Anatomy of visual sys Flashcards
What’s the term for crossing chiasm or not?
Ipsilateral: doesn’t cross chiasm.
Contralateral: crosses chiasm.
What is the common property of animals with frontal eyes? What group is the exception?
They eat meat, they are hunters. Primates are the exception.
What’s the name of the area in frontal eye animals that only one eye sees?
Nasal crescent.
What regions in the frontal eye animal eye are ipsi/contralateral?
Ipsi: fovea to temporal edge.
Contra: fovea to nasal edge.
What does the chiasm in a frontal eye animal do?
Partial decussation.
What regions of what eyes cross?
The nasal region of the contralateral eye crosses with the temporal region of the ipsilateral eye.
What eyes do axons in the optic track come from? What percent of the VF do they cover?
Axons come from both eyes, cover half the VF.
Compare the decussation and what part of VF ends up where in human vs mouse.
Mouse: almost complete decussation. Everything in one side of VF ends up in contralateral hemi.
Human: partial decussation. Everything in half of VF ends up in a contralateral hemi.
What percent of axons on optic nerve terminate where. What does the exception do?
90% at LGN. Most of rest at SC, some at hypothalamus. The exception is neurons that regulate eye movement.
How many layers does LGN have? What are they named?
6 primary layers. Magnocellular&Parvocellular. 6 Koniocellular layers in between. goes like kMkMkPkPkPkP
How many of what layer in LGN receives input from what eye and what ganglion?
1 magno for ipsi eye, one for contra. 2 parvo per eye similarly. M gang->magno, P gang->parvo. Small bistratified blue-on gang->konio. K layers receive from the eye ventral to them.
What makes K layer different from M/P genetically?
They express 3 genes that the others don’t.
Explain retionotopic organization of LGN (cat). Where do they receive input from? What do they contain?
Two big layers. A,A1. Magno C, Parvo C1,C2. A,A1 are for separate eyes, mixture of X/Y ganglion. C from W cells.
What do you observe in cat LGN when you drive electrode in normal to surface?
All cells you encounter get input from same degree of visual field.
Explain how you observe topographic projection in monkey retina->LGN->V1
Ablate a bit of V1. When animal dies, take out LGN. Some cells are paler. Line of projection spans all layers. These all send axons to ablated area in V1. This area receives from a specific area in retina on contralateral eye.
Explain mouse LGN lamination.
No obvious lamination. Hidden lamination can be observed by looking at type specific termination of ganglion cells.