Anatomy Middle Ear 2 Flashcards
What bone connects to the head of the malleus?
The body of the incus
What part of the malleus connects to the tympanic membrane?
The manubrium of the malleus
Where is the tensor tympani muscle attached?
The manubrium of the malleus
What part of the incus articulates with the stapes?
The lenticular process articulates with the head of the stapes
What is the uppermost part of the stapes?
The head or capitulum of the stapes
What part of the stapes comes below the head?
The neck of the stapes
What part of the stapes is at the bottom?
The footplate of the stapes
What does the footplates of the stapes lie on?
The membrane that covers the oval window
What anchors the footplate of the stapes?
The annular ligament that radiates from the footplate to the surround wall of the oval window
What muscle is attached to the neck of the stapes?
The stapedius muscle
What nerve innervates the stapedius muscle?
The stapedius nerve
What are is the main branch connecting the stapedius nerve?
The facial nerve or VIIth cranial nerve
Where does the stapedius muscle originate?
The pyramid
Where does the stapedius muscle insert on the stapes?
The neck of the stapes
What nerve innervates the tensor tympani muscle?
The tensor tympani nerve
What is the main branch connecting the tensor tympani nerve?
The trigeminal nerve or Vth cranial nerve
Where does the tensor tympani muscle originate?
The bony and cartilaginous margins of the Eustachian tube
What are the four main parts of the brain?
The cerebrum, cerebellum, diancephalon and brainstem
Where do the twelve pairs of cranial nerves originate (except I & II)?
In the brainstem
What are the components of the brainstem?
The midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata
Where are the openings that the cranial nerves exit the cranium through?
The base of the cranium
What bone is the internal ear canal located in?
The temporal bone
What three nerves course through the internal auditory canal?
The facial nerve (cranial nerve VII), the vestibular nerve and the auditory nerve
What nerve makes a protusion on the medial wall of the tympanic cavity?
The facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)