Anatomy Flashcards
What structures form the boundary of the femoral triangle?
1) Sartorius (laterally); 2) Adductor longus (medially); 3) Inguinal Ligament (superiorly); 4) Iliopsoas (lateral floor); 5) Pectineus (medial floor)
What is the mnemonic for the borders of the femoral triangle?
SAIL: S - sartorius A - adductor longus I - inguinal... L - ligament
What forms the lateral border of the femoral triangle?
What forms the medial border of the femoral triangle?
Adductor longus
What forms the superior border of the femoral triangle?
Inguinal ligament
What structures form the floor of the femoral triangle?
Pectineus and iliopsoas
What structures pass through the femoral triangle?
Femoral nerve, artery and vein
Which nerve supplies gluteus maximus?
Inferior gluteal nerve
What is the blood supply of gluteus maximus?
Superior and inferior gluteal artery
What is the action of gluteus maximus?
Extension and external rotation of the hip
What is the insertion of gluteus maximus?
Ischial tuberosity
Iliotibial band
What is the origin of gluteus maximus?
Posterior gluteal line of inner upper ilium
Posterior surface of lower sacrum
Lumbodorsal fascia
Sacrotuberous ligament
What structures form the rectus sheath?
Aponeurosis’s of transversus abdominis, external oblique and internal oblique
Which is deeper, scarpa’s or camper’s fascia?
What is the anatomy of rectus sheath above the arcuate line?
Aponeurosis’s of external oblique and the anterior lamellae of the aponeurosis of internal oblique pass anterior
The posterior lamellae of the aponeurosis of internal oblique and aponeurosis of transversalis fascia pass posterior
What is the anatomy of the rectus sheath below the arcuate line?
Aponeurosis of external oblique and internal oblique pass anterior
Aponeurosis of transversalis fascia pass posterior
What is the path of the ureters?
Infero-medially along psoas — along posterior pelvic brim — cross anteriorly across bifurcation of common iliac vessels — turn medially at the ischial spines — run in the base of broad ligament when crossed by uterine artery
What does the right ovarian artery empty into?
What does the left ovarian artery empty into?
Left renal artery
What nerve supplies the clitoris?
Dorsal nerve, arising from the pudendal nerve
Which artery supplies the foregut?
Coeliac trunk
Which artery supplies the midgut?
Superior mesenteric
Which artery supplies the hindgut?
Inferior mesenteric
What are the branches of the coeliac trunk?
1) L gastric artery
2) Splenic artery
3) Common hepatic artery
What structures does the foregut form?
Mouth to the duodenum
At what level does the abdominal aorta bifurcate into the common iliac vessels?
What are the terminal branches of the abdominal aorta?
Right common iliac
Left common iliac
Median sacral artery
What structures form the perineal body?
External anal sphincter
Transverse perineal muscles
Bulbocavernosus muscle
Levator ani muscle
What is the anatomical location of the deep inguinal ring?
Midpoint of the inguinal ligament
How is the midpoint of the inguinal ligament found?
Midpoint between ASIS and the pubic tubercle
What is the anatomical location of the superficial inguinal ring?
Just above and just lateral to the pubic tubercle
What passes through the inguinal canal in females?
Round ligament
What passes through the inguinal canal in males?
Spermatic cord
What structure passes through the superficial inguinal ring only, NOT the deep inguinal ring?
Ilioinguinal nerve
What are the boundaries of the inguinal canal?
Anterior - aponeurosis of external oblique
Posterior - transversalis fascia
Superior - internal oblique
Inferior - inguinal ligament
What is the anterior boundary of the inguinal canal?
Aponeurosis of external oblique
What is the posterior boundary of the inguinal canal?
Transversalis fascia
What is the superior boundary of the inguinal canal?
Internal oblique
What is the inferior boundary of the inguinal canal?
Inguinal ligament
What does Hilton’s line indicate?
White line that indicates the junction between non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium and the keratinised stratified squamous epithelium
What does the pectinate line indicate?
The junction between the upper two-thirds of the lower one-third of the anus
Upper two thirds = cuboidal epithelium
Lower one third = stratified squamous epithelium (keratinised around the orifice)
How long is the anal canal?
What is the lymphatic drainage of the vagina?
Superior - internal iliac LNs
Inferior = superficial inguinal LNs
What is the transverse diameter of the pelvis?
How long are the ureters?
How do the ureters insert into the bladder?
Which arteries supply the ovary?
Ovarian and uterine arteries
What is the Baden-Walker/Beecham classification of prolapse?
1st, 2nd and 3rd degree prolapse
What is a 1st degree prolapse?
Cervix visible when the perineum is depressed - prolapse is contained within the vagina
What is a 2nd degree prolapse?
Cervix prolapsed through the introitus with the fundus remaining in the pelvis
What is a 3rd degree prolapse?
Complete prolapse - entire uterus is outside the introitus
What is the the Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification (POPQ) system of prolapse?
Grade 0-4
What is a Grade 0 prolapse?
No prolapse
What is a Grade 1 prolapse?
> 1cm from hymen
What is a Grade 2 prolapse?
Within 1cm (proximal or distal) to the hymen
What is a Grade 3 prolapse?
> 1cm below the plane of the hymen but protrudes < 2 cm less than the total length of the vagina
What is a Grade 4 prolapse?
Complete eversion of the vagina
What is the mediAL umbilical ligament a remnant of?
Remnant of fetal umbilical arteries
What is the mediAN umbilical ligament a remnant of?
Remnant of urachus
What are the 3 muscular components of levator ani?
1) Puborectalis
2) Pubococcygeus
3) Iliococcygeal muscle.
What innervates the testes?
T10 and spermatic plexus
What is the inferior border of the deep perineal pouch?
Perineal membrane
What is the superior border of the deep perineal pouch?
Superior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm
What separates the deep and superficial pouches?
Perineal membrane
What is the contents of the deep perineal pouch?
Deep transverse perineal muscle External sphincter muscle of urethra Compressor Urethrae Muscle (female) Urethrovaginal Sphincter (female) Membranous portion of the urethra (males) Proximal portion of urethra (females) Bulbourethral gland (males)
What are the layers of the bladder wall?
1) Mucosa
2) Submucosa
3) Detrusor
4) Adventitia
Is bladder voiding parasympathetic or sympathetic?
Parasympathetic - S2-S4
Is bladder storage parasympathetic or sympathetic?
Sympathetic - T10-L2
Where in the brain is the hypothalamus located?
How many lobules are in each testis?
How many seminiferous tubules are found in each testis lobule?
Is contraction of the internal anal sphincter sympathetic or parasympathetic?
Sympathetic. Pelvic splanchnic nerves, S4
Is relaxation of the internal anal sphincter sympathetic or parasympathetic?
Parasympathetic. Pelvic splanchnic nerves, S4
How is the external anal sphincter innervated?
Inferior rectal branch of pudendal nerve and perineal branch of S4
What is meralgia paraesthetica?
Entrapment of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh
How are the ureters innervated?
What are the 3 layers of the ureter?
1) Adventitia
2) Smooth Muscle
3) Transitional Epithelium
How does the round ligament leave the pelvis?
Deep inguinal ring
What reinforces the inguinal canal posteriorly?
Conjoint tendon
What are the 3 cells types that make up the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA)?
1) Macula dense
2) Juxtaglomerular cells
3) Extraglomerular mesangial cells
What is the pelvic inlet angle?
60 degrees
Which vessels exit the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen?
Superior gluteal artery
Inferior gluteal artery
Internal pudendal artery
Which vessel exits the pelvis via the greater foramen and then re-enters through the lesser sciatic foramen?
Internal pudendal artery
What causes entrapment of the femoral nerve in pregnancy?
Fetal pressure in a difficult birth
What are the consequences of femoral nerve entrapment?
Sensory loss to the anterior thigh and knee
Quariceps weakness, loss of knee jerk
What causes entrapment of the lateral femoral cutaneous in pregnancy?
Pregnancy (in general)
What are the consequences of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve entrapment?
Sensory loss to the lateral thigh
What causes entrapment of the common peroneal nerve nerve in pregnancy?
Due to compression to the lateral head of fibula - occurs in leg bars
What are the consequences of common peroneal nerve nerve entrapment?
Sensory loss to the foot and anterolateral leg
What causes entrapment of the obturator nerve in pregnancy?
Compression between the head of the fetus and the bony structures of the pelvis
What are the consequences of obturator nerve entrapment?
Sensory loss to the upper medial thigh
Weakness to leg adduction
What separates the true and false pelvis?
Pelvic brim
What divides the pelvis into anterior and posterior compartments?
How many lobules in each testes?
Which ligaments attach the vagina and cervix to the pelvic wall?
Cardinal and uterosacral ligaments
What are the layers of detrusor?
Inner and outer layers of longitudinal smooth muscle with a middle circular smooth muscle layer
What is the contents of the superficial perineal pouch?
Ischiocavernosus muscle
Bulbospongiosus muscle
Superficial transverse perineal muscle
Crura of penis (males) / Crura of clitoris (females)
Bulb of penis (males) / Vestibular bulbs (females)
Greater vestibular glands (female)
What in another name for the conjoint tendon which reinforces the superficial inguinal ring posteriorly?
Falx inguinalis
If a urethra ruptures due to vigerous inflation of an incorrectly placed catheter, what space would the urine leak into?
Anterior abdominal wall and mons pubis
What are the 3 important branches of the pudendal nerve?
Perineal nerve
Dorsal clitoral nerve
Inferior rectal nerve
What are the nerve root origins of the inferior hypogastric plexus?
T10-12, L1-2
What are the superficial muscles of the perineum?
Superficial transverse perineal muscle
What is the nerve supply of the bladder?
Sympathetic - T10-L2
Parasympathetic - S2-S4
Which artery supplies the ureter?
Inferior vesical artery
What cells are located outside the blood-testis barrier?
What type of cells are Sertoli cells?
Tall columnar
What is the size of a resting follicle?
What is the size of a follicle ready to ovulate?