Anatomy and Physiology Flashcards
موقعیت قلب
کمی چپتر از مدیاستن
Mediastinum ?
خط وسط توراکس بین سینه ها
مجاورتهای قلب
دیافراگم - جناغ - ریه - ستون مهره
Breastbone ?
لایه های Serous Pericardium
Fibrous Pericardium - Parietal - Fluid - Visceral - surface
Epicardium ?
Visceral - surface
FIbrous Pericardium Job?
not overfill
Endocardium ?
لایه داخلی قلب - اندوتلیوم مثل قلب
معنی Atrium
Entry way
ورودیعای دهلیز راست
SVC - IVC - سینوس کرونری که تخلیه کرونری
Tricuspid & MItral place ?
Tri Right MIt Left
Mitral Leaflets
Ant Post - فقط این دوتایی
S1 دریچه و شروع دوره و انقباض چی
بسته شدن دریچه های AV - شروع سیستول - انقباض بطن
S2 دریچه و شروع دوره و انقباض چی
بسته شدن دریچه های سرخرگی - شروع دیاستول -انقباض دهلیز
cardiac output def & num = Venous return
خروج بطن بر دقیقه - 4.9 لیتر
درصد خون در بخشهای مختلف
کل ریوی 10 - قلب 5 - شریانهای سیستمی 15 - مویرگ سیستمی 5 - سیاهرگ سیستمی 65
Vasa Vasorum
رگ رگ - خونرسانی به تونیکا اکسترنای آرتری خیلی کلفت - تغذیه بقیه تونیکا از لومن
Elastic Arteries
آئورت و شاخش - ریوی - الاستین زیاد واسه فشار
Up down body temp by blood
Arteriole directly to Venule
Lymph in latin
Clear water
Lymph Roles
fluid and large molecules to blood and heart - immune surveillance (stop infection movement)`
lymph role volume
20 out 17 in capillaries - 3 L/d lymph
Lym Cap wall
one way valves between loosely connected cells - 2 halat ba Pin Pout: inward - stop
lymph vessels
cap - vess - trunks - Ducts
Lymph Pump
no - art. pulse + Skel. muscle + valve like v.
5 lymp. Trunks one single
3 up 2s down Lumbar - single intestinal - bronchomediastinal - jugular - subclavian
lymp. Ducts
Right just 3up - Thoracic all left & down
lymp ducts dump
Jugular subclavian veins junc. - very low P
collect milk like lymph containing Chylomicrons (GI packed FAs)
Lymph Organs
Lookout to -Foreign in lymph , Cells+Pr , Diffuse lymph tissue - lymph nodes
Diffuse lymph tissue place
2 tracts : GI - Respiratory
Lymph node number - size - Feel place - GI wall name
100s - mm to cm - armpit neck groin - Peyer’s patch
فیلتر لنف در گره ؟
Dendritic cell Phagos & APC to B cell in Node - Also Circulatory T cell react to Antybodied infection
B cell + Antigen ?
Plasma Cell => Antibody
Spleen location
Left side between Diaph & stomach
Spleen white pulp ?
Like giant lymph node but recieves blood - Filter out ABied Bacteria - produce ab
Spleen re pulp
old RBC - Hg - Heme chain - Fe
RBC and platelet for Emergency?
Spleen Storage
Thymus place - activity period - activity ?
below necklace - Neonat & pre adolecscent - atrophy and fat after puberty - develop T cell - destroy self Ag T cell
Lymph organs name
node - spleen - thymus - tonsils
4 tonsils
adenoid - tubal - palatine - lingual
ring of tonsil around throat lymph job
trap pathogen from food and air
4 Valves names
AV: L Mitral R Tricuspid - Semilunar to artery = artery name
جهت تولید صدای دریچه قلب
جهت جریان خون
Closing valve sounds place
مشابه موقعیت قلب ولی دریچه های دهلیزی قرینه
- Intercostals : 2R Aortic - 2L Pulmonary - 4L Tricuspid (این سه تا چسبیده به سه تا گوشه از جناغ) -
5L midclavicular Line : Mitral
S1 time and place
Lub after diastole (filling relaxed ventricle) - start systole - heard in 4L Tricuspid (این سه تا چسبیده به سه تا گوشه از جناغ) -
5L midclavicular Line : Mitral
S2 time and place
Dub - after systole (ventricle contraction) - start diastole - heard in Intercostals : 2R Aortic - 2L Pulmonary
S2 inspiration split reason - Physiologic splitting of s2
Diaph down to negative P - more venous blood to right heart - late R Ventricle squeeze and Pulm. valve close
S3 sound - time - reason
Ta - after S2 in lots of blood bouncing of vent. wall in diastole -
S3 normal and anormal ?
normal in athlete and pregnant where lots of blood - anormal in CHF meaning volume overload
Congestive Heart Failure meaning inability to pump enough blood
S4 time - sound - reason
before s1 at end of diastole - Ta - Stiff vent wall causing extra heart atrium contraction
why stiff vent wall and S4 - what is s4 sign of
hypertrophy beacuse high Blood P - sign of P overload or severe Hypertension
Cause of murmur - scale and tozih
turbulent or rough blood flow -scale 1 to 6 : 1 slightest possible - 3 moderate - 6 without stethoscope -
Innocent heart murmurs
healthy heart in kid but thin wall which grow old grow thick
Still’s murmur
common innocent mur in young kid -position of tricuspid valve sound yaani L4
systolic murmur sound - 4 (2x2) cause
whoosh after lub - valve not functioning properly - artery not fully open = Stenosis - AV not fully closed = Regurgitation or insufficiency
artery valve stenosis - sound name and cause - sound intensity - steth place
resistance before fully open - EJECTION CLICK - first blood narrow and turbulence - Crescendo decrescendo murmur because vent. blood first ziad then kam - place exactly valve sound place - R2 aortic - L2 pulm.
AV valve regurgitation - other name - duration - place -
blood leak back because not closed - Holosystolic - sound for all of systole - exactly valve place - L4 Tri. L5 midclav Mitr.
carvallo’s sign - کاربرد و دلیل
AV murmur louder with inhale - for Tricusp (diff from Mitr) - negative P more vein blood to right heart more sound
Mitr valve regurg lead cause (most common valv condition) - دلیل
severe MItral valve prolapse - too weak pap musc and chord tend
mid systolic click
not severe mitral valve prolapse suddenly stopped by chord tend
severe MItral valve prolapse causes?
Mitr valve regurge after click
when standing and sqautting has impact on S4 sound - meaning - karbord - reason
Mitral valve regurge (diff from tri.) - squat later click shorter murmur - stand or valsalva man. sooner click longer murmur
reason of when standing and sqautting has impact on S4 sound
squat more vein return more blood in ventricle more space = later leaflet prolapse - standing less vein return
valsalva maneuver
to slow too fast heart - hold nose force breath out mouth - trigger to normal rhythm - causes sooner click and longer murmur on Mitral S4