Anatomy [All] Flashcards
Which dermatome lies on the posterior half of the skull cap.
Which dermatome is at the high collar area.
Which dermatome is at the low collar area
What sensory issues would a L5-S1 herniated disk have.
Diminished ankle jerk reflex and diminished sensation to posterior and lateral foot
Which directions do most herniations occur in and why.
Posterolateral direction because the annulus does not have the support of the posterior longitudinal ligament.
Which dermatome would cause diminished sensation to medial foot.
Which bone is usually injured in the anatomic snuffbo.
Scaphoid bone.
What might be a complication of the dislocation of the lunate.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
What are the smiths and colles fracture.
Fractures of distal radius.
Smiths- caused by direct blow on forearm of falling on flexed wrist
Colles- falling on extended wrists
Where in the basal ganglia are the post-synaptic receptors for dopamine located.
Outline the D1 receptor pathway.
Substantia nigra excites striatum which inhibits Gpi so thalamus is uninhibited [excitatory]
Outline the D2 receptor pathway.
Substantia nigra excites striatum which inhibits GPe which is unable to inhibit STN. STN will excited GPi which will inhibit thalamus [inhibitory]
Where does the thoracic duct empty.
At the junction of the left internal and left subclavian veins
What the muscles involved in arm ABduction.
0-15 degrees- supraspinatus
15-90 degrees- deltoid
90-100- trapezius
above 100- serratus anterior
What are the layers and contents of the spermatic cord. What nerve runs superficial in the spermatic cord.
Layers- External Fascia [derive from external fascia], cremateric muscle and fascia [from internal oblique], internal spermatic fascia [from transversalis]. Contains structures that run to and from testes.
Ilioinguinal nerve [L1] runs superficial in this cord and supplies sensation to medial thigh and scortum or labia in females.
Dissection of which nerve might cause the loss of cremasteric reflex.
Genitofemoral nerves and also ilioinguinal nerve
Damage to what structure might cause testicular edema.
Pampiniform plexus [which is in the spermatic cord]
Which receptors are responsible for coarse-touch, high frequency vibrations and pressure and tension.
Pacinian corpuscles- commonly damaged in diabetic neuropathy.
The superficial arch of the palm is the continuation of which arter.
Ulnar artery.
The deep arch of the palm is a continuation of which artery.
Radial artery.
Which arteries ensure adequate supply of blood in hand through anastamoses.
Superficial and deep palmar arteries.
What does the dartos muscle of the scrotum do.
Wrinkling of the skin of the scrotum.
What nerve will be damaged in the surgical neck fracture of the humerus.
Axillary Nerve
Which structures are susceptible in midshaft humeral fractures.
Radial nerve and deep brachial artery [structures in the radial groove]