Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System Flashcards
What is the temperature of the testis, and what is it essential for?
- 3-5 °C
- essential for: sperm production
What does the body of the penis composed of?
3 cylinders of erectile tissue enclosed in a tubular sheath of fascia (Buck)
What is the function of the ejaculatory ducts?
drain seminal fluid into the prostatic urethra
What covers the epididymis?
TUNICA VAGINALIS covers it with the exception of the posterior border
What does the parietal layer of the scrotum cover?
the inner aspect of the scrotal wall
Describe the epididymis?
single long coiled duct that courses align the posterolateral side of the testis
what is the testes venous drainage?
pampiniform plexus, they combine and form testicular vein
What functions does the cremasteric reflex has?
protective and thermoregulatory testicular functions
What are the structures contained inside the scrotum?
external spermatic fascia
spermatic cord
Where do the testes develop, and where do they move into?
develop in the abdomen and move into the scrotum before birth
What is the lymphatic drainage of epididymis?
Para-aortic lymph nodes
What is the erectile tissue made up of?
two dorsally placed corpora cavernosa and a single corpus spongiosum applied to her ventral surface.
What arteries play a significant role in supplying blood to the scrotum?
- external PUDENDAL branches arising from the femoral arteries
- SCROTAL branches of the internal pudendal arteries
The bulb of the penis is proximal and anchored to?
proximal to corpus spongiosum
anchored to: perineal membrane
What veins drain the penis?
Drain into the internal pudendal veins.
Where does the contents of the scrotum drains (lymphatic drainage)?
drain to the lumbar lymph nodes
Where does the ejaculatory duct penetrate through?
PROSTATE GLAND to connect with the prostatic urethra
(anterior innervation) cremaster muscle and anterior scrotum are innervated by?
genitofemoral nerve (L1-L2 segments of the lumbosacral plexus)