Anatomy dr.ayman Flashcards
Neuroglia cells types in CNS
Ependymal cells
Neuroglia cells types in PNS
Schwann cells
Satellite cells
What is : Grey matter White matter Basal ganglia Lateral ventricle Cerebral cortex
- Neurons body
- axons
- nuclear masses buried within WM
- cavity of hemisphere
- outermost layer of GM
3 poles of cerebral hemisphere
5 borders of each hemisphere
Superomedial : seperates superolateral- medial
Inferolateral : S superiolateral- tentorial
Superciliary : S superolateral - orbital
Medial orbital: medial- orbital
Medial occipital : tentorial- medial
4 lobes of CH
Frontal, parietal , temporal, occipital
Gyri lie deep in lateral fissure , sometimes considered as 5th lobe
What sulcus on medial aspect of hemisphere
Central and parietooccipital sulcus
major 3 sulci
Central : S frontal- parietal
Lateral: S Parietal- temporal
Parietooccipital : its name , on medial surface
Describe the location of :
Precentral sulcus
Precentral gyrus (PC)
Superior and inferior frontal sulci
- parallel to central sulcus
- btwn precentral sulcus & central sulcus
- divide it to SF MF IF gyri
What invade IF gyri and divided to what?
By anterior horizontal & ascending rami of the lateral sulcus
- to 3 parts : opercular part (Op) , triangular part(T), orbital part ( Or)
Sulci and gyri of pareital lobe
Postcentral sulcus , gyrus
Intraparietal sulcus : dividing it to SP ,IP lobules
IP : 2 gyri : supramarginal : Up end of lateral s
Angular : up end of superior tempolar s
Gyri and sulci of temporal lobe
S & I temporal suci ; s m i gyri
-Transverse gyri ( heschl’s convolutions ) “superiorly “
Sulci and gyri of the medial surface
Cingulate sulcus Cingulate gyrus Callosal sulcus Corpus callosum Medial frontal gyrus ; infront of paracentral Paracentral lobule ; cont, of pre &post central Parietooccipital sulcus Calcarine sulcus Precuneus gyrus ; infront of PO s Cuneus g; above calcarine s Lingula g ; below cacarine s
Cingulate gyrus is cont wt?
Anteriorly wt subcallosal area below CC
Posteriorly wt parahippocampal gyrus at isthmus
Sulci and gyri of inferior surface (orbital part)
Olfactory s;occupied by olfactory bulb and tract
Medial to it is gyrus rectus
Lateral to it H shaped orbital sulci btwn 4 orbital gyri (A P M L )
Sulci and gyri of inferior part ( tentorial part)
Collateral s , rhinal s ; lateral to PH and uncus U
Occipito temporal s ; divide it into M & L OT gyri
What are the areas in precentral area of frontal lobe ?
Primary motor area 4 Premotor area 6 Frontal eye field 8 Broca’s area 44,45 *motor function
Primary motor area ;
Function body representation
- precentral gyrus &anterior paracentral
- motor orders to voluntary muscles of opposite half of body
- map of contralateral 1/2 of body “motor homunculus”
- contralateral spastic hemiplegia (paralysis)
Charactarstic of motor homunculus
- Contralateral
- Proportional to The skill ;larger areas wt fine skilled movements
- Inverted ; head inferiorly in precentral , leg and foot in paracentral
Premotor area ;
- posterior parts of S M I frontal gyri also on medial surface in supplementary motor cortex
- planning if movements , stores motor experience ,adjust posture to start the movement, inhibits muscle tone and deep reflexes the opposite side , skilled movements of voluntary m
- apraxia “ impairment in learned movements &absence of paralysis” , contralateral hypertonia +exaggerated deep reflexes .
Supplementary motor area ;
- cont of area 6 ,anterior to paracentral
- motor planning “stereotyped movement”
- hypotonia wt no paralysis
Frontal eye field ;
- Posterior part of middle frontal gyrus infront of area 6
- scanning movement of eyeball , conjugate deviation of both eyes to the opposite side
- impairment of deviation to the opp. ,so deviation of both eyes to the side of lesion .
Broca’s area ;
- OP &T of inferior frontal gyrus of dominant hemisphere ,not in both usually left
- speech area “receive input from the sensory speech (wernicke’s area) in temporal lobe and send output to motor area( broca’s area ) which control speech muscles
- motor (expressive ) aphasia ,but can express it in written form