suprapatellar bursafemoral npulls suprapatellar bursa during knee extension to avoid being pinched by PFJ
popliteal fossa: boundaries?
semiMbiceps femorisgastroc med and lat heads
popliteal fossa: contents?
from lat to med:common peroneal ntibial npop vpop a