Anatomy Key Facts Flashcards
Ant. triangle of the neck.
Boundaries (3)
Ant. - Border of SCM
Inf. - Border of mandible
Ant. triangle of neck.
Contents (5=2+4+4+4+1)
Vascular - *Common/int/ext carotids and branches, *IJV
Nerves - Hypoglossal (XII), *Vagus (X), int/ext laryngeal nerve, ansa cervicalis
MSK - Digastric, omohyoid, platysma, hyoid bone
Thyro-Aerodigestive - Larynx, thyroid gland, trachea, oesophagus
Lymph nodes
**carotid sheath
Post. triangle of the neck.
Boundaries (3)
Post. - Border SCM
Ant. - Border trapezius
Inf. - Middle 3rd of clavicle
Post. triangle of the neck.
Contents (4=2+1+4+1)
Nerves - Accessory nerve (XI), brachial plexus trunks
Vasc - EJV, subclavian vein, surascapular artery, subclavian vein (sometimes)
MSK - Splenius capitus, scalene muscles, prevertebral fascia, Inf. belly of omohyoid
Cervical LN’s
Boundaries (6)
Ant. - Pec maj/min
Post. - Subscapularis, teres maj, lat dorsi
Med. - Serratus ant, upper 3 ribs
Lat. - Intertubercular groove of humerus
Apex - Convergence of first rib, scapula, clavicle
Floor - Suspensory ligament
Contents (4)
Axillary vessels and branches
Axillary nodes
Cords of brachial plexus
Quadrangular space
Boundaries (4)
Sup. - Subscapularis
Inf. - Teres maj.
Med. - Long head of triceps
Lat. - Humerus
Quadrangular space
Contents (1+1)
Axillary nerve
Posterior circumflex humeral artery and vein
Triangular space
Boundaries (3)
Sup. - Teres maj
Inf. - Long head of triceps
Lat. - Humerus
Triangular space
Contents (1+1)
Radial nerve
Profunda brachii
Carpal tunnel
Boundaries (2)
Flexor retinaculum
Carpal bones
Greater sciatic foramen contents (3=6(2)+3+1)
2 important nerves
*Nerves - *Sciatic, Sup glut vessels, inf glut vessels, nerve, *pudendal nerve, posterior femoral cutaneous nerve, nerves to obturator internus and quadratus femoris
Vasc - Sup. glut vessels, Inf. glut vessels, Int. pudendal artery
MSK - piriformis
*Most branches of sacral plexus
Lesser sciatic foramen
Boundaries (2)
Lesser sciatic notch
Sacrospinous/tuberous ligaments
Lesser sciatic foramen
Contents (3)
Tendon of obturator internus
Internal pudendal vessels
Pudendal nerve
Femoral triangle
Boundaries (5)
Sup. - Inguinal ligament
Lat. - Sartorius
Med. - Adductor longus
Floor - Iliopsoas, adductor longus
Roof - fascia lata
Ant. triangle of neck
Smaller triangles (4)
Submandibular (digastric)
Muscular (omotracheal) triangle
Contents of the carotid sheath (3)
Common carotid
Vagus nerve (X)
Anatomical snuffbox
Boundaries (2)
Radial - EPB, APL
Ulnar - EPL
Anatomical snuffbox
Contents (3=2+2+1)
Vasc - Radial artery, cephalic vein
MSK - Scaphoid, trapezium
Nerve - Radial nerve
Carpal tunnel
Contents (9+1)
Tendons - 4 FlexDig Profundus, 4 FlexDig Superficialis, Flexor policis longus
Nerve - Median nerve
Greater sciatic foramen
Boundaries (2)
Greater sciatic notch
Sacrospinous/tuberous ligaments
Femoral triangle
Boundaries (5)
Sup. - Inguinal ligament
Lat. - Sartorius
Femoral triangle
Contents (2)
Femoral Nerve and terminal branches
Femoral sheath
- Femoral artery
- Femoral vein and proximal tributaries i.e. Great saph, profunda femoris
- Deep inguinal lymph nodes and vessels
Ant. triangle of neck
Smaller triangles (4)
Submandibular (digastric)
Muscular (omotracheal) triangle
Contents of the carotid sheath (3)
Common carotid
Vagus nerve (X)
Adductor canal
Contents (2+2)
Vasc - Femoral artery, femoral vein
Nerve - Saphenous nerve, nerve to vastus medialis
Adductor canal
Boundaries (4)
Lat. - Vastus medialis
Med. - Adductor longus/magnus
Roof - Subsartorial plexus
Floor - Adductor magnus
Layers for chest drain (8)
Deep fascia
Serratus anterior
External intercostal
Internal intercostal
Innermost intercostal
Parietal pleura
4th/5th intercostal space, mid axillary line
Vertebral landmarks C4
Bifurcation of common carotid
Layers for lumbar puncture (8)
Deep fascia
Supraspinous ligament
Interspinous ligament
Ligamentum flavum
Dura mater
Arachnoid mater
Popliteal fossa
Contents (3=2+3+2)
Vasc - Popliteal vessels, short saphenous vein
Nerves - Tibial nerve, common peroneal nerve, sural nerve
Lymph nodes and fat
Vertebral landmarks C3
Hyoid bone
Popliteal fossa
Boundaries (5)
Sup. Lateral - Biceps femoris
Sup. Medial - Semitendinosus/membranosus
Inf. Med/Lat - heads of gastrocnemius
Floor - Posterior capsule of knee, popliteus
Roof - fascia
Layers for surgical airway - tracheostomy (8)
Subcut. fat
Investing layer of cervical fascia
Strap muscles
Pre-tracheal fascia
Isthmus of the thyroid
Vertebral landmarks C6 (3)
Cricoid cartilage
Start of trachea
Vertebral art. enters transversarium
Vertebral landmarks T3/4 (2)
Top of aortic arch
Vertebral landmarks T8 (2)
Diaphragm opening for:
R phrenic nerve
Vertebral landmarks L1 (8)
Transpyloric plane
End of spinal cord
2nd part of duodenum
Neck of pancreas
Portal vein
Hila of kidneys
SMA origin
Vertebral landmarks T10 (3)
Diaphragm opening for:
L gastric vessel
Vertebral landmarks T4/5 (2)
Angle of Louis
Bifurcation of trachea
Vertebral landmarks T12 (4)
Diaphragm opening for:
Azygous/hemiazygous veins
Thoracic duct
Coeliac axis
Vertebral landmarks L1/2
Origin of renal arteries
Vertebral landmarks L4
Bifurcation of aorta
Vertebral landmarks L3
Origin of IMA
Vertebral landmarks L5
Formation of IVC
Ant. triangle of neck
Smaller triangles (4)
Submandibular (digastric)
Muscular (omotracheal) triangle
Contents of the carotid sheath (3)
Common carotid
Vagus nerve (X)
Contents of the carotid sheath (3)
Common carotid
Vagus nerve (X)
Ant. triangle of neck
Smaller triangles (4)
Submandibular (digastric)
Muscular (omotracheal) triangle