also called “the attachment apparatus” or “the supporting tissues of the teeth.”
- main function is to attach the tooth to the bone tissue of the jaws and to maintain the integrity of the surface of the masticatory mucosa of the oral cavity
three zones of the oral mucosa
- masticatory mucosa
- specialized mucosa
- oral mucous membrane
consists of the gingiva and covering of the hard palate
masticatory mucosa
covers the dorsum of the tongue
specialized mucosa
lines the remainder of the oral cavity. floor of the mouth, ventral side of the tongue, cheeks, lip, and soft palate
oral mucous membrane
the part of the oral mucosa that covers the alveolar process of the jaws and surrounds the cervical portion of the teeth.
soft tissues that serves as a barrier which prevents microorganisms from entering the gingival connective tissue
there is no mucogingival line present in the palate since the hard palate and the maxillary alveolar process are covered by the same type of masticatory mucosa
also known as Unattached gingiva, Free gingiva
marginal gingiva
coral pink, has a dull surface and firm consistency. It extends from the gingival margin to the gingival groove
marginal gingiva
the terminal edge or border of the gingiva surrounding the teeth in collar like fashion
marginal gingiva
In 50% of the cases, it is demarcated from the adjacent, attached gingiva by a shallow linear depression,
free gingival groove
It may be separated from the tooth surface with a periodontal probe.
free gingival groove
positioned at a level corresponding to the level of the CEJ
free gingival groove
only present in 30-40% of adults
free gingival groove
The shallow crevice or space around the tooth bounded by the surface of the tooth on one side and the epithelium lining the free margin of the gingiva on the other.
gingival sulcus
it is v shaped
gingival sulcus
the so-called probing depth of a clinically normal gingival sulcus in humans
in pristine conditions, this does NOT exist.
gingival sulcus
After completed tooth eruption, the free gingival margin is located on the enamel surface is
approximately 1.5-2mm coronal to the CEJ.
attached firmly to alveolar bone and varies in width
attached gingiva
extends from the free gingival groove unto the mucogingival junction.
attached gingiva
it is firm, resilient, and tightly bound to the underlying periosteum of alveolar bone.
attached gingiva