Anatomy diagrams Flashcards
Identify the regions of the abdomen numbered 1-9

1-Right hypochondriac
2- Epigastric
3- Left hypochondriac
4- Right lumbar
5- Umbilical
6- Left lumbar
7- Right iliac fossa
8- Pubic
9-Left iliac fossa
Identify the lines labelled A, B, C and D

A-Right midclavicular line
B- Left midclavicular line
C- Subcostal line
D-Transtubercular line
Identify the vertical and horizontal lines splitting the abdominal quadrants

Vertical- Median line
Horizontal- Transumbilical line
Identify the muscles labelled A, B, C and D

A- Transversus abdominis
B- Internal oblique
C- External oblique
D-Rectus abdominis
Identify the muscles labelled A, B, C and D

A- External oblique
B- Internal oblique
C- Transversus abdominis
D- Rectus abdominis
Identify the muscles labelled A, B, C and D

A-Quadratus lumborum
B- Psoas minor
C- Psoas major
D- Iliacus
Identify the structures lablled A, B, C and D

A- Caval hiatus
B- Central tendon of the diaphragm
C- Oesophageal hiatus
D- Aortic hiatus
Identify the arteries labelled A, B, C and D

A- Common hepatic artery
B- Left gastric artery
C- Splenic artery
D- Celiac artery
Identify the arteries labelled A, B, C and D

A- Inferior mesenteric artery
B- Left colic artery
C- Sigmois arteries
D- Superior rectus artery
Identify the arteries labelled A, B, C, D and E

A- Superior mesenteric artery
B- Middle colic artery
C- Right colic artery
D- Ileocolic artery
E- Superior mesenteric artery
(Superior to inferior branches, MRI)
Identify the veins labelled A, B, C and D

A- splenic vein
B- inferior mesenteric vein
C- portal vein
D- superior mesenteric vein
Identify the structures labelled A, B and C

A- Ureter
B- Renal vein
C- Renal artery
Identify the vessels labelled A, B, C, D and E

A- Splenic artery
B- Left gastro-omental artery
C- Right gastro-omental artery
D- Right gastric artery
E- Left gastric artery
Identify the groups of lymph nodes labelled A, B, C and D

A- Gastric lymph nodes
B- Pancreatico-splenic lymph nodes
C- Gastro-omental lymph nodes
D- Pyloric lymph nodes
Name the parts of the large colon labelled A-G

A- Caecum
B- Ascending colon
C- Hepatic flexure
D- Transverse colon
E- Splenic flexure
F- Descending colon
G- Sigmoid colon
Remember to specify pancreas!!
Identify the parts of the pancreas labelled A-E

A- Ucinate process
B- Head
C- Neck
D- Body
E- Tail
Identify the structures labelled A-G

A- Left lobe
B- Flaciform ligament
C- Round ligament of liver
D- Gallbladder
E- Right lobe
F- Coronary ligament
G- left triangular ligament
Identify the structures labelled A-F

A- Caudate lobe
C- Bare area of the liver
D- Right lobe
E- Gallbladder
F- Porta hepatis
G- Quadrate lobe
H- Left lobe
Identify the structures labelled A-H

A- Gallbladder
B- Right hepatic duct
C- Left hepatic duct
D- Cystic duct
E- Common bile duct
F- Accessory pancreatic duct
G- Main pancreatic duct
H- Common hepatic duct
Identify structures labelled A-E

A- Sphincter of pancreatic duct
B- Hepatopancreatic ampulla
C- Duodenum
D- Sphincter of the bile duct
E- Hepatopancreatic sphincter