Anatomy & Physiology Flashcards
What is the Mons Pubis and what is its function?
A layer of subq. tissue that is covered in hair in a triangular pattern. It protects the symphysis pubis during coitus.
What is the Labia Majora and what is its function?
Is 2 folds of tissue that consists of skin-covered fat and connective tissues. It has abundant sweat glands, is highly vascular, and very sensitive to touch, pain, and temp. It protects the labia minora, meatus, and the introitus.
What is the Labia Minora and what is its function?
Is 2 folds of tissue that sit w/i the labia majora. It lubricates the the vulva and aids in coitus. It also produces bactericidal secretions.
What is the Clitoris and what is its function?
Erectile tissue that is highly vascular and extremely sensitive. It stimulates and elevates levels of sexual tensions.
What is the Perineum and what is its function?
A skin-covered region b/t the vagina and anus that consists of fibromuscular tissue. During the birthing process, it stretches and thins.
What are the characteristics of a Gynecoid Pelvis?
About 50% of women have this type (round to oval shaped) and it is the typical female pelvis that is best suited for child birth. Anterior, posterior, and lateral measurements in the inlet, mid pelvis, and outlet are largest. The subpubic arch is wide and round, the sacrum has a deep, wide curvature, and the ischial spines are less prominent.
What are the characteristics of an Android Pelvis?
About 23% of women have this type (heart shaped) and it is similar to the male pelvis. The inlet is triangular or heart shaped, the subpubic arch is narrow, and the ischial spines are prominent and narrow. There are also more bony prominences. This type can cause difficulties in fetal descent.
What are the characteristics of an Anthropoid Pelvis?
About 24% of women have this type. It is similar to the gynecoid pelvis in that it is oval shaped @ the inlet posteriorly and anteriorly, but not laterally. The subpubic arch may be narrowed. Fetal descent tends to occur posteriorly (facing mother’s front), rather than anteriorly (facing mother’s back).
What are the characteristics of a Platypelloid Pelvis?
About 3% of women have this type which is flat and shallow. The inlet is wide laterally w/ a flattened ant./post. plane, the subpubic arch is wide, and the sacrum and ischial spines are prominent. Fetal descent occurs transversely. This type of pelvis WILL NOT allow for vaginal birth.
What are the Fallopian tubes and what is their function?
Tubular structures that arise from the fundal portion of the uterus. There are three parts: the infundibulum, the ampulla (site of fertilization), and the isthmus. They are composed of smooth muscle that transport the ovum using peristaltic motion and cilia. Their function is to move and nourish the fertilized ovum to the uterus.
What is the Vagina and what is its function?
A musculo-membraneous tube that is ~4in. It is located b/t the rectum, urethra, and bladder. It has 5 functions which include: providing lubrication, stimulating the penis, and acting as a receptacle for semen during coitus; it also transports blood and tissue during menses, and serves as the lower part of the birth canal. Discharge produced by the vagina also protects it from infection by creating an acidic environment by the production of lactic acid through the interaction b/t bacteria and glycogen (from shed epithelial cells).
What are the Ovaries and what is their function?
A pair of oval-shaped structures that are located on each side of the uterus below and behind the fallopian tubes. During puberty, they function to produce ova and secrete the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, which regulate the menstrual cycle.
What are the Breasts and what is their function?
They are accessory organs of the reproductive system and consist of glandular, fatty, and connective tissue. They serve as organs of sexual arousal and produce milk through lactation.
What is the site of origin, target organ, effect on target organ, effect on other hormones, and effect on pregnancy of estrogen?
Site of Origin: Target Organ: Effect on Target Organ: Effect on Other Hormones: Effect on Pregnancy:
What is the site of origin, target organ, effect on target organ, effect on other hormones, and effect on pregnancy of progesterone?
Site of Origin: Target Organ: Effect on Target Organ: Effect on Other Hormones: Effect on Pregnancy:
What is the site of origin, target organ, effect on target organ, and effect on other hormones of Lutenizing Hormone (LH)?
Site of Origin:
Target Organ:
Effect on Target Organ:
Effect on Other Hormones:
What is the site of origin, target organ, effect on target organ, and effect on other hormones of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)?
Site of Origin:
Target Organ:
Effect on Target Organ:
Effect on Other Hormones:
What is the site of origin, target organ, effect on target organ, and effect on other hormones of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH)?
Site of Origin:
Target Organ:
Effect on Target Organ:
Effect on Other Hormones:
What is the site of origin, target organ, effect on target organ, and effect on other hormones of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH)?
Site of Origin:
Target Organ:
Effect on Target Organ:
Effect on Other Hormones: