Anatomy of Neural Circuits Flashcards
how could you section the brain?
- sliced across 2 planes (front to back) can see 2 hemispheres
- along the horizontal axis (2 parts of the brain are symmetrical)
- sideways (not symmetrical)
what would a mid sagittal section look like?
- forebrain compromises of cerebral hemispheres and diencephalon (CNS)
- lower hind bran structures are the pons, medulla and cerebellum (CNS)
- motor nerves (PNS)
what is the diencephalon?
thalamus and hypothalamus
how does an MRI work?
- nuclei of hydrogen atoms act as spinning magnets
- strong magnetic field to align protons
- burst of radio waves temporarily flips the protons out of alignment (return to state and emit energy)
- energy is detected
- hydrogen in different types of tissue have slightly different realignment rates
what does the brain stem include?
the medulla, midbrain and bons
what is the brain stem?
- evolutionary oldest brain regions
what is the function of the brain stem?
- automic
- digestion, respiration, heart rate, blood pressure, swallowing
- site of entry for sensory information
- mediates arousal
what does the pons do?
relays information from the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum
what is the function of the cerebellum?
- recieves input of motor task to be performed and progress of ongoing skills
- provides corrective skills and fine tunes movement
- learning of motor skills
- controls fine movement
what is the structure of the cerebellum?
- organised into 3 layers of cells
1. granular layer
2. purkinje layer
3. molecular layer
what is the cerebellum?
10% of brain volume but 50% of neurons
- evolutionary ancient
how can the cerebellums function be tested?
activation of the cerebellum during a bilateral finger tapping task which can be visualized by MRI –> fMRI activity superimposed
what does fMRI stand for?
functional MRI
what is fMRI?
- depends on the fact that haemoglobin in blood distorts MRI properties of the spinning H atoms
- amount of distortion depends on whether haemoglobin is carrying oxygen or not
- measures areas where there are higher levels of oxygenated blood in the brain
- increase blood flow to parts of the brain that are active
what is the cerbral cortex?
- most evolved brain structure (humans have a large cerebral cortex)
- heavily wrinkled to allow lots of neurons