Anatomy of the vertebral column and spinal and head injury Flashcards
how to evaluate a patient presenting with spinal trauma?
primary survey- airway (with cervical spine control), breathing, circulation, disability, exposure
secondary survey- head to toe, spinal assessment- log roll palpate spine
imaging- X-ray/ CT
what is the impact of trauma to the spinal column?
bony- fractures/dislocations
intervertebral disc damage
neurological- spinal cord damage
damage to ligaments/muscles
what are the causes and signs of caudate equina syndrome?
causes- vertebral fracture/ sublauxation, disc herniation, neoplasm/ infection/ iatrogenic
signs- LMN lesion, severe back pain, sexual dysfunction, reduced perianal sensation, absence of anal tone, bladder/bowel dysfunction
what are the parts of the intervertebral discs?
nucleus pulposus (inner) annulus fibrosus (outer)
what is myelopathy?
an injury to the spinal cord due to severe compression or constriction
how do we assess severity of head injury?
mild- >12
moderate- 9-12
severe- 8 or less
what is the process of assessing head injury?
primary survey- ABCDE with control of C spine
secondary survey- head to toe, identifying injuries
neurological assessment- general- GCS, focal- cranial nerves, pupillary response, peripheral nerves (tone, power, sensation, reflexes)
investigation- CT
what can cause raised ICP in head trauma?
blood- haematoma
brain tissue swelling- e.g high MAP
what are the characteristics of brain death?
Non-reactive pupils
absent brainstem reflexes
no spontaneous ventilatory effort
what is closed head trauma?
brain injury caused by an external impact from sudden violent motion that does not break the skull
they result in swelling or bleeding within the skull, which can lead to brain damage or death
what are the consequences of closed head trauma?
epidural (extradural) haematoma, subdural haematoma, concussion
how many vertebrae are in each region?
7 cervical 12 thoracic 5 lumbar 5 sacral 3/4 coccygeal
what are the names of the first 2 vertebrae?
C1- atlas
C2- axis
what are the distinguishing features of atlas and axis?
atlas- has facets for the occipital condyles, no vertebral body
axis- has large superior facets which articulate with atlas, structure called dens which protrudes through the vertebral foramen of atlas
which ligament holds dens in place?
the transverse ligament of atlas
what are the normal curvatures of the spine?
cervical lordosis
thoracic kyphosis
lumbar lordosis
sacral kyphosis
what can cause excessive thoracic kyphosis?
erosion of anterior vertebrae which can occur in osteoporosis
what are the intrinsic muscles of the back?
develop embryologically in the back they include (superficial to deep): splenius muscles erector spinae muscles transversospinale muscles
what are the intrinsic muscles of the back innervated by?
posterior rami of spinal nerves
where does the spinal cord terminate?
conus medlaris at L2