Anatomy Flashcards
Patient had improperly fitted axillary crutch and suffered
injury to a branch of the brachial plexus. Which is the most likely finding?
A. Weakness of arm abduction B. Hand of benediction C. Ape hand D. Cyclist palsy E. Weakness in extending the forearm and wristdrop
The affected nerve with improperly fitted crutches
is the radial nerve. Yes, the first impulse for this
question is to think axillary nerve is the answer
because it’s an axillary crutch. BUT THAT’S
WRONG. The correct answer is radial nerve!
The axillary nerve, with the posterior humeral
circumflex artery actually courses much higher
posteriorly via the quadrangular space.
The radial nerve, along with the deep brachial
artery courses posteriorly via the triangular
interval and is more susceptible to injury from the
Weakness of arm abduction - axillary nerve
Hand of benediction – Median nerve
Ape hand – median nerve
Cyclist palsy – ulnar nerve
Weakness in extending the forearm – radial nerve
Source: Topnotch handout and pearls in anatomy
Which of the following is not involved in the transmission of weight while standing?
A. Sacrum B. Pelvis C. Femur D. Tibia E. Fibula
The fibula is just a bone for anchoring muscles. In
fact, it’s so insignificant, you can use it for bone
grafting! The part used for grafting is the middle
third because this contains the nutrient artery.
Source: Moore Clinically oriented anatomy 4th ed Chapter 5 (Ebook)
Which is the equivalent layer of the Deep investing fascia of the abdomen in the perineum?
A. Colles’ fascia B. Gallaudet’s fascia C. Scarpa’s fascia D. Dartos fascia E. Buck’s fascia
Abdomen (superficial to deep)
Camper’s fascia (fatty superficial layer)
Scarpa’s fascia (membranous superficial layer)
Deep investing fascia
Perineum (superficial to deep)
Fatty superficial layer
Colles’ fascia (membranous superficial layer)
Gallaudet’s fascia/investing fascia
Penis (superficial to deep)
Dartos muscle
Dartos fascia
Buck’s fascia
Source: Moore Clinically oriented anatomy 4th ed
Chapter 2 and 3 (Ebook)
Which of the following is false of the Greater pelvis?
A. Obstetric significance B. Lies above the linea terminales C. Pelvis major D. False pelvis E. None of the above
Lesser pelvis (true pelvis, pelvis minor) – below the arcuate line, obstetric significance
Source: Moore Clinically oriented anatomy 4th ed Chapter 3 (Ebook)
What is the shape of the left adrenal gland?
A. Triangular B. Kidney C. Crescent D. Oval E. Round
Left crescent, Right triangle
For those who are math geeks, my mnemonic is
“right triangle” (a triangle with a right angle in it)
Source: Moore Clinically oriented anatomy 4th ed Chapter 2 (Ebook)
Which of the following cartilages is pyramidal in shape?
A. Epiglottis B. Arytenoid C. Corniculate D. Cuneiform E. Thyroid
Arytenoid: 3 sided pyramid
Apex superiorly – bears corniculate cartilage and
attaches to aryepiglottic fold
Vocal process anteriorly – posterior attachement
for vocal cord
Muscular process laterally – attachment for
posterior and lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
Base: cricoarytenoid joint
Source: Moore Clinically oriented anatomy 4th ed Chapter 8 (Ebook)
Which of the following is not true of the quadrangular
A. Extends from the lateral aspects of the arytenoid and
epiglottic cartilage
B. The aryepiglottic ligament/fold forms the free superior
C. The vestibular ligament/fold forms the free inferior
D. The vestibular fold forms the false vocal cord
E. None of the above
The vestibular ligament forms the inferior border
of the quadrangular membrane.
Source: Moore Clinically oriented anatomy 4th ed Chapter 8 (Ebook)
What do you call the junction where the nasal bones and frontal bones meet?
A. Inion B. Rhinion C. Glabella D. Nasion E. Pterion
Source: Moore Clinically oriented anatomy 4th ed Chapter 7 (Ebook)
FSH is secreted by which type of cell in the pituitary gland?
A. Acidophils B. Basophils C. Chromophobes D. Supraoptic nuclei E. Paraventricular nuclei
Acidophils – Growth hormone, prolactin Basophils – FSH, LH, TSH, ACTH Supraoptic nuclei – Vasopressin mainly Paraventricular nuclei – Oxytocin mainly Source: Topnotch
A trauma patient suffers a tear at the junction of the SVC and the right atrium. This tear would likely damage the:
A. SA node B. AV node C. AV bundle D. Right bundle branch E. Left bundle branch
The SA node is located in the right atrium at the
junction where it is joined by the SVC.
Source: Moore Clinically oriented anatomy 4th ed Chapter 1 (Ebook
The lowest level of the lung on end expiration at the
midaxillary line is?
A. 6th intercostal space B. 7th intercostal space C. 8th intercostal space D. 9th intercostal space E. 10th intercostal space
Lungs – 6-8-10
Pleura – 8-10-12
Source: Topnotch handout on anatomy
While doing a spinal tap, which describes the most accurate sequence of layers from the skin to the subarachnoid space?
A. Skin, interspinous ligament, dura mater, subarachnoid
B. Skin, supraspinous ligament, interspinous ligament,
posterior longitudinal ligament, dura mater, subarachnoid
C. Skin, supraspinous ligament, interspinous ligament, dura
mater, subarachnoid space
D. Skin supraspinous ligament, intertransverse ligament,
arachnoid space, subarachnoid space
E. Skin, interspinous ligament, anterior longitudinal
ligament, dura mater, subarachnoid space
Source: Topnotch handout on anatomy
A 5-year-old male presented with painless testicular mass. If the mass proved to be a malignancy, the earliest affected lymph nodes would be:
A. Lumbar (aortic) lymph nodes B. Inferior mesenteric nodes C. Deep inguinal nodes D. Common iliac nodes E. Superficial inguinal nodes
Tumor cells from the gonads that metastasize
through the lymphatics metastasize to the lumbar
nodes initially. Remember that the origin of the
gonadal arteries is the aorta, therefore the
lymphatics will also course similarly.
Source: Moore Clinically oriented anatomy 4th ed Chapter 2 (Ebook)
A surgeon is about to make an incision through the fundus of the stomach, which of the following requires clamping to prevent bleeding?
A. Right gastric artery B. Left gastric artery C. Right gastroomental artery D. Left gastroomental artery E. Short gastric artery
Lesser curvature – right and left gastric artery
Greater curvature – right and left gastroomental
Fundus – short gastric artery
Source: Moore Clinically oriented anatomy 4th ed Chapter 2 (Ebook)
A surgeon is about to perform cholecystectomy. The
gallbladder can be localized in its fossa between which 2 anatomical lobes?
A. Quadrate and left lobes B. Quadrate and caudate lobes C. Right and quadrate lobes D. Caudate and right lobes E. Caudate and left lobes
Source: Moore Clinically oriented anatomy 4th ed Chapter 2 (Ebook)
The right pulmonary artery:
A. Are 2 in number B. Are 4 in number C. Courses posterior to the ascending aorta and the SVC D. B and C E. None of the above
There are 2 pulmonary arteries – 1 right and 1 left.
There are 4 pulmonary veins.
The right pulmonary artery courses posterior to
the ascending aorta and SVC!
Source: Moore Clinically oriented anatomy 4th ed Chapter 1 (Ebook)
What happens in May-Thurner syndrome?
A. The aorta compresses the IVC
B. The left common iliac vein is compressed by the left
common iliac artery
C. The right common iliac vein is compressed by the right
common iliac artery
D. The left common iliac vein is compressed by the right
common iliac artery
E. The right common iliac vein is compressed by the left
common iliac artery
This condition predisposes to Deep vein
Which of the following is a syndesmosis?
A. Interosseus membrane B. Gomphosis C. Distal tibiofibular joint D. A and B E. All of the above
Source: Topnotch handout on anatomy
Kiesselbach’s plexus is vascular anastomosis on the anterior part of the nose. Juan dela Cruz damaged this plexus while picking his nose. Which of the following is least likely to contribute to the epistaxis?
A. Ophthalmic artery B. Maxillary artery C. Mandibular artery D. Facial artery E. Ethmoidal artery
Arterial supply
Sphenopalatine artery (Maxillary artery)
Anterior and posterior ethmoidal artery
(ophthalmic artery branch)
Greater palatine artery (Maxillary artery)
Superior labial artery and lateral nasal branches of
the facial artery
Source: Moore Clinically oriented anatomy 4th ed Chapter 7 (Ebook)
Which of the following is has a brush border lining its lumen?
A. Small intestine B. Proximal convoluted tubule C. Distal convoluted tubule D. A and B E. All of the above
The brush border differentiates the proximal from
the distal convoluted tubule.
Source: Topnotch handout on anatomy
The inner ear is housed within which bone?
A. Temporal B. Sphenoid C. Ethmoid D. Maxillary E. Zygomatic
CONCEPT/PRINCIPLE. A few ENT questions were
present in our Anatomy exam, and were generally
tougher than the anatomy questions.
Which type of pelvis presents with a larger AP diameter
compared to the transverse diameter?
A. Gynecoid B. Android C. Anthropoid D. Platypelloid E. Arthropod
diameter>transverse; Platypelloid
(“flatypelloid”)=transverse diameter>AP diameter.
Both came out in 2 seaparate questions during our
Anatomy exam.
Correct boundaries of the greater sciatic foramen except:
A. anterolaterally by the greater sciatic notch
B. posteromedially by the sacrotuberous ligament
C. inferiorly by the sacrospinous ligament and ischial spine
D. inferolaterally by the piriformis muscle
E. superiorly by the anterior sacroilliac ligament
CONCEPT/PRINCIPLE. The piriformis muscle
divides the greater sciatic foramen into a
suprapiriform and infrapiriform foramen. There
were about 3 questions about the greater sciatic
notch in our Anatomy exam. Expect a few difficult
questions about pelvic anatamy
Secretes surfactant in the lung:
A. Type I alveolar B. Type II alveolar cells C. Kulchitsky cells D. Clara cells E. B, C, D are correct.
CONCEPT/PRINCIPLE. The few histology
questions asked during our anatomy exam were
generally easy.
A 63 year-old male smoker develops an apical sulcus tumor that compresses the brachial plexus and cervical stellate ganglion. This may lead to:
A. Pancoast syndrome B. Superior vena cava syndrome C. Horner's syndrome D. Thoracic outlet syndrome E. Thoracic inlet syndrome
CONCEPT/PRINCIPLE. Thoracic outlet and inlet
syndrome generally pertain to the same thing.
Horner syndrome involves the cervical
sympathetic trunk. 2 questions about this topic in
our Anatomy exam.
To pass a needle into the pleural space in the midaxillary line, the following structures will have to be pierced except?
A. Internal intercostals B. Levatores costarum C. External intercostals D. Parietal pleura E. Innermost intercostals
On percussing the anterior chest of a patient, you find the right margin of the heart to lie 5 cm to right of the edge of the sternum. Which chamber of the heart is likely to be enlarged?
A. left ventricle B. left atrium C. right ventricle D. right atrium E. both ventricles
The right border of the heart is formed by the
right atrium. Inferior border is mostly the right
ventricle with the apex of the left ventricle
The following structures form the walls of the inguinal canal except?
A. Conjoint tendon B. Aponeurosis of external obliique muscle C. Internal oblique muscle D. Lacunar ligament E. Fascia transversalis
To pass a needle into the cavity of the tunica vaginalis in the scrotum, the following structures have to be pierced except?
A. Dartos muscle B. Colles' fascia C. Tunica albuginea D. Internal spermatic fascia E. Cremasteric fascia
CONCEPT/PRINCIPLE. The tunica albuginea is the
fibrous covering of the testis. There were also
other questions about Colles’s and Scarpa’s fascia.
The hilum of the right kidney contains the following
important structures except?
A. Renal pelvis B. Tributaries of right renal vein C. Sympathetic nerve fibers D. Part of the right suprarenal gland E. Branches of the right renal artery
The right suprarenal adrenal gland does not
extend downward to the hilum of the right kidney.
A 53-year-old man has difficulty with breathing through his nose. On examination, his physician finds that he has
swelling of the mucous membranes of the superior nasal meatus. Which opening of the paranasal sinuses is most
likely plugged?
A. Middle ethmoidal sinus B. Maxillary sinus C. Posterior ethmoidal sinus D. Anterior ethmoidal sinus E. Frontal sinus
The posterior ethmoidal sinus opens into the
superior nasal meatus. The maxillary, frontal, and
anterior and middle ethmoidal sinuses drain into
the middle nasal meatus.
An oncologist is reviewing a CT scan of a 74-year-old man with newly diagnosed hepatocellular carcinoma. He locates the affected quadrate lobe of the liver that:
A. Lies between the IVC and ligamentum venosum
B. Receives blood from the right hepatic artery
C. Drains bile into the left hepatic duct
D. Is a medial superior segment
E. Is functionally a part of the right lobe
The quadrate lobe of the liver drains bile into the
left hepatic duct and receives blood from the left
hepatic artery. It lies between the gallbladder
fossa and the ligamentum teres hepatic, is a medial
inferior segment, and is a part of the left lobe.
In a patient with portal hypertension, which of the following veins is most likely to be dilated?
A. Right colic vein B. Inferior epigastric vein C. Inferior phrenic vein D. Suprarenal vein E. Ovarian vein
The right colic vein belongs to the portal venous
system and empties into the superior mesenteric
vein, which joins the splenic vein to form the
portal vein. The inferior epigastric,
inferior phrenic, suprarenal, and ovarian veins
belong to the systemic (or caval) venous system
and drain directly or indirectly into the IVC.
A 2-year-old boy presents with pain in his groin that has
been increasing over the past few weeks. He is found to have a degenerative malformation of the transversalis fascia during development. Which of the following structures on the anterior abdominal wall is likely defective?
A. Superficial inguinal ring B. Deep inguinal ring C. Inguinal ligament D. Sac of a direct inguinal hernia E. Anterior wall of the inguinal canal
The deep inguinal ring lies in the transversalis
fascia, just lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels.
The superficial inguinal ring is in the aponeurosis
of the external oblique muscle. The inguinal
ligament and the anterior wall of the inguinal
canal are formed by the aponeurosis of the
external oblique muscle. The sac of a direct
inguinal hernia is formed by the peritoneum.
A pediatric surgeon is resecting a possible malignant mass from the liver of a neonate with cerebral palsy. The surgeon divides the round ligament of the liver during surgery. A fibrous remnant of which of the following fetal vessels is severed?
A. Ductus venosus B. Ductus arteriosus C. Left umbilical vein D. Right umbilical vein E. Umbilical artery
The left umbilical vein becomes the round
ligament of the liver after birth. The right
umbilical vein does not leave a fibrous remnant
because it degenerates during the early embryonic
period. The ductus venosus forms the ligamentum
venosum; the ductus arteriosus forms the
ligamentum arteriosum; the umbilical artery
forms the medial umbilical
A 33-year-old patient is suffering from a sudden occlusion at the origin of the descending (thoracic) aorta. This condition would most likely decrease blood flow in which of the following intercostal arteries?
A. Upper six anterior B. All of the posterior C. Upper two posterior D. Lower anterior E. Lower six posterior
The first two posterior intercostal arteries are
branches of the highest (superior) intercostal
artery of the costocervical trunk; the remaining
nine branches are from the thoracic aorta. The
internal thoracic artery gives off the upper six
anterior intercostal arteries and is divided into the
superior epigastric and musculophrenic arteries,
which gives off anterior intercostal arteries in the
7th, 8th, and 9th intercostal spaces and ends in the
10th intercostal space where it anastomoses with
the deep circumflex iliac artery.
The following statements concerning the left suprarenal
gland are correct except?
A. The gland extends along the medial border of the left kidney from the upper pole to the hilus.
B. The left suprarenal vein drains into the left renal vein.
C. The gland is separated from the left kidney by perirenal fat.
D. The gland lies behind the lesser sac.
E. The medulla is innervated by post-ganglionic
sympathetic nerve fibers
The medulla is innervated by preganglionic
sympathetic fibers.
A thoracic surgeon removed the right middle lobar bronchus along with lung tissue from a 57-year-old heavy smoker with lung cancer. Which of the following bronchopulmonary segments must contain cancerous tissues?
A. Medial and lateral B. Anterior and posterior C. Anterior basal and medial basal D. Anterior basal and posterior basal E. Lateral basal and posterior basal
The right middle lobar (secondary) bronchus
leads to the medial and lateral bronchopulmonary
segments. The right superior lobar bronchus
divides into the superior, posterior, and anterior
segmental (tertiary) bronchi. The right inferior
lobar bronchus has the anterior, lateral, posterior,
and anterior segmental bronchi.
A 19-year-old man came to the emergency department, and his angiogram exhibited that he was bleeding from the vein that is accompanied by the posterior interventricular artery. Which of the following veins is most likely to be ruptured?
A. Great cardiac vein B. Middle cardiac vein C. Anterior cardiac vein D. Small cardiac vein E. Oblique veins of the left atrium
The middle cardiac vein ascends in the posterior
interventricular groove, accompanied by the
posterior interventricular branch of the right
coronary artery. The great cardiac vein is
accompanied by the anterior interventricular
artery, the anterior cardiac vein drains directly
into the right atrium, and the small cardiac vein is
accompanied by the marginal artery.
After an automobile accident, a back muscle that forms the boundaries of the triangle of auscultation and the lumbar triangle receives no blood. Which of the following muscles might be ischemic?
A. Levator scapulae B. Rhomboid minor C. Latissimus dorsi D. Trapezius E. Splenius capitis
The latissimus dorsi forms boundaries of the
auscultation and lumbar triangles and receives
blood from the thoracodorsal artery. The levator
scapulae, rhomboid minor, and splenius capitis
muscles do not form boundaries of these two
triangles. The trapezius muscle forms a boundary
of the auscultation triangle but not the lumbar
triangle. The levator scapulae, rhomboid minor,
and trapezius muscles receive blood from the
transverse cervical artery. The splenius capitis
muscle receives blood from the occipital and
transverse cervical arteries.