Anatomy Flashcards
What muscular structure encloses the abdominal cavity anterolaterally?
Abdominal Wall Muscles
What muscular structure lies superior to the abdominal cavity?
What muscular structure is continuous inferiorly to the abdominal cavity?
Pelvic Floor Muscles
What bony structure is posterior to the abdominal cavity?
Lumbar Vertebral Column
What word is used to describe organs completely covered in visceral peritoneum?
Give an example of an intraperitoneal organ?
Also Liver, bulb of the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, transverse colon, and sigmoid colon
What word describes organs partially covered with peritoneum?
Gve an example of a retroperitoneal organ?
(Also - SAD PUCKER! S = Suprarenal (adrenal) glands A = Aorta/Inferior Vena Cava D = Duodenum (second and third segments) P = Pancreas U = Ureters C = Colon (ascending and descending only) K = Kidneys E = Esophagus R = Rectum)
What are the openings in the diaphragm, and what structures pass through?
Caval opening (T8 - IVC) Oesophageal hiatus (T10) Aortic Hiatus (T12)
What is more inferior - the posterior or anterior surface of the diagram?
The posterior surface of the diaphragm lies more inferior
What two muscles comprise the Iliopsoas?
Psoas major
What deep abdominal muscle, commonly referred to as a back muscle, attaches to the 12th rib and the lumbar vertbrae?
Quadratus lumborum
Where is the linea alba?
Where the anterior abdominal wall muscles meet in the midline (a rathe)
What exists between the layers of peritoneum?
Peritoneal fluid (and potential space)
What type of peritoneum has pain sensation?
Parietal peritoneum
Where does the lesser omentum attach to?
Stomach and Liver
Where does the greater omentum attach to?
Stomach and Transverse Colon
Which parts of the intestine have a mesentery?
Small intestine Transverse Colon (Greater mesentery) Sigmoid Colon (Sigmoid mesocolon)
What ‘links’ the greater and lesser sac?
Epiploic foramen
What are the 9 quadrants of the abdomen?
R Hypochondriym, Epigastrium,
L Hypochondrium,
R Lumbar, Periumbilical,
L Lumbar, R Iliac Fossa, Hypogastrium, L Iliac Fossa
List some conditions affecting foregut structures
Peptic Ulcer/Gastric Disease
Biliary/Pancreatic Disease
Hepatic Disease
List some conditions affecting midgut structures
Small bowel obstruction,
‘Proximal’ colon cancer
List some conditions affecting hindgut structures
Large bowel obstruction
Diverticular disease
Carcinoma of colon
What are the three constrictions of the oesophagus?
Cervical, Thoracic (Crossed by arch of aorta), Diaphragmatic (Oesophageal Hiatus)
What lies in the triangle of calot?
Cystic artery
What surface landmark can be used to locate the fundus of the gallbladder?
9th costal cartilage (R side)
Is the spleen a mobile organ?
What surface landmark can be used to locate the spleen?
Ribs 9-11 (L side)
What is the vertebral origin of the celiac trunk?
What are the main branches of the celiac trunk?
Left gastric artery
Hepatic artery
Splenic artery
What structures make up the midgut?
The second part of the duodenum to proximal 2/3rds of the transverse colon
Which part of the duodenum receives the bile and pancreatic duct?
Second part of the duodenum
Which part of the small intestine has more vascularity - jejunum or ileum?
Which part of the small intestine has longer vasa recta - jejunum or ileum?
Which part of the small intestine has more peyer;s patches (lymphoid nodules) - jejunum or ileum?
What is the vertebral origin of the superior mesenteric artery?
What vein anteriorly cross the superior mesenteric artery?
Splenic vein
What structures make up the hindgut?
Distal third of the transverse colon -> Anal Canal
How can the large intestine be distinguished from the small intestine?
Omental Appedices
Teniae coli
What is the most common position of the appendix?
What is Macburney’s point?
Point of maximum tenderness in acute appendicitis
What is the vertebral origin of the inferior mesenteric artery?
What is the terminal branch of the inferior mesenteric artery?
Superior rectal artery
What is the vertebral origin of the recto-sigmoid junction?
Anterior to S3
What provides parasympathetic innervation to the andominal organs?
Vagus nerve (CNX) Pelvic splanchnic nerves (S2-4)
What provides sympathetic innervation to the andominal organs?
Abdominopelvic splanchnic nerves
(greater – T5-T9, lesser-T10-T11 and least –T12)
Preveretebral sympathetic ganglia
Abdominal aortic plexus
What two veins form the hepatic portal vein?
Splenic Vein
Superior Mesenteric Vein
List some sites of porto-systemic anastomoses
Anorectal junction
Gastroeosophageal junction
Around umbilicus
What conditions can arise at porto-systemic anastomoses as a result of portal onstruction?
Oesophageal varices
Caput Medusae
What are the three groups of lumbar lymph nodes?
Pre-aortic (celiac, superior and inferior mesenteric nodes),
Lateral aortic (Drains organs supplied by lateral aortic branches),
Retro-aortic (drains posterior wall)
What are the three oblique muscles that make up the lateral anterior abdominal wall?
External oblique,
Internal oblique,
Transverse Abdominus
What is the name of the line that marks the transition zone in the rectum from columnar epithelium to squamous, and marks the boundary of sensation?
Dentate line
What vertebral level does the oesophagus terminate?
What muscles produce oesophageal peristalsis?
Oesophageal circular muscles
What mediates both peristalsis of the oesophagus and relaxation of the LOS?
Vagus Nerve
What makes up the physiological LOS sphincter?
Striated muscle of right crus of diaphragm
What is the main microscopic difference between the mucosa of the small and large bowel?
The small bowel has villi
What does the inferior mesenteric vein drain into?
Splenic vein
What extracolonic structures are in contact with the right colon?
R Kidney
R ureter
R gonadal vessel
What extracolonic structures are in contact with the transverse colon?
What extracolonic structures are in contact with the left colon?
L Kidney
L ureter
L gonadal vessel