Anatomy of colon, rectum and anus Flashcards
Which of the following statements is false?
A. Splenic flexure is located higher than the hepatic flexure
B. Cecum has the maximum diameter in the entire colon
C. Rectosigmoid junction has the smallest diameter in the entire colon
D. Ileocecal valve contains valve like mechanism
Ans D -
Diameter of the cecum is approx 7.5cm
Diameter of the Rectosigmoid junction is approx 2.5cm
Ileocecal valve is considered a misnomer by a number of authors, and the actual valve mechanism is located in the termninal ileum.
ICV is a continuation of circular and longitudinal muscles of ileum and prevents reflux. Frequently incompetent.
Which of the following statements is false?
A. The colon is longer in women
B. The difference in length is due to longer transverse colon
C. Transverse colon has a higher likelihood of lying below the level of umbilicus in women than in men
D. Colonoscopy is easier in women
Ans D -
The colon is approx 10cm longer in women, mostly due to a longer transverse colon which has a higher propensity to lie below the level of the umbilicus in women. This makes colonoscopy difficult in women.
Colonscopy is also more difficult in the western population as compared to the asian population.
which of the following is not a taenia coli
A. Taenia ommentalis
B. Taenia Libera
C. Taenia Mesocolica
D. Taenia saginata
Ans D -
Taenia coli are longtiduinal muscles of the colon that are extending from the tip of cecum to the rectosigmoid. They are 6mm wide, and they are shorter in length than the colon, this produces the puckering of colon or haustra formation.
Taenia saginata is tapeworm.
During the herniation of the gut in the embryonic life, which of the following is last portion of colon to return to the abdomen?
A. Hepatic flexure
B. Cecum
C. Transverse colon
D. Ascending colon
Ans B -
Cecum is the last portion of the colon to return to the abdomen
Initially the cecum resides in the RUQ
With lengthening of the colon it moves towards the RLQ.
Dentate line in the anal canal is embryologically represented by?
A. Urorectal Septum
B. Anal Pit
C. Cloacal membrane
D. Cloaca
Ans C -
Hindgut and Allantois merge distally and empty into a dilated collection chamber called - CLOACA.
6th to 12th week - cloaca is divided sagitally by urorectal septum into ventral and dorsal segments
Further enfolding of lateral walls l/t caudal advancement of the distal segment.
Simultaneously involution of the adjacent ectodermal derived body wall called Proctodeum or anal pit occurs.
Proctodeum and dorsal cloaca fuse to become the cloacal membrane. This membrane is obliterated via apoptosis - forming the Dentate line that represents the anatomic division of the hindgut/endoderm (Proximal 2/3) and the proctoderm (Distal 1/3) of the anal canal.
Length of the entire GIT -
A. 6m
B. 7m
C. 9m
D. 10m
Ans C -
mouth to anus the length of the intestine is 9m.
The large intestine is approx 165cm long.
which of the following is the main function of the Ileocecal valve?
A. preventing reflux from the colon into the ileum
B. Avoiding bacterial overgrowth in the terminal ileum
C. delaying transit from the ileum into the colon
D. Both A and B
Ans C -
The function of the ileocecal valve is to delay transit from ileum to cecum and not necessarily to prevent reflux of contents from the cecum to the ileum.
What is the approximate length of the colon -
A. 100cm
B. 150cm
C. 200cm
D. 250cm
Ans - B.
150cm (average) - 120-200cm.
Max diameter - cecum 7.5cm
min diameter - rectosigmoid 2.5cm.
Which of the following refers to the Bloodless fold of Treves?
A. Superior Ileocecal recess.
B. Inferior Ileocecal fold
C. Superior ileocecal fold
D. Inferior ileocecal recess
ANs B -
Superior ileocecal fold - extends anteriorly as a mesentric appendage and in this fold runs the anterior cecal artery.
Covers the superior ileocecal recess.
Inferior ileocecal fold - connects the antimesentric aspect of terminal ileum to the mesentriolum of appendix. Does not contain blood vessels and hence called Bloodless fold of Treves.
Inferior ileocecal recess lies posterior and inferior to this fold.
Gerlach’s valve is found in -
A. Rectum
B. Junction of cystic duct and Gall bladder neck.
C. Appendiceal orifice
D. base of meckel’s diverticulum
Ans C -
A mucosal fold inconsistently covers the appendix and this is called the Gerlach’s valve.
Which of the following is False regarding endoscopic view of the cecum
A. The lowest haustrum corresponds to cecal fundus.
B. Visualisation of appendiceal orifice which appears as fish mouth is suggestive of completion of endoscopy
C. Ileal orifice has ileocolic and ileocecal lips.
D. none of the above
Ans B -
Lowest haustrum corresponds to the cecal fundus on endoscopy - this is also the location of the appendiceal orifice and a sign of completion of colonoscopy.
A mucosal fold can be inconsistently seen covering the appendix - Gerlach’s valve.
3rd landmark on endoscopy is the ileal orifice - fish mouth or pouting lips - containing two lips - Ileocolic lip (Superior) and ileocecal lip (Inferior)
Average length of the appendix is -
A. 3cm
B. 5cm
C. 9cm
D. 12cm
Ans C -
Average length of the appendix is 9cm.
Shackleford - 2-20cm.
Sabiston - 5-35cm.
Bailey - 7.5-10cm
Most common location of the appendix is -
A. Preileal B. Sub-cecal C. Post-ileal D. Pelvic E. Paracecal
Ans D
The most common position is
- Retrocecal (74%)
- Pelvic (21%)
Least common -
Bailey - post ileal 0.5%.
Shackleford/Sabiston - subhepatic.
Shackle - retroperitoneal position 7-10%.
Commonest position is retrocecal intraperitoneal - due to the rotation produced by the continued growth of cecum.
In 25% individuals - rotation does not occur –> pelvic, subcecal or paracecal position.
If cecum does not descend to the normal position - appendix can be found near the gall bladder - subhepatic.
In intestinal malrotation appendix can be found in the left iliac fossa.
Which of the following statements is false -
A. Position of the base of the appendix corresponds to the junction of the three taeniae coli.
B. The position of the base of the appendix is constant.
C. Lumen of the appendix is the widest in adolescents which increases their likelihood of developing fecoliths.
D. Mucosa of the appendix is colonic type with abundant lymphoid tissue in submucosa
Ans C -
Position of the base of the appendix is constant - at the junction of the three taenia coli.
It is located below and behind the ICV.
Lumen of the appendix is widest in infants and gradually narrows througout life.
Mucosa of the appendix is colonic type with many folds - columnar epithelium containing goblet cells.
Abundant lymphoid tissue is present in the submucosa.
Crypts are present in the mucosa of the appendix and at the base of these crypts lie the Argentaffin cells or Kulchitsky cells - which can give rise of Carcinoid.
Appendix corresponds to the undeveloped distal end of large cecum found in many lower animals.
At birth the appendix is short and broad at its junction, but the typical tubular structure is attained at 2 years due to differential growth of cecum.
Which of the following statements is false -
A. Bloodless fold of Treves can be used to locate the appendix intraop
B. Tracing the anterior taenia coli
C. Appendiceal artery is the branch of right colic arter
D. Base of the appendix is supplied by anterior and posterior cecal arteries
Ans C -
Appendix can be located intraop by using the bloodless fold of Treves or tracing the taenia coli especially the anterior taenia coli or Taenai Ommentalis.
Appendiceal artery, which is an end-artery, is a branch of lower division of ileocecal artery which in turn is a branch of SMA.
Base of the appendix is additionally supplied by the anterior and posterior cecal arteries.