Anatomy Lab Manual Flashcards
Function of Kidneys: Maintains?
Body’s fluid and electrolyte balance
Function of Kidneys: RegUlate?
Volume and Composition of Urine ( Waste Products of Metabolism)
Function of Kidneys: Secretes?
Substance in circulation that regulates blood pressure and process of hematopoiesis
Location of Kidneys
Supine position: 12th thoracic to 3rd lumbar region
Reddish-brown in colour, 11 cm in length, 6cm in width and 3 cm thick
What shape does kidney has?
Bean shape with concave medial and convex lateral borders
Vertical slit on the median border of the kidney?
Hilum leads into wide space inside the kidney called?
Sinus of the Kidney
Structures of the kidney?
Branches of Renal Artery Tributaries of the Renal Veins Renal Calyces Renal Pelvis Lymph vessel, nerve and fats
Formed by transversalis fascia (endoabdominal fascia) that enclose anterior and posterior layer of kidney and the suprarenal glands
Renal Fascia ( Gerotas Fascia )
Lies behind the kidney and located between aponeurosis of origin of the transverse abdominis muscle and posterior layer of renal fascia
Pararenal fat ( Retrorenal Fat )
Lies in fascial plane underneath renal fascia (space of gerota). Forms the fatty capsule of kidney, running around it and pass medially into hilum and insituates in the renal vessels
Perirenal fat
Fits the kidneys tightly but NOT bound to it
Renal Capsule ( fibrous capsule )
Two parts of Renal Parenchyma
Outer cortex and Inner Medulla
Continuous broad band of tissue on periphery of kidney beneath the capsule
Renal Cortex
Contains renal corpuscles and convoluted portion of renal tubules
Renal Cortex
Projects between renal pyramids towards renal sinus
Renal Columns of Bertini
Discontinuous line to renal columns
Renal Medulla
Striated conical masses varying in number from 8 - 18 and have their bases directed toward the circumference of the kidney
Renal Medulla
Nipple like apices point to renal sinus
Renal Papillae
Summit of each papillae are opening called
Papillary Ducts
From 4 -14 in number
Minor Calyces
Cup-shaped tubes, which composed of 1 or 2 or more renal papillae
Minor Calyces
2 or 3 of minor calyces unite to form what?
Major Calyces
Funnel shaped, extending into the hilum
Renal Pelvis
Blood supply of the kidneys
Abdominal aorta — Renal artery —- Segmental artery ( 5 branches given off at the level of the hilus) — Interlobar artery (ascends between the pyramids and renal columns, NO branches to renal parenchyma) — Arcuate artery (found between corticomedullary junction) — Interlobular artery (lie between the medullary rays — Efferent arteriole — renal glomeruli
Venous drainage of the kidney
Interlobular vein — Arcuate vein – Interlobar vein — Renal vein — IVC
Where does lymph node drain
Aortic group
Venous blood will drain towards?
Inferior Vena Cava
Nerve Supply of kidneys
Renal sympathetic plexus — branches of renal vessel. Afferent fivers — renal plexus and enter spinal cord (10th, 11th and 12th thoracic spinal nerves)
Expansible muscular tubes, whitish in color,2.5cm in length
Divide to abdominal, pelvic and renal portion
Main function of Ureter
transport urine from kidneys to urinary bladder
Sequential contractions of the smooth muscle
Right of IVC and pelvis is covered by 2nd duodenum
Right ureter
Blood vessel crossing in front of Right ureter
Right colic artery
testicular or ovarian artery
ileocolic artery
superior mesenteric artery in root of mesentery.
left side or lateral to inferior mesenteric vein, pelvis more exposed and only covered BELOW renal vessel
Left ureter
Blood vessel crossing its anterior surface Left ureter
Upper left colic
testicular or ovarian artery
2 or more left colic vessel
Blood supply of Ureter: Abdominal portion
Renal artery
Testicular artery
Colic artery
Blood supply of Ureter: Pelvic portion
Vesical artery
Middle vesical artery
Nerve Supply of the ureter
Renal Plexus
Testicular or ovarian plexus
Hypogastric plexus
Physiological constrictions
Uteropelvic junction (UPJ) - between ureter and renal pelvis Pelvic brim (PB) - ureter crosses the common illiac artery Uterovesical junction (UVJ) - ureter inserts into urinary bladder
Pelvic Organ
Urinary bladder
Function of Urinary bladder
Temporary storage of urine
Infero-lateral of Urinary bladder in FEMALE
Space of Retzuis
Posterior of Urinary bladder in FEMALE
Vagina and cervix, seperated from them by vesicovaginal septum
Inferior of Urinary bladder in FEMALE
Rest directly on pelvic floor
Superior of Urinary bladder in FEMALE
Loosely covered by peritoneum (for distention)
Ileum and pelvic colon, uterus lie on it.
Infero-laterally of Urinary bladder in MALE
separated from it by the 2 seminal vesicles and ductus deferens and by fascia of Denonvillier’s
Superior of Urinary bladder in MALE
Loosely covered by peritoneum (for distention)
Ileum and pelvic colon
Inferior of Urinary bladder in MALE
Pelvic floor
Parts of Urinary Bladder
BF BAN Body (with 2 ureteral orifices) Fundus Base Apex Neck
Ligaments of Urinary Bladder
Medial puboprostatic (pubovescal ligament)
Lateral puboprostatic (puboprostatic ligament)
Median umbilical ligament
Lateral umbilical ligament
from the back of symphysis pubis to bladder neck and prostate
Medial puboprostatic (pubovescal ligament)
form plevic fascia at area of levator ahi muscle to bladder neck prostate
Lateral puboprostatic (puboprostatic ligament)
from apex of the bladder to umbilicus
Median umbilical ligament
with median umbilical ligament, stabilizes bladder anteriorly
Lateral umbilical ligament
Rugose mucosa - empty
Smooth - distended
Inferior of bladder
Found at posterior bladder wall that remains smooth if bladder is empty. Triangular area bound by left and right ureteral orifices
Vesical trigone
Ureteral orifices are interconnected by elevated mucosal fold
Interureteric Ridge
Urethral orifice is not circular due to
Vesical Crestor Uvula
Produced by middle lobe of the prostate
Vesical Crestor Uvula
Ureter enters at what part of bladder
postero-inferior part
Blood Supply of Bladder: Arterial
Internal Iliac artery
Supply superolateral wall
Superior vesical artery
Supplies bladder floor, prostate and prostatic urethra
Inferiro vesical artery
Blood Supply of Ureter: Venous drainage
From prevesical plexus which drains into inferior vesical vein
Lymphatic drainage of Ureter: Anterior
external illiac of lymph nodes
Lymphatic drainage of Ureter: Posterior
internal illiac group of lymph nodes
Nerve Supply of Ureter: Sympathetic
hypogastric plexus (filling nerve)
Nerve Supply of Ureter: Parasympathetic
Pelvic splanchnic nerve (emptying nerve)
Voluntary relaxation of external sphincter
Pudendal Nerve
8 inches long from neck of bladder up to external meatus
Male urethra
3 parts of urethra
Prostatic urethra
Membranous urethra
Penile urethra
Urethra: Widest and most dilatable portion (3cm long)
Prostatic urethra
Urethra: least dilatable portion with in urogenital diaphragm
Membranous urethra
Urethra: enclosed in bulb and corpus spongiosum of penis.
Penile urethra
Penile urethra is dilated as it terminates distally towards?
Fossa naviularis
Penile urethra will terminate in?
External Urethral Meatus (narrowest part of urethra)
Membranous urethra is surrounded by?
Sphincter urethrae muscle
Prostatic urethra longitudinal elevation on posterior wall
Urethral crest
Prostatic Urethra: Grooves along sides of crest and receives openings of prostatic glands
Prostatic Sinuses
Prostatic urethra: at summit of the crest is __________ that opens into __________.
Utricle ; Urethra
Approx. 1.5 inches in length from neck of bladder to vaginal vestibule where it opens about 1 cm below clitoris
Female Urethra
Transverses sphincter uretherae
Female Urethra
Female Urethra: Open on either side of the urethral orifices
Paraurethral glands
Yellowish retroperitoneal organ that lies on upper poles of kidneys
Suprarenal or adrenal glands
Right shape of Suprarenal or adrenal glands
Left shape of Suprarenal or adrenal glands
Separate Suprarenal or adrenal glands to kidneys
Perirenal fats
Surrounded Suprarenal or adrenal glands
Renal fascia
Suprarenal or adrenal glands divided into
Outer yellow colored cortex
Inner dark brown medulla
Cortex secretes?
Hormones that cortex secretes?
Sex Hormones
Medulla secrets?
Epinephrine and norephinephrine
for fluid and electrolyte balance
for carbohydrates, fat and protein metabolism
Sex Hormones
for prepubertal development of sex organs
Arterial Supply of Suprarenal or adrenal glands
Superior superarenal artery
Middle superarenal artery
Inferior superarenal artery
Superior superarenal artery from?
inferior phrenic artery
Middle superarenal artery from?
abdominal aorta
Inferior superarenal artery from?
renal artery
Venous drainage
Single vein emerges from one hills
Venous drainage: RIGHT
Venous drainage: LEFT
Renal Vein
Nerve Supply
preganglionic sympathetic fibers from splanchnic nerves
relaxation of the urethral sphincter in response to increased pressure in the bladder