Anatomy of the gluteal region and hip Flashcards
Describe the deep fascia
- Fascia lata in thigh
- Changes name in the leg
- Limits outward expansion of muscles,
aids venous return - Extensions divide leg into
Fascia lata is thickened
laterally as the iliotibial
* Encloses tensor fasciae
* Gluteus maximus inserts
onto IT
Gluteus maximus
Origin – external ilium posterior
to posterior gluteal line, dorsal
sacrum, coccyx and
sacrotubeous ligament
* Insertion – gluteal tuberosity
and iliotibial tract
* Innervation – Inferior gluteal
nerve (L5, S1, S2)
* Action – powerful hip extensor,
abducts and laterally rotates
thigh, stabilizes hip
Gluteal burase
Trochanteric – between Gmax
and greater trochanter
* Ischial – between Gmax and
ischial tuberosity
* Gluteofemoral – between
Gmax and vastus lateralis
Tensor fasciae latae
Origin – lateral iliac crest
between ASIS and tubercle
* Insertion – iliotibial tract
* Innervation – superior gluteal
nerve (L4, L5, S1)
* Action – stabilizes knee and hip
Gluteus medius
- Origin – external ilium between
posterior and anterior gluteal lines - Insertion – greater trochanter
- Innervation – superior gluteal nerve
(L4, L5, S1) - Action – abducts and medially rotates
femur; most posterior fibres can
laterally rotate
Gluteus minimus
Origin – external ilium between
anterior and inferior gluteal lines
* Insertion – greater trochanter
* Innervation – superior gluteal
nerve (L4, L5, S1)
* Action – abducts and medially
rotates femurc
Deep muscles- piriformis
- Origin – anterior sacrum
- Insertion – greater trochanter
- Innervation – nerve to piriformis
(L5, S1, S2) - Action – laterally rotates
(extended) and abducts (flexed)
Deep muscles- quadratus femoris
Quadratus femoris
* Origin – lateral aspect of ischium
to ischial tuberosity
* Insertion – quadrate tubercle and
intertrochanteric crest
* Innervation – nerve to quadratus
femoris (L5, S1)
* Action – laterally rotates femur
Deep muscles- obturator internus
- Origin – obturator membrane and
surrounding bones - Insertion – greater trochanter
- Innervation – nerve to obturator
internus (L5, S1) - Action – laterally rotates (ext
Superior and inferior gemellus
Origin – ischial spine (superior) and
ischial tuberosity (inferior)
* Insertion – greater trochanter and
tendon of obturator internus
* Innervation – nerve to obturator
internus (superior) and nerve to
quadratus femoris (inferior)
* Action – laterally rotates (extended)
and abducts (flexed) femur
What are the major arteries supplying the gluteal region
Femoral artery –
– Major artery of thigh
– Gives off deep artery of thigh
(=profunda femoris)»_space; lateral
and medial circumflex arteries
- Lateral and medial circumflex
contribute to cruciate
anastomosis around the hip - Medial circumflex is the most
important source of blood to
the femoral head in adults
Superior and inferior gluteal artery
Branches of internal iliac
– Pass through greater sciatic
– Supply adjacent muscles and
contribute to cruciate
Obturator artery
Branch of internal iliac
– Passes through obturator
canal, divides into anterior
and posterior branches
– Joins cruciate anastomosis
– Posterior branch>acetabular
branch to head of femur
Lumbosacral plexus basics
Ventral rami of L1 – S4
* Nerves to the limb are
from L1 – S3 - limbs are
* Developmentally dorsal
muscles innervated by
dorsal divisions
* Developmentally ventral
muscles innervated by
ventral divisions
Nerves of lumbosacral plexus
Femoral nerve (L2 – L4) –
through subinguinal gap,
all muscles of anterior
thigh, obturator externus,
cutaneous to anterior
thigh, medial
- Obturator nerve (L2 – L4)
– through obturator canal,
all muscles of medial
thigh except part of
adductor magnus and
pectineus, cutaneous to
upper medial thigh
Superior (L4 – S1) and inferior
(L5 – S2) gluteal nerves –
through greater sciatic
foramen, GMax (inferior),
GMed, Gmin and tensor fasciae
latae (superior)
* All muscles in
posterior thigh, part
of adductor magnus,
all muscles of leg
and foot, skin of
lateral leg and foot
* Common fibular
(posterior L4 – S2)
* Tibial (anterior L4 –
How are intergluteal injections performed
Intragluteal injections –
Should be performed in the upper
lateral quadrant of the gluteal
region so as not to damage the
sciatic nerve or structures passing
through the sciatic foramina