Anatomy Flashcards
Flexors of hip joint
Pectineus Psoas major Psoas minor Iliacus Sartorius
Hip flexion (muscle ,nerve root And supply)
Iliopsoas femoral L23
Knee extension (muscle ,nerve root And supply)
Quadriceps femoral L4
Ankle plantarflexion (muscle ,nerve root And supply)
Gastronemius soleus tibial S1
Ankle dorsiflexion (muscle ,nerve root And supply)
Tibialis anterior deep peroneal L5
Toe plantarflexion (muscle ,nerve root And supply)
Flexor hallucis longus tibial S2
Adductors of thigh (medial compartment )
Longus obturator nerve Brevis " Magnus " Gracilis - obturator nerve L2,3 Obturator externus obturator nerve
Extensors of knee joint
Rectus femoris Femoral nerve
Vastus lateralis
Vastus medialis
Vastus intermedius
Extensors of hip joint and flexors of knee joint
Posterior compartment
Semitendinosus tibial part of sciatic nerve
Biceps femoris
Nerve of adduction
Obturator L234
Nerve of knee extension
Femoral nerve L234 supply ant thigh muscles
Hip extension
Gluteus muscle
Chief action of hamstrings and accessory
Knee flexion
Hip extension
Abductors of hip joint
Gluteus medius and minimus
Tensor fascia lata
Lateral rotators of hip
Obturator internus
Superior and inferior gemeli
Hybrid muscles
Biceps femoris (long head - tibial part of sciatic nerve short head common peroneal nerve ) Adductor magnus (hamstring part - tibial part of sciatic nerve adductor part obturator ) Pectineus (femoral plus obturator )
Terrible triad
Ligaments involved : tibial collateral ,medial meniscus , AcL
Football players
Foot is fixed knee is in flexion twisting fall to same side
Adductor canal boundaries
Roof Sartorius
Floor Adductor longus and magnus
Anterolateral vastus medialis
Anterior compartment of leg (TDH:tom dick harry)
Deep fibular nerve
Tibialis anterior
Digitorum longus extensor
Hallucis longus extensor
Lateral compartment of leg
Evertors -
Peroneus longus
peroneus brevis
Posterior compt of leg
Flexors of ankle : tibial nerve Gastronemeius Soleus Plantaris Deep muscle flexor TDH
Foot eversion occur at ? By? Nerve?
At subtalar joint
By peroneus longus brevis tertius
Superficial peroneal nerve
Foot inversion
Tibialis anterior and posterior
Deltoid ligament (all prefix tibia)
Anterior tibiotalar
Posterior tibiotalar
Lateral longitudnal joint is contributed by
Calcaeus Cuboid Calcaneocuboid joint navicular ( medial bone ) Meta tarsal 4,5
Medial longitudnal joint is contributed by
Calcaneus Talus cuneiform Navicular Medial metatarals(1,2,3 )
Forced inversion of foot results in
Calcaneofibular ligament
Anterior talofibular ligament
Structures passing through greater and lesser sciatc foramen
Pudendal nerve
Internal pudendal vessels
Nerve to obturator internus
Spring ligament
Aka calcaneonavicular ligament
Superior , medial, lateral,plantar calcaneonavicular
Sacrotuberous lig is pierced by
Coccygeal branches of inferior gluteal artery
Perforating cutaneous nerve s2,3
Filaments of coccygeal plexus
Nerve of perineum
Pudendal nerve
Supplies external urethral sphincter
Bph in which lobe
Parts of urethra
Penile (spongy)
Pelvic diaphragm is contributed by
Levator ani (Pubococcygeus ,iliococcygeus) Ischiococcygeus
Urogenital diaphragm ms.
Sphincter urethra
Deep transverse perineal muscles
Layers of penis
superficial fascia
Deep(bucks fascia)
Tunica albuginea
Perineal nerve course
Formed infront of sacrum
Leaves pelvis through greater sciatic notch to enter gluteal region
Hooks behind ishial spine in gluteal region
enters pudendal canal by passing through lesser sciatic notch
Ischiorectal fossa
B/w ischium and rectum Boundaries A:perineal membrane , supf transverse perineal muscle P: glut. Max ,sacrotuberpus lig Lat: obturator internus , ischium bone Med: leavtor ani
Ine side Connects with other : horseshoe abscess
Ms attachments at ischial tuberosity
Semi membranosus
Adductor magnus
Biceps femoris
Structures piercing sacro tuberous ligament
Coocygeal plexus
Inferior gluteal nerve (coccygeal branches )
Perforating cutaneous nerve
Inferior gluteal artery
Cremaster muscle nerve supply
Ms of scrotum
Motor- genital branch of genito femoral nerve
Sensory :medial: ilioinguinal
Lateral femorAl br of genitofemoral nerve
Contents of spermatic cord
3 arteries : cremateric ,artery to ductus deferens ,testicular
3 nerves : genitofemoral ,autonomic ,visceral afferent nerves
3 other pampiniform plexus ,vas deferens ,lymphatics
Ilioinguinal nerve is OUTSIDE IT
Lymphatics of female reproductive sys
Fundus - pre para aortic LN
Isthmus - round ligament -> superficial inguinal nodes
Mid uterus - ext iliac
Lower uterus (cervix ) - everywhere except inguinal
Waldeyers fascia
Presacral fascia ( behind rectum )
Denovilliers fascia
Rectovesical fascia
Between rectum and prostate
Anteversion angle
B/w vagina and cervix
Maintained by round ligament
Deep dorsal vein of penis
Lies medual to dorsal artey of penis on dorsum of penis
Lies deep to bucks fascia
Drains into prostatic plexus of veins
And is compressed against underlying deep fascia of penis during erection
Scrotum Nerve supply Arterial Venous Lymphatic
Ilioinguinal and genitofemoral
A: posterior scrotal branches of internal pudendal , anterior scrotal of external pudendal
V: posterior scrotal into internal pudendal vein
L: superficial inguinal ln
Bleeding vessels in haemorrhoids is
Superior rectal vein (branch of inferior mesenteric vein)