Anatomy of the eye Flashcards
Medial Rectus
Muscle that moves eye in ward ( toward nose)
Clear, slick material that lies over three parts of the eye
- Inner surface of eyelids (upper and lower)
- front surface of eyeball
- protective lining over eyeball
separates front half from back half of eyeball (fornix)
Composed of protein and water, it can change shape to help you focus when you switch from far to near viewing.
Colored part of eye
Portion of retina that gives us the sharpest vision.
colorless, gelatin-like substance that fills the inside of eye behind the lens. Occupies 80% of eye, maintains spherical shape.
Superior Oblique
Muscle near the top of the eye that moves eye down and outward (side)
Opening in iris. Muscles of iris can make opening bigger or smaller in response to changes in light.
Inferior Oblique
Muscle near bottom of eye. Moves eye up and outward (side)
Smooth white material that covers eyeball.
Inner most layer of cornea
Superior Rectus
Muscle attached to the top of eye, pulls eye upward.
Outer layer that protects Cornea. Can get scratched and become very painful.
Thickest part of Cornea. Makes up 90% of Corneas width.
Clear dome that covers iris
Bowman’s Membrane
Layer of tough fibers that help protect cornea.
Lateral Rectus
Muscle that moves your eye outward (Look to the side).
Inferior Rectus
Muscle attached to the bottom of the eye. Pulls eye downward.
The seven bones that make up Orbit of the eye.
Frontal Ethmoid Lacrimal Maxilla Palatine Sphenoid Zygomatic