Anatomy Lecture 12: Anterior & Medial thigh muscles & asynch Flashcards
Deep fascia of the thigh:
Fascia late divided into three compartments:
-Anterior (extensor) compartment
-Medial (adductor) compartment
-Posterior (flexor) compartment
Psoas Major:
O: Bodies of TPs of L1-L5
I: lesser trochanter of femur
1) flex of hip
2) lat. rotation of thigh
3) flex of trunk
4) lat. flex of trunk
5) Anterior tilt of pelvis
N: Lumbar plexus (L1,2,3)
O: iliac fossa, sacral ala
I: Lesser trochanter of femur
1) flex of thigh
2) lat. rotation of thigh
3) Anterior tilt of pelvis
N: Femoral nerve
Muscle contracture of this muscle and its role on lumbar hyper lordosis:
Psoas Major
Muscles of the anterior (extensor) compartment:
Quadriceps femoris:
-Rectus femoris
-Vastus lateralis
-Vastus medialis
-Vastus intermedius
O: anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)
I: Proximal part of medial surface of shaft of tibia (forms pes anserine tendon)
1) Flex @ hip & knee
2) abd @ hip
3) lat. rot. @ hip
5) med. rot. @ knee
N: Femoral N.
Rectus femoris:
-Anterior head: AIIS (straight)
-Post. head: Groove above the brim of acetabulum (reflected)
I: Base of patella via the quadriceps tendon & then to tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament (tendon)
1) Ext @ knee
2) Flex @ thigh
N: Femoral nerve
Vastus Lateralis:
-intertrochanteric line
-Gluteal tuberosity
-Lateral lip of linea aspera
I: Lateral border of patella via quadriceps tendon and then to tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament (tendon)
A: Ext. @ knee
N: Femoral N.
Vastus medialis:
-Intertrochanteric line
-Medial lip of linea aspera
-Medial supracondylar line
I: medial border of patella via quadriceps tendon and then to tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
A: Ext. @ knee
I: Femoral N.
Vastus Intermedius:
O: Anterior & lateral surfaces of body of femur
I: base of patella via quadriceps tendon and tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
A: Ext @ knee
N: Femoral N.
Articularis genus:
O: anterior surface of lower part of the body of femur
I: upper part of the capsule and synovial membrane of the knee joint
A: It elevates the capsule and the synovial membrane of the knee joint and prevents them from being pinched during extension of the leg.
Medial compartment of thigh muscles:
Adductor longus
Adductor brevis
Adductor magnus
O: pectineal line of pubis
I: Pectineal line of femur
A: Add & flex @ hip
N: Femoral N.
Adductor longus:
O: anterior surface of pubis
I: Middle part of linea aspera
A: Add., flex., lat. rot. @ hip
N: Obturator N.
Adductor brevis:
O: body & inferior ramus of pubis
I: proximal 1/3 of linea aspera of femur
A: Add., flex., lat. rot. @ hip
N: Obturator N.
Adductor magnus:
Ant head: Ischiopubic ramus (adductor part)
Post. head: Ischial tuberosity (hamstring or ischial part)
Ant. head: (adductor part)
-Linea aspera
-Gluteal tuberosity
-Medial supracondylar line
Post. Head: (hamstring or ischial part)
Adductor tubercle
A: Add. Flex., Ext., Lat. rot. @ hip
Ant. head (pubic): Obturator N.
Post. head (Hamstring or ischial): Tibial N.
Adductor hiatus:
Femoral artery & vein pass through the adductor hiatus of adductor magnus.
-body of pubis
-Inferior ramus of pubis
I: Proximal part of medial surface of shaft of tibia (forms pes anserine)
1) add., & flex. @ hip
2) flex., & med. rot. @ knee
N: Obturator N.
Adductor muscle notes:
Patients with cerebral palsy: muscles are spastics, hence scissors gait (need tenotomy)
Role of gracilis is surgical reconstruction.
Adductor magnus is also known as 4th hamstring.
Pes anserine:
Sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus attach to the upper medial side of the tibia in a three-pronged pattern.
Their combined tendons make up the pes anserine.
Femoral triangle:
Clinical correlation:
Borders: “SAIL”
-Inguinal ligament
Contents: “NAVEL”
-Empty space
Femoral canal:
Inverted cone shaped fascial space medial to the femoral vein w/in the upper femoral triangle.
It’s only 1-2cm long & opens superiorly as the femoral ring. Mainly serves to allow the femoral vein to expand when there is increased venous return from the lower limb.
Femoral hernia:
Lag deep fascia:
-Med. head: Medial condyle of femur
-Lat. Head: Lateral condyle of femur
I: Achilles tendon
1) Plantar flex. of foot
2) Flex. @ knee
N: Tibial N.
-Soleal line of tibia
-Head of the fibula
-Proximal posterior surface of body of fibula
I: calcaneus via calcaneal tendon (Achilles tendon)
A: Plantar flex. of foot
N: Tibial N.
Gastrocnemius & Soleus muscle notes:
-Triceps surae
-Gastro & soleus role in venous return; 2nd heart of the body
-DTR of S1 is calcaneal tendon
O: Lower part of the lateral supracondylar ridge of femur
I: Calcaneus via calcaneal tendon (Achilles)
Plantar flex foot
flex @ knee
N: Tibial N.
Flexor hallucis longus:
O: inferior 2/3 of posterior surface of fibula & interosseous membrane
I: Distal phalanx of big toe
1) flex. of big toe @ MTP & IP
2) Plantar flex. of foot @ ankle
3) Inversion of foot @ subtalar j.
N: Tibial N.
Flexor digitorum longus:
O: middle 1/3 of tibia
I: base of distal phalanges of toes 2-5
1) flex of toes 2-5 @ MTP & PIP & DIP
2) Plantar flex. of foot @ ankle
3) Inversion of foot @ subtalar j
N: Tibial N.
Tibialis posterior:
O: proximal of posterior surface of tibia, fibula, and interosseous
-2nd, 3rd, 4th metatarsals
-All 3 cuneiforms
1) plantar flex. foot @ ankle
2) Inversion of foot @ subtalar j.
N: Tibial N.
O: lateral surface of lateral condyle of femur
I: above the soleal line on the posterior tibia
1) flex @ knee
2) med. rot. @ knee
N: Tibial N.
Popliteus muscle notes:
-role in un-locking the knee
-acts on the lateral meniscus
Arrangement of the anatomical structures passing behind the medial malleolus:
Tom Dick And Very Nervous Harry
Popliteal fossa:
Tibialis Anterior:
O: lateral condyle and upper 2/3 of lateral surface of tibia & interosseus membrane
I: 1st (medial) cuneiform
Base of 1st metatarsal
1) dorsiflex of foot @ ankle
2) Inversion of foot @ subtalar J.
N: Deep fibular (peroneal)
Extensor hallucis longus:
O: middle 1/3 of anterior surface of fibula & interosseous membrane
I: base of distal phalanx of big toe
1) Ext. of big toe @ MTP & IP
2) Dorsiflex of foot @ ankle
3) Inversion of foot @ subtalar J.
N: deep fibular (peroneal)
Extensor digitorum Longus:
-lat condyle of tibia
-proximal 2/3 of ant. surface of fibula
-interosseous membrane
I: middle & distal phalanges of toes 2-5 (via dorsal digital expansion)
1) Ext. of toes 2-5 @ MTP and IP
2) Dorsiflex of foot @ ankle
3) Eversion of foot @ subtalar J.
N: Deep fibular (peroneal)
Fibularis (peroneus) tertius:
O: distal 1/3 of ant. surface of fibula & interosseous mem.
I: base of 5th metatarsal
1) dorsiflex of foot @ ankle
2) Eversion of foot @ subtalar J
N: Deep fibular (peroneal)
Compartment syndrome:
swelling of muscles cause compression of nerves and blood vessels
Fibularis (peroneus) longus:
-head of fibula
-proximal 1/2 of lateral surface of fibula
-base of the 1st metatarsal
-1st cuneiform
1) Eversion of foot @ subtalar J
2) Plantar flex. of foot @ ankle
N: Superficial Fibular (peroneal)
Fibularis (peroneus) brevis:
O: distal 1/2 of lat. surface of fibula
I: Tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal
1) eversion of foot @ subtalar j
2) Plantar flex. of foot @ ankle
N: Superficial fibular (peroneal)
Peroneal (fibularis) muscle notes:
-Peroneal (fibularis) muscles as a group, 1 in front of lateral malleolus, & two behind
-Their action at the ankle joint is different.