anaTOMY & physiology yr 1 Flashcards
joint types and articulating bones
shoulder - humerus/scapula
wrist - radius/ulna/carpals
elbow - humerus/radius/ulna
hip- pelvis,femur
knee- femur/tibia
ankle- tibia/fibula/ talus
abduction - away from midline of body
adduction - towards the midline of the body
plantar flexion
dorsi flexion
PF - toes move down
DF - toes move up
horizontal flexion
horizontal extension
HF - parallel to ground, away from midline of body
HE - parallel to ground, towards midline of body
lateral rotation
twisting action inwards towards the body
how does skeletal muscle contract
1- cns initiates impulse
2- received by dendrites of cell body, initiates impulse in motor neurone
3- creates action potential which carries impulse
4 - crosses synaptic cleft
5 - acetyl choline carries impulse across synaptic cleft, causing action potential in muscles
6 - if muscle exceeds specific threshold, will contract
7 - muscles contract in all or none law
sa node during exercise
- sa node increases frequency of impulse, heart rate increases
- sanode decreases frequency of impulse, heart rate will slow
- sa node maintains frequency of impulse, heart rate will plateau
Atrioventricular node
- receives impulse of av node
- delays impulse 0.1
- release impulse to bundle of his
bundle of his
- septum
- transports to purkyne fibres
purkyne fibres
- ventricle walls
- ventricles contract
- force blood up and out of aorta
key points conduction system
- sa node initiates impulse across atria
- impulse received and delayed by av node
- continues down bundle of his
- impulse spread to purkyne tissue within ventricle walls
key points cardiac cycle
1 - atria systole contraction of atria
2 - lasts 0.3 seconds
3 - blood forced from atria intro ventricles through av node
4 - ventricular systole contraction of ventricles
5 - blood out ventricles through sl valves to aorta and body
6 - diastole chambers relax
7 - atria re fill with blood
8 - pressure from atria refilling causes ventricles to refill passively
hormonal regulation
controlled by sympathetic nervous system
- adrenaline and non adrenal glands, stress hormones
- increase firing rate of sa node
- increases strength of ventricular contraction
- prior to exercise
- anticipatory rise
neural regulation
- neural receptors relay change from cardiac control centre
- passes info via sympathetic and parasympathetic system to sa node.
- chemo baro proprio and thermo
intrinsic regulation
during exercise
- venous return increases
- more blood enters left ventricles increases stroke volume
- temp rises
hip flexion
agonist - iliopsoas
antagonist - gluteus maximus
plane - sagital
hip extension
agonist - gluteus maximus
antagonist - iliopsoas
plane - sagital
hip abduction
agonist - gluteus medius/ minimus
antagonist - adductor longus/ magnus
plane frontal
hip adduction
agonist - adductor longus/ magnus
antagonist - gluteus maximus/ minimus
plane - frontal
medial rotation hip
agonist - gluteus medius / minus
antagonist - gluteus maximus
plane - transverse
lateral rotation hip
plane transverse
agonist - gluteus maximus
antagonist - gluteus minus/medius
slow twitch oxidative type 1
sc- small motor neurone, high capillary density
f - high resistance to fatigue, aerobic capacity, low speed contraction
endurance - marathon
fast oxidative glycolytic type 2a
sc- large neuron size, high glycogen store
f - contracts high force, fast speed
muscular - 800m
fast glycolytic type 2b
sc - large neurone size, high phosphocreatine stores
high force, anaerobic capacity
speed - 100m
redistribution of cardiac output ( vascular shunt mechanism) during exercise
1 - chemoreceptors, baro , proprio detect increase in c02, blood pressure and joint movement
2 - relay info vasomotor control centre
3 - arterioles/ precapillary sphincters near non essential organs, vasoconstrict
4 - arterioles/precapillary sphincters vasodilate near working muscles
arterioles and pre capillary sphincters
a - small arteries, that deliver blood to capillaries surrounding tissue
ps - muscle at the entry of capillary
venous return
volume of blood flow returning back into the heart via right atrium
venous return key point
gravity and low pressure in veins
pocket valves
prevent back flow
smooth muscle valves
vein wall muscle vasoconstrict to push blood back
areas above the heart
skeletal muscle pump
muscle contract and squeeze veins between muscle
respiratory muscle pump
increase in pressure squeeze blood in veins back to the heart
blood pooling
occurs in our lower limbs or pocket valves and it struggles to return to the heart and ultimately the brain – this can cause dizziness. An active recovery/cool down (a period of jogging & stretching) will maintain the venous return mechanisms, in particular the skeletal muscle pump and the respiratory pump to enable a more effective recovery by maintaining blood & oxygen flow to the muscles and removing waste products.
breathing frequency
volume of air inspired or expired per minute
trained - 11-12
untrained - 12-15
submaximal - 35/45
maximal - 50/60
tidal volume
volume of air inspired or expired per breathe
trained - 0.5
untrained - 0.5 L
submaximal -1.5/2.5 L
maximal - 3/3.5 L
minute ventilation
no. of breathes inspired/expired per minute
trained - 6/7.3 L
untrained - 5.5/6 L/MIN
submaximal - 40/50
maximal - 100/210 L/MIN
minute ventilation
stroke volume
breathing frequency
Minute ventilation = frequency X tidal volume
2) Tidal volume = minute ventilation
breathing frequency 3) Breathing frequency = minute ventilation Tidal volume
inspiration mechanics active - at rest
- Diaphragm & External Intercostal muscles contract
- The ribs move up and out
- The thoracic cavity volume increases
- The air pressure in the lungs decreases,
- Gases always travel from HIGH to LOW pressures
- This is an active process
expiration mechanics passive resting
-Diaphragm & External Intercostal muscles relax
-The ribs move down & in
-The thoracic cavity volume decreases
-The air pressure in the lungs increases,
-Gases always travel from HIGH to LOW pressures,
-This is a passive process as muscles are relaxing to allow the rib cage movements.
inspiration mechanics active - exercise
- New muscles are recruited -Sternocleidomastoid and
pectoralis minor muscles - They contract alongside the diaphragm and external intercostals.
- The ribs move up and out further than at rest
- The thoracic cavity volumes increases more than at rest
- The air pressure in the lungs decreases more than at rest
- Greater volumes of air now rush into the lungs, increasing tidal volume
expiration mechanics active - exercise
- Muscles are recruited now to actively expire - internal intercostals/Rectus abdominis
- The ribs move down and in further than at rest
- The thoracic cavity volumes decreases more than at rest
- The air pressure in the lungs increases more than at rest
- Greater volumes of air now rush out of the lungs, -decreasing tidal volume
Oxygen diffuses into the bloodstream is transported through the bloodstream to the muscles/tissues in 2 ways:
97% attaches to haemoglobin in the red blood cell, to form oxy-haemoglobin
3% dissolves in the blood plasma
myglobin is
- An oxygen store in the muscle cell
- Has a higher affinity (attraction) to the oxygen than haemoglobin.
- Stores oxygen in preparation for the mitochondria to use during aerobic activity
When the muscle respire and produce CO2, the bloodstream will need to transport this back to the lungs for removal.
Dissolved in water as carbonic acid (70%)
Combines with haemoglobin as carbaminohaemoglobin (23%)
Dissolves in blood plasma (7%)
principles of diffusion
- The movement of gases occurs along a concentration/pressure gradient
-Gases will diffuse from areas of high partial pressure to areas of lower partial pressure
-Gases can diffuse across semi-permeable membrane
-During exercise the pressure gradient steepens
-During exercise greater volumes of gas diffuse
-During exercise gas diffuses faster
gaseous exchange oxygen
p02 high in alveolus
low in lung capillary
concentration gradient created
gases travel high to low pressure
oxygen diffuse from alveoli to lung capillary
gaseous exchange oxygen exercise
p02 is high alveolar
p02 lower then at rest lung capillary
diffusion gradient is steeper
more 02 diffuses faster
c02 at rest
where is PC02 high? lung capillary
pc02 low in alveolus
diffusion gradient high to low
diffusion from lung capillary to alveolus
the bohr shift
occurs as a result of increased CO2 in the blood; increased blood acidity; decreased blood pH; and increased temperature. As a result, haemoglobin has a lower affinity for oxygen at working muscles, giving up oxygen more easily. A reduction in resting heart rate below 60 beats per minute.
oxygen dissociation curve
A term describing the unloading of O2 from Haemoglobin into the myoglobin store in the tissues/muscles.