ANATOMY : Cerebellum Flashcards
Covering of the superior part of cerebellum?
Tentorium cerebelli
What are the three parts of the cerebellum?
Two cerebellar hemispheres
Median vermis
What are the two surfaces of the cerebellum?
The superior surface & inferior surface
What are the two notches of the cerebellum?
Anterior : wide / shallow / lodges pons & medulla
Posterior : narrow / deep / lodges falx cerebelli
What are the two notches of the cerebellum? `
Anterior : wide / shallow / lodges pons & medulla
Posterior : narrow / deep / lodges falx cerebelli
What are the fissures of the cerebellum?
Three fissures:
1. Horizontal fissure
2. Primary fissure
3. Postero-lateral fissure (uvulo-nodular fissure)
Horizontal fissure : superior & inferior surfaces
Primary fissure : anterior & middle lobe
Postero-lateral fissure : middle lobe from flocculonodular lobe
List the parts of the vermis. (Cerebellum)
- Lingula
- Central lobule
- Culmen
- Declive
- Folium
- Tuber
- Pyramid
- Uvula
- Nodules
List the parts of the cerebellum.
- Ala
- Quadrangular lobule
- Simple lobule
- Superior semilunar lobule
- Inferior semilunar lobule
- Biventral lobule
- Tonsil
- Flocculus
What are the anatomical lobation of the cerebellum?
- Anterior lobe
- Middle lobe (posterior lobe)
- Flocculonodular lobe
What are the functional lobes?
- Archicerebellum :
Flocculonodular lobes + lingula
- vestibular
- equilibrium - Paleocerebellum :
Anterior lobe + Lingus, pyramid, uvula
- spinocerebellar
- regulation of muscle tone - Neocerebellum :
Middle lobe (minus the pyramid, uvula)
- corticocerebellar
- coordination of skilled movements
What are the 3 cerebellar peduncles that connect the cerebellum to the brain stem?
- Superior cerebellar peduncle
C to midbrain - Middle cerebellar peduncle
C to pons - Inferior cerebellar peduncle
C to medulla oblongata
What are the afferent fibres of superior cerebellum fibres?
From midbrain:
1. Tectocerebellar fibres from pretectable nucleus
2. Rubrocerebellar fibres from red nucleus
From SC:
1. Anterior spinocerebellar tract
What are the efferent fibres of the superior cerebellar peduncle?
- Dentato rubral fibres -> opposite red nucleus
- Dentato reticular fibres -> reticular nucleus
- Dentato thalamic fibres -> thalamus
- Globose emboliform rubral pathway - red nucleus
- Hook bundle of Russel :
- from fastigi nucleus
What are the afferents from medulla oblongata in inferior cerebellum peduncle?
- Olive cerebellar fibres
- Par olive cerebellar fibres
- Recticulo CF
- Vestibulo CF
- Anterior external arcuate F
- Posterior spinocerebellar F
- Striae medullaris
- Trigemino CF
- Cuneo CF
What are the efferent fibres of the inferior cerebellar peduncle?
Olivo CF
Reticulo CF
Vestibular CF
Blood supply of cerebellum
Superior cerebellar artery
Inferior cerebellar artery :
1. Ant
2. Post
What are the lesions of the cerebellar syndrome?
- Hypothenia
- Ataxia gait
- Involuntary movement
- Adiadochokinesis
- Decomposition of movement
- Nystagmus
- Scanning speech