anatomy and physiology - upper limb Flashcards
positive anterior drawer test meansÉ
ACL damage
describe how to perform the anterior drawer test
patinet supine, knee bet at 90 degress
angerior glindign of tibia
psoterior drawer sign positive
pcl damage
describe attachemtn of acl and pcl on tiba
anterior on tiba - acl
posterior on tibia - pcl
how to assess mcl damage
abnormal passive abduction: patinet supie, knee extended or at 30 degress
apply lateral/valgus force - if results in medial space widening of tibia = mcl damage
how to assess lcl damage
abnormal passive adduction: patient supine, knee extended or at 30 degrees.
apply medial/varus force - if results in lateral space wideing of tibia - lcl damage
what is the mcmurray test
with patine supine and knee internally and externally rotated during motion
external rotation = pain and pop = medial
internal rotation = pain and pop = lateral
what type of trauma causes the unhappy triad
common in contact sprots due to lateral force applied to a planted leg
what injuries constitute the unhappy triad
damage to the ACL, MCL and medial lemnisucs (but mor ecommonly the laterla mensicus is injuered even though it is not attaced to the mcl)
acute knee pain
signs of joint injuery and instability
unhapy triade
list the physical examination positive in the unhappy triad
ACL: positive anterior drawer
MCL: medial space widening of tibia/abnormal passive abduction when lateral/valgus force applied
medial menicus: external rotation - pop and pain
laterla meniscus: internal rotation - pop and pain
housemaids kneww
prepatellar bursisits
repreated trauam ro pressure from extensive kneelign
prepatellar bursitis
popliteal non pulsaltie fliud collection
baker cyst
arthritis associated with baker cyst
rheumatoid arhtiritis
what are baker cysts usually associated with?
chronic joint disease.
list the rotator cuff muscles and their innervation please
supraspinatus - suprascapular nerve
infraspinatus - suprascapular nerve
teres minor - axillary nerve
subscapularis - upper and lower subscapular nerves
list the rotator cuff muscels and their function please
supraspinatus - 0-15 abduction
infraspinatus - lateral rotation
teres minor - lateral rotation and adduction
subscapularis - medial rotation and adduction
list the rotator cuff muscles and their function please. weak last time :)
supraspinatus - 0-15 abdocution
infraspinatus - lateral rotation
teres minor - lateral rotation and adduction
subscapularis - medial rotation and adduction
list the rotator cuff muscles, innvervation, function and common injuries
suprascapularis/suprscapular/ abduction 10-15 degrees/most commonly injuered/empty can- full can assessment
infraspinatus/suprascapular/lateral rotation/pitchign injury
teres minor/axiallary nerve/lateral rotation/adduction
subscapularis/upper and lower subscapular nerves/medial rotation and adduction fo arm
what nerve roots primariy innervate teh rotator cuff muscles
C5 and C6
golfers elbow aka
medial epicondylities
what type of action causes golfers elbow
repetitive flexion aka forehand shots
how to reproduce pain in golfers elbow
flex hand and supinate arm
tennis elbow aka
lateral epicondylitis
what type of action causes tennis elbow
repetitive extension aka backhand shots/hammer and screwdrive repetitive use says glojan…
how to reproduce pain in lateral epicondylitis
list the wrist bones please
lateral/proximal: scaphoid - lunate - traquitrum - pisiform
lateral/distal: trapezium - trapexoid - capitate - hamate
what bones make up the wrist joint
scaphoid, lunate and radial bone
what carpal bone is palpated in the anatomic snuff box
what are the borders of the anatomic snuff box
posterior = tendon of extensor pollicus longus
anterior: extensor pollicus brevis and abductur pollicis longus
proximal: styloid procress of radius
distal: apex of trinagle
floor: trapezium, scaphoid can be palplated
whats the big deal abotu the blood supply of the scaphoid
received it distally. if fractured, proximal portion can become necrotic.
what can happen from the lunate becoming dislocated
can cause acute carpal tunnel syndrome
what causes acute carpal tunnel syndrome
dislocation of the lunate.
fall onto an outstreched hand
can damage the hook of the hamate = ulnar nerve injury
what sort of injury can cause distal damage of the unlar nerve
fall onto an outstretched hand - damages the hook of the hamate.
entrapment of median nerve in the carpal tunnel
carpal tunnel syndrome
how does carpal tunel syndrom present?
paresthesia, pain and numbess in distribution of median nerve - roughly 123.
causes of carpal tunnel
rheumatoid arhtritis
repetitive use
what can these conditiosn be associated with?
rheumatoid arthritis
and repeititve used
carpal tunnel syndrome
what is guyon canal syndrome
compression of ulnar nerve at wrist or hand
what injury common seen in cyclists (involving wrist)
bucks fascia ;)
guyan canal syndrome from pressure in the handle bars
compression of ulnar nerve at wrost or hand
list the nerve roots:
a) axillary
b) musculocutaenous
c) radial
d) median
e) ulnar
f) recurrent branch of median nerve
a) axially - C56
b) MC - C567
c) radial = C5678T1
d) median = C5678T1
e) ulnar = C8T1
f) recurrent branch of the median nerve = C5678T1
fractured surfical neck of humures
axillary nerve
anterior dislocation of the humerus
axillary nerve
upper trunk compression
musculocutaneous nerve
midshaft fracture of the humuros
radial nerve
compression of axialla
radial nerve
saturday night palsy
compression of axilla @ crutches or sleepign with arm over chair - radial nerve
supracondylar fracture of humurus
proximal lesion of median
carpal tunnel syndrome
distal lesion of median