anatomy Flashcards
What are the three types of muscle tissue and their functions?
- skeletal muscle - moves the body by pulling the bones on the skeleton, making it able for us to walk, dance, play, etc.
- cardiac muscle - pushes blood through the arteries and veins of the circulatory system.
- smooth muscle - pushes waste through the digestive tract and performs varied functions in other systems
Skeletal muscle functions
- maintain posture and body position
- support soft tissue e.g. the abdominal wall
- regulate digestive and urinary tracts
- maintain body temperature
- produce skeletal muscle, which helps with simple motions.
what does the axial musculature do
it is involved in movements of the head and spinal columb
oblique & rectus muscles def
form the muscular walls of the thoracic and abdominal area. (Review muscles of the vertebral column diagram)
locate Gastrocnemius and soleus on diagram
anatomy def
The science that studies the structure of the human body
define anatomical position
- standing with legs together and feet flat on the floor
2. hands are at the sides, and palms facing forwards.
posterior def
the back/behind
superior def
above; at a higher level (toward the head)
inferior def
below, at a lower level
true or false; when following anatomical directions, left and right always refers to the left or right side of the subject - NOT THE OBSERVER
medial def
towards the midline
lateral def
away from midline
proximal def
toward an attached base
distal def
away from an attached base
superficial def
at near or relatively close to body surface
deep def
towards interior of body, farther from the surface (E.g. the bone of the thigh is deep to the surrounding skeletal muscle)
the three types of planes and their definitions
- transverse plane - a transverse section separates superior and interior portions of the body.
- frontal plane - a frontal plane section separates anterior and posterior portions of the body.
- sagittal plane - a sagittal section separates left and right portions
the foot is ______ to the knee
in the anatomical position the subject:
a. is lying down
b. has arms placed above head
c. is standing upright facing the observer with palms facing backward
d. is standing upright facing the observer.
the anatomical term which best describes a structure toward the head is:
a. superficial
b. deep
c. inferior
d. superior
the best anatomical term to describe the back region of the body would be:
a. dorsal
b. proximal
c. posterior
d. anterior
in the anatomical position, the thumbs point:
a. in, toward the body
b. out, away from the body
c. forward
d. backward
the big toe is ______ to the little toe:
a. medial
b. lateral
c. superior
d. inferior
the arm is ______ to the hand:
a. medial
b. lateral
c. proximal
d. distal
flexion def
describes a bending movement that decreases the angle between body parts
extension def
describes a straightening movement that increases the angle between body parts
abduction def
a motion that pulls a structure or part away from the midline of the body
adduction def
a motion that pulls a structure of part toward the midline of the body
pronation def
a rotational movement - hand/upper arm turn inward
supination def
a rotational movement - forearm or palms turn outward
inversion def
tilts side of foot towards the bodies midline
eversion def
tilts side of the foot away from the midline of the body
internal (medial) rotation def
rotation toward the centre of the body
external (lateral) rotation def
rotation away from the centre of the body
what is the clavicle
a collarbone
what is a scapula
what are corporal bones
wrist bones
what are metacarpal bones
palm bones
what are phalanges
how many bones in the skull
how many bones associated with the skull
how many bones in the vertebral column
how many bones in the thoracic cage
how many bones in the axial skeleton
how many bones in the skeletal system
what two are the two parts of the skeletal system
axial and appendicular
The axial system consists of the bones from the:
skull, thorax and vertebral column
what does the appendicular skeleton consist of
bones of the upper and lower limbs, as well as the girdle that connects them to the trunk.
the 6 functions of the axial skeleton
- houses special sense organs (hear, taste, smell, sight, and balance)
- provides surface area for the attachment of muscles
- adjust the position of the head, neck and trunk
- perform respiratory movements
- stabilize or position structures
- the joints permit limited movement, but are very strong