Anatomy dr.ayman Flashcards
Neuroglia cells types in CNS
Ependymal cells
Neuroglia cells types in PNS
Schwann cells
Satellite cells
What is : Grey matter White matter Basal ganglia Lateral ventricle Cerebral cortex
- Neurons body
- axons
- nuclear masses buried within WM
- cavity of hemisphere
- outermost layer of GM
3 poles of cerebral hemisphere
5 borders of each hemisphere
Superomedial : seperates superolateral- medial
Inferolateral : S superiolateral- tentorial
Superciliary : S superolateral - orbital
Medial orbital: medial- orbital
Medial occipital : tentorial- medial
4 lobes of CH
Frontal, parietal , temporal, occipital
Gyri lie deep in lateral fissure , sometimes considered as 5th lobe
What sulcus on medial aspect of hemisphere
Central and parietooccipital sulcus
major 3 sulci
Central : S frontal- parietal
Lateral: S Parietal- temporal
Parietooccipital : its name , on medial surface
Describe the location of :
Precentral sulcus
Precentral gyrus (PC)
Superior and inferior frontal sulci
- parallel to central sulcus
- btwn precentral sulcus & central sulcus
- divide it to SF MF IF gyri
What invade IF gyri and divided to what?
By anterior horizontal & ascending rami of the lateral sulcus
- to 3 parts : opercular part (Op) , triangular part(T), orbital part ( Or)
Sulci and gyri of pareital lobe
Postcentral sulcus , gyrus
Intraparietal sulcus : dividing it to SP ,IP lobules
IP : 2 gyri : supramarginal : Up end of lateral s
Angular : up end of superior tempolar s
Gyri and sulci of temporal lobe
S & I temporal suci ; s m i gyri
-Transverse gyri ( heschl’s convolutions ) “superiorly “
Sulci and gyri of the medial surface
Cingulate sulcus Cingulate gyrus Callosal sulcus Corpus callosum Medial frontal gyrus ; infront of paracentral Paracentral lobule ; cont, of pre &post central Parietooccipital sulcus Calcarine sulcus Precuneus gyrus ; infront of PO s Cuneus g; above calcarine s Lingula g ; below cacarine s
Cingulate gyrus is cont wt?
Anteriorly wt subcallosal area below CC
Posteriorly wt parahippocampal gyrus at isthmus
Sulci and gyri of inferior surface (orbital part)
Olfactory s;occupied by olfactory bulb and tract
Medial to it is gyrus rectus
Lateral to it H shaped orbital sulci btwn 4 orbital gyri (A P M L )
Sulci and gyri of inferior part ( tentorial part)
Collateral s , rhinal s ; lateral to PH and uncus U
Occipito temporal s ; divide it into M & L OT gyri
What are the areas in precentral area of frontal lobe ?
Primary motor area 4 Premotor area 6 Frontal eye field 8 Broca’s area 44,45 *motor function
Primary motor area ;
Function body representation
- precentral gyrus &anterior paracentral
- motor orders to voluntary muscles of opposite half of body
- map of contralateral 1/2 of body “motor homunculus”
- contralateral spastic hemiplegia (paralysis)
Charactarstic of motor homunculus
- Contralateral
- Proportional to The skill ;larger areas wt fine skilled movements
- Inverted ; head inferiorly in precentral , leg and foot in paracentral
Premotor area ;
- posterior parts of S M I frontal gyri also on medial surface in supplementary motor cortex
- planning if movements , stores motor experience ,adjust posture to start the movement, inhibits muscle tone and deep reflexes the opposite side , skilled movements of voluntary m
- apraxia “ impairment in learned movements &absence of paralysis” , contralateral hypertonia +exaggerated deep reflexes .
Supplementary motor area ;
- cont of area 6 ,anterior to paracentral
- motor planning “stereotyped movement”
- hypotonia wt no paralysis
Frontal eye field ;
- Posterior part of middle frontal gyrus infront of area 6
- scanning movement of eyeball , conjugate deviation of both eyes to the opposite side
- impairment of deviation to the opp. ,so deviation of both eyes to the side of lesion .
Broca’s area ;
- OP &T of inferior frontal gyrus of dominant hemisphere ,not in both usually left
- speech area “receive input from the sensory speech (wernicke’s area) in temporal lobe and send output to motor area( broca’s area ) which control speech muscles
- motor (expressive ) aphasia ,but can express it in written form
Exner’s area 45 ;
- Adjacent to broca’s ,in middle frontal gyrus of dominant hemi
- motor center for writing
- agraphia , cannot express ideas in written words
Prefrontal area ;
- anterior part of frontal lobe &its inferior and medial surfaces
- highest brain functions (thinking ,decision making ,judgment ,motivation ,feeling of responsibility, emotions , personality ,social behavior)
- changes in social behavior ,personality,mood , disturb in judgment and take decisions or solve problems
What are the area in parietal lobe?
Primary somatosensory cortex312 Taste area 43 Association sensory cortex 5,7 Angular gyrus 39 Supramarginal gyrus 40
Primary somatosensory cortex ; Site Function Body representation Lesion
- postcentral and posterior paracentral
- receive general sensation (pain ,touch,temp., proprioception)
- called sensory homunculus (contralateral,inverted,proportional to the sensitivity of the part)
- contralateral hemianesthesia
Taste area ;
- superior lip of posterior ramus of lateral s(parietal operculum ) extending into anterior part of insula
- receive taste
Association sensory cortex;
- superior parietal lobe
- interpretation of general sensation based on prev. experience ,and helps in recognizing shape size surface character texture by handling it wtout the help of vision .”” Stereognosis””
- tactile agnosia (asterogenesis) “inability to recognize objs by touch
Angular gyrus;
- inferior parietal lobule in dominant hemi
- as part of wernicke’s area ,impo. For understanding written language (visual speech and reading )
- alexia “don’t understand the meaning of what he reads “
Supramarginal gyrus ;
- inferior parietal lobule
- part of somatosensory association cortex ,involved in perception of space and limbs location
What are the areas in the temporal lobe?
Primary auditory area 41,42 Auditory association area Sensory speech area Olfactory area Facial recognition area
Primary auditory area ;
- inferior lip of lateral sulcus (heschl’s convolutions)+part of superior temporal gyrus
- receive auditory information from both ears
- hearing impairment,never deafness
Auditory association area ;
- posterior to primary auditory area ,”posterior aspect of superior temporal gyrus”
- understanding and recognition of hearing sensation
- auditory agnosia “loss the ability to recognize the familiar sounds “
Sensory speech area ;
- wernicke’s area
- comprehension of the spoken language
- sensory aphasia
Olfactory areas;
How many are them? And how many regions in each?
2 areas 1ry, 2ry
1ry: 3 regions = uncus ,part of amygdala, apex of insula
2ry :in para hippocampal g which contains center for memory and learning
Facial recognition area ;
- inferior surface of temporal and occipital lobes
- prosopagnosia (face blindness )
What are the areas in occipital lobe ?
Primary visual area
Visual association area (and others : Middle and inferior temporal gyri , angular gyrus)
Primary visual area ;
- medially, above and below calcarine sulcus
- receive input from the ipsilateral half if each of the two retinas ,responsible for vision in the contralateral half of each of the two visual fields
- contralateral homonymous hemianopia “loss of opp. Field of vision
Visual association area ;
- around the primary area
- receive visual information and relate them to prev. experience
- visual agnosia “cannot understand what he see “
How many Subdivisions of the insula?
Two long gyri behind and 3-4 short in front
-cortical taste center and some visceral activities (salivation)
Left brain is specialized in?
Right brain?
- Spoken /written language ,math,science,logic
- music/art ,3D forms ,insight, imagination(the artist)
What are the cortical areas that are important in language?
Which hemisphere is dominant for language?
Broca’s area Wernicke’s area Angular area Exner’s area * the LEFT
Which one of the language areas are receptive or expressive area?
Receptive: wernecki +angular
Expressive : broca’s +exner
What is the name of the tract that connect wernicke to broca areas ?
Arcuate fascicules
What are the types of language aphasia?
Motor aphasia
Global aphasia ”cannot talk,write or read”: due to obstruction of middles cerebral artery
What are the types of fibers in white matter?
association fibers
Commissural fibers
Projection fibers
“All are Myelinated nerve fibers”
Association fibers ;
What they connect?
What are the kinds?
- connect diff. Regions in same hemi.
* two kinds ;short and long depending on the distance
How many long association fibers ?
What are them? And what they connect.
- 5
- uncinate fasciculus :frontal to temporal
- superior longitudinal: all 4 lobes
- arcuate : gyri in frontal to temporal
- inferior longitudinal : occipital to temporal
- cingulum: cingulate gyrus to parahippocampal gyrus
Commissural fibers ;
What they connect?
*connect the corresponding regions of two hemi
- corpus callosum
- anterior commissure
- posterior commissure
- hippocampal commissure (com. Of fornix)
Corpus callosum ;
What it connects?
What are the foreceps?
Parts ?
- the largest
- connects the corresponding regions of the 2 hemi. except? Temporal that is connected by anterior comm.
- shorter craniocaudally
- anterior foreceps : link the frontal lobes
- posterior foreceps : link the occi. Lobes
*rostrum, genu, body, splenium
Anterior commisure
A: inferior and middle temporal gyri & olfactory region of the two hemi.
P: left & right mid brain , impo. in the bilateral pupillary reflex
H: the two hippcampi wt each other
Projection fibers;
What they connect?
How they arranged?
- connect the cerebral cortex wt lower parts of the brain and spinal cord
- descending & ascending
- deeper to cortex ,they arranged radially as the corona radiata
- then converge downward passing btw thalamus and basal ganglia forming internal capsule