anatomy - muscles of thigh and stifle Flashcards
what is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of the biceps femoris muscle
* origin: sacrotuberous ligament and ischiatic tuberosity
* insertion: fascia lata and fascia of the leg to patella, patellar ligament, tibial crest and body, tuber calcanei
* action: extension of hip, stifle, tarsal joints; flexion of stifle (caudal parts of muscle)
* innervation: sciatic nerve
what is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of the semitendinous muscle
* origin: ischiatic tuberosity
* insertion: distocranial border of tibia. medial surface of body of tibia and tuber calcanei by means of crural fascia
* action: extend hip joint, flex stifle, and extend tarsal joints
* innervation: sciatic nerve
what is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of the semimembranosus muscle
* origin: ischiatic tuberosity
* insertion: distal medial lip of caudal femur and medial condyle of tibia
* action: extension of hip, flexion and extension of stifle
* innervation: sciatic nerve
what is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of the gracialis muscle
* origin: pelvic symphysis
* insertion: cranial border of the tibia and tuber calcanei
* action: adduction of limb, flexion of stifle, extension of hip and hock
* innervation: obturator nerve
what is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of the adductor muscle
- origin: pelvic symphysis, ventral parts of pubis and ischium
- insertion: lateral lip of caudal femur
- action: adduction of limb and extension of hip
- innervation: obturator nerve
what is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of the sartorius muscle
* origin: Cranial—crest of ilium and thoracolumbar fascia
Caudal—iliac spine and ventral border of ilium
* insertion: Cranial—patella
Caudal—cranial border of tibia
* action: hip flexion; cranial part extends stifle; caudal part flexes stifle
* innervation: femoral nerve
what is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of the tensor fasciae latae muscle
* origin: tuber coxae, aponeurosis of middle gluteal m
* insertion: lateral femoral fascia
* action: flexion of hip, extension of stifle
* innervation: cranial gluteal nerve
what is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of the quadricepts femoris - rectus femoris
- origin: ilium
- insertion: tibial tuberosity
- action: flex hip joint, extend stifle
- innervation: femoral nerve
what is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of the quadriceps femoris - vastus lateralis muscle
* origin: proximal femur
* insertion: tibial tuberosity
* action: extend stifle
* innervation: femoral nerve
what is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of the quadriceps femoris - vastus medialis
- origin: proximal femur
- insertion: tibial tuberosity
- action: extend stifle
- innervation: femoral nerve
what is the origin, insertion, action and innervation of the iliopsoas muscle
- origin: psoas major - lumbar vertebrae; iliacus - cranioventral ilium
- insertion: lesser trochanter
- action: flex hip joint
- innervation: ventral branches of lumbar spinal nerves, femoral nerve